
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 11: The Four Divas

As expected of Kawakami water, it was a hit. Especially in western countries.

There was a steady supply from Japan now. And Ronin exploited supply and demand to the maximum.

Rich people bought it like hotcakes, especially because it was just water that could make you drunk.

But it had the mouthfeel of alcohol due to the ki in it and it was basically sake.

Not only that, it had an exquisite taste. Having a subtle sweetness to it. The water also has a refreshing and revitalizing feel to it.

So Ronin's capitalist journey with Akasuki and Kimiyo continued. Mikado even thought that they might be able to surpass Kuki corp. in due time.

But that was just another big event. Currently, Mikado was in seiza in front of Tsubone and the Kuki siblings looked at him with contempt.

"Chichi-ue... Not only with anigami, but you also had another affair?" Hideo raised a brow at Mikado.

The man wanted to cry out that it was just one time. But that would paint him in a worse light.

"Sorry, Tsubone... Please forgive me again!" Mikado clapped his hands and he closed his eyes tightly.

This time though, Tsubone was furious of him and Ageha couldn't believe that he would really cheat on their mother.

"It was a mistake, I promise!" Mikado begged and Tsubone just stared at him coldly.

"Just like with me?" Ronin added fuel to the fire so he could get back at the flippant bastard.

Mikado glared at him and gestured for him to shut the fuck up.

"Oh my, Mikado-sama is so clumsy. Committing the same mistake twice, hohoho." Miyo added her two cents and Mikado got depressed.

He looked like a cheating bastard that does it all the time when he just did it once. Though he is a cheating bastard.

"Goodness me, please be more careful with your so called mistakes in the future, Mikado-sama." Aka advised.

Hideo nodded solemnly and Ageha didn't know if she should laugh or not. Because Mikado was having a terrible time.

"Where's the child." Tsubone said coldly and Mikado winced.

"She's in Okinawa, but she should be en route to Kawakami." Mikado answered with a strained face.

"You even left a child..." Tsubone looked hurt and Mikado saw it. So he groveled on the ground.

"Forgive me Tsubone, I promise you. It was due to a drunken stupor. Don't hate Monshiro for it. Her mother even hid her until she died." Mikado asked for forgiveness sincerely.

Yet he won't budge about taking in his youngest daughter; Kuki Monshiro.

"Fine, bring her here... But I won't be happy with it. And this isn't over Mikado." Tsubone left and Ronin sighed.

"You messed up old man." Ronin reminded him and Mikado rolled his eyes.

"I get it, I did mess up. Stop rubbbing it on my face." Mikado released a deep sigh.

"Well, you should've kept it in your pants." Hume commented and he had a shit eating grin.

"Even my servants are ridiculing me. Damn, why did I have to drink a lot that night?" Mikado ruffled his hair in regret.

"Intoxication is just an excuse." Aka huffed and the others nodded.

"She got you there Mikado-sama." Claudio shook his head in disapproval at Mikado's infidelity.

"Kick a man while he's down, yeah?" Mikado got depressed and he thought of ways to pacify Tsubone.

"Just keep at it, Tsubone will give you a chance." Ronin advised.

"Umu! Haha-ue has a big heart. But we do not know if she will forgive you twice." Hideo pointed at Ronin and he shrugged.

"What he said." Ronin mused and Mikado nodded. "Well, as a man. I just have to face my misgivings."

"Give her some time." Miyo saw that he was about to chase her. But that would be a bad idea. She needed to cool down first.

"I'll make sure that Monshiro will be welcomed here." Ronin rubbed his temples at Mikado's fuck up.

"Ohh! Thank you!" Mikado thanked him seriously and he scuttled along to do whatever he needs to do.

"We will also make sure that Monshiro does not feel left out." Ageha nodded at him and Hideo concurred.

"Kuahahaha! An imo? We will not be the youngest any longer." Hideo was pleased to have a younger sister.

She doesn't have any fault after all, it was all Mikado's fault. So they don't have any misgivings with Monshiro.

"Good." Ronin thought that they were raised really well. And they are logical, even though Hideo was a bit eccentric.

"Kyaaah! Hideo-sama, you're so magnanimous!" Hideo's personal maid; Azumi cheered for him. (Pic)

But make no mistake, she is a trained kunoichi that was a part of the special forces.

Her small build and cute face hides a cold blooded assassin.

"Really?" Miyo was perplexed about Azumi's tastes. After all, Ronin was the coolest.

"What? Got a problem?" Azumi raised a brow and Aka sighed.

"Leave her be, Miyo. Love is one hell of a drug." Aka shook her head wistfully.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with Hideo. Though they are right, anigimi is right here. So why did she gun for Hideo? And she's older than me by a decade too." Ageha was confused.

"Well, she did got saved by Hideo. Tackling her when a grenade thrown by a terrorist caught her by surprise." Ronin shrugged.

"Well, that can do it." The twins put a close to that.

"Fuck, why are you guys even talking about Azumi's love life, she'll die a virgin! Hahaha!" A blonde woman laughed. (Pic)

"I'll kill you, Stacy Connor." Azumi took out some kunai and she brandished them.

"Die... Alex died a virgin too, he was excited to get a girlfriend when he came back from Afghanistan." Stacy suddenly started mumbling and her PTSD manifested as depression.

