
chapter 6: Sparring With ???






From the back of Madara, that's look like a syringe tail, the tip of it is getting wider and something is coming out...

*qwishk* *plop*

' 1 '

*qwishk* *Plop*

' 2 '

*qwishk* *Plop*

' 3 '

*qwishk* *Plop*

' 4 '

*qwishk* *Plop*

' 5 '

A total of five(5) looking Madara came out of his back but with a different color...

""""" father """""- the five creatures that look like Madara said in unison, then look at each others for thinking to themselves why are they copying one another.



Did they just call me, fa-father?! No, I will not acknowledge them as a children of mine, i will only call them my child if they came from my parter's or spouse's. But I will not treat them indifferently, but as a subordinates and kin of mine.

Me: " Ehem" " Don't call me father. Though, you guys come out from me, just call me Master or Lord instead. Now, you guys are the guardian of my soon to build race. I will call you the *Guardian Cell* , UNDERSTOOD?!"

3 of the Guardian Cell: """ Yes, Master """

2 of the Guardian Cell: "" Yes, my Lord ""

That should do it

Me: "Now, GET READY TO FIGHT ME! Even though each one of you is at least has 55% of my power. There still a big gap! NOW, SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT, GUARDIAN CELLS!"


Meanwhile, at the heaven temple or lookout of the planet Earth, Kami and Popo can't believe what they just witnessed. They saw something horrible creature that come out of Madara that look like him but in chibi form.

Popo: " My Go-, I mean, My Kami!! They are more of them now, even though they are in their chibi, they are by no means a lot weaker than the original and can easily kill us!!"

Kami: " I th- think, I'm gonna die soon!"

After Kami said that, he fainted and collapsed to the ground.

Popo: " my KAMIIIII!!"

( Kami = Lord )








After an hours of fighting, you can clearly see what just happened by just looking at the surrounding that are wreck and completely deformed land. The only one left in the forest is the traning hall that Madara build, no trees, no mountain even a cloud can't be seen. The whole planet also felt a constant tremors cause by the battle that just occurred.






Outside the training hall, you can only hear gasping and panting.







Each one of the Guardian Cell fell in their knees after Madara said those words. You can clearly see the result of the battle, and the Guardian Cells took more beating from Madara. Though, he himself is not in a good shape, he and the others can just heal themselves in the fight but chose not to.

Madara told them not to use healing or regeneration to fully use their zenkai boost. At first Madara is still thinking twice weather to abuse the zenkai boost to gain more power, maybe because of his saiyan part. But in the end, he chose to do so because there is more powerful being that will appear in the future. And also to confirm whether the theory he got from one of fanfic novel that he read in his past life is true or false, but fortunately it is true.

The formula of his theory on how the zenkai boost is working are DAMAGE TAKEN x TREAT LEVEL x POTENTIAL OF THE FIGHTER or ( D • T • P ).

As a Perfect Cell and Buu's abilities to potentially learn in instant, his potential is through the roof as well as the Guardian Cells and his future kin and offspring.

If before, his power lvl is estimated 12,000,000,000 in Perfect Cell's body, not counting the boost he get from getting all Buu's abilities that estimated 1/6 of Majin Buu's over all power lvl and that is 5, 875, 000, 000.

His total power level before gaining zenkai boost is 17, 875, 000, 000.

After he heals and use regeneration, the zenkai boost he gain is 1/3 of his overall power lvl or estimated 5.95B.

Now he has estimated 23.85B power lvl!

( full power Perfect Cell= 12B + Buu= 5. 9B + Zenkai Boost= 5.95B, Total of: 23.85B PL )

While the Guardian Cell had estimated 9.8B power lvl before, but after the gained zenkai boost that is 2/5 their power lvl or 3.2B PL.

Now, their estimated power lvl is 13B

( Guardian Cell is 55% of Madara's power lvl without zenkai boost= 9.8B + Zenkai Boost= 3.2B, Total of: 13B)




After catching our breath and use our ability to heal and regenerate our body, we gained big power boost thanks to zenkai theory that i read. Even though our body is back to its peak, we can't heal our mental fatigue.

That spar was one heck of a battle. In that fight i realized that not only power is needed but also experience. My experience that i gain from Super Perfect Cell is still lacking even though my muscles and body know what to do.

I guess that Former Cell can keep up with Super Saiyan 1 Full power Goku and defeat him was because of his eyesight, tough body and overwhelming power level, though still lack experience.

Now that i think about it, Cell in DBZ is just a child with a mind of an adult, but in the end he is just new born being with program in his head.

Foror now, before i make my next move, i should rest first to heal my mental fatigue from the fight.

Me: "Now, Guardians, Let rest first for days before moving to our next goal!"

Guard Cells: """"" Yes, Master/ my Lord"""""

-End of POV-


I should make our base here other than the training hall. Let me use my *Materialization* and *Psycho Crash*.




-Chapter end-