"Stacy, snap out of it." Ronin rubbed her back gently and she suddenly broke out of her daze.

"Thanks, Ronin-sama." Stacy thanked him and Azumi huffed.

"Shut up Stacy, you're also a fucking virgin." Azumi glared at her.

"Rock! What's wrong with being a virgin? Hideo-sama won't look at you, he loves Kazuko." Stacy grinned at her.

"Geh... What does Hideo-sama even see in that puppy-like kid?" Azumi's expression turned sour.

"Because she's hard working and cute? Love's one hell of a drug." Ronin commented.

"Speaking of Kazuko, don't you need to fight Momo, Ageha?" Aka reminded her.

"Ohh, right. Thank you for reminding us. Anigimi, will you cheer for me?" Ageha asked of him with a smile.

"Sure, let's go." Ronin nodded and they travelled to Kawakami temple for an official match.

In Kawakami, there are four individuals that are called the big four. Or the four empresses of martial arts that are under 25.

And the Kawakami temple officiated their matches. Ranking them in strength.

Currently the members are Kawakami Momoyo of the north.

Kuki Ageha of the south, Otome Kurogane of the east, and Takae Tachibana of the west.

The latter was considered the weakest. And Kurogane was on par with Azumi who was climbing up the rankings in the servant corp.

Though there were two blockades at the top, the heavenly gemini; Akasuki and Kimiyo.

They arrived at the Kawakami temple and they saw a blue haired girl wearing a martial arts attire. And Tachibana was wearing a pale yellow vest, she had ashen hair and she could pass for a Kuki. (Pics)

"Welcome, o brave warriors. Today, we will be hosting a battle of wits, might, and will!" Tesshin announced.

"Master sure knows how to hype a crowd." Ronin whistled.

"The first battle will be betwen the fourth spot and the third! Takae Tachibana and Otome Kurogane!" Tesshin called them.

The two went to the center of the training area of the temple.

Tachibana started skipping lightly and the trio concluded that she was the speed type due to her light steps.

Meanwhile, Kurogane held a katana and was prepared to slash.

"Begin!" Tachibana zipped around to disorient Kurogane. But the blue haired fighter was focused.

"This is already over." Ronin lost interest and he knew who would win.

"Yeah, Tachibana is in a disadvantage against those kinds of ambush types. She must be preparing an iaido." Ageha commented.

And when Tachibana went in for a strike, everything went still. Kurogane kneeled as she was hit in the solar plexus with a lightning quick punch.

But Tesshin announced the match, surprising the peanut gallery on who was the winner. "Sousha! Otome Kurogane!" Tesshin stepped in and he caught Tachibana who lost consciousness.

"I can't fight after that." Kurogane's ribs were also hurting and she can't breathe properly due to the distribution of force on her torso.

"Next! The diva of the north! Momoyo! Against Kuki Ageha of the south!" Tesshin called on the two.

"Cheer for us, anigimi." Ageha smiled at Ronin and Momoyo pouted.

"You'll cheer for me right? Ronin? After all what we've been through~" Momo tried teasing him.

But he just had a stone cold face on. "Ready? Ageha-san?" Momoyo smiled at her and her battle intent was burning.

"We were born prepared, Momoyo." Ageha went into her stance. "Begin!" Tesshin shouted and Momo as expected; charged in first.

At first, Momoyo and Ageha were more evenly matched back in the past.

But now, Momoyo was improving leaps and bounds. Her natural talent and heaven sent body was overtaking Ageha.

So she had to rely on a reactive fighting style. "Kawakami style: Mountain cleaver!" Momoyo jumped in the air and she went for an axe kick.

Ageha sidestepped the attack. And the ground erupted, revealing a scar on the training area.

"Your strength is as ridiculous as ever, Momoyo. But you are still too predictable!" Ageha countered with an uppercut after she dodged.

Momoyo saw it though and she blocked it. But the force sent her backwards.

"We're just getting started, Ageha-san." Momoyo grinned.

"Aka, Miyo, Momoyo prefers a lunge with her left and releasing a hook with her right." Ronin shamelessly supported Ageha.

People looked at him and Momoyo even glared at him. "What? I'm just discussing here with my friends." He shrugged.

'His face is as thick as the earth's crust.' Tesshin sighed at the blatant bias.

"Senpai..." The Kazama family who were there to cheer on Momoyo deadpanned at him.

"Nee-sama! Don't worry! Beat Ageha-san!" Kazuko cheered and Momoyo squinted her eyes at Ronin.

"You and me will have a talk later." Momoyo wanted to beat him up.

"You're open!" Ageha thought that distractions has no room in a fight and she attacked.

A kick that emitted a shockwave hit Momoyo right on her left thigh.

"Gah! That hurt, Ageha-san." Momoyo caught her leg though and Momoyo gave a her a front kick that sent her flying.

"A good hit, Momoyo." Ageha dusted herself off. But she was in a worse condition than Momoyo who hit her on the solar plexus.

"Come! Kawakami style: Ascending dragon!" Momoyo lunged at Ageha and she crouched down.

Like a spring, Momoyo released an uppercut and Ageha thought fast. She used all her body weight for an elbow drop and their limbs collided.

Momoyo's fist hurted like a bitch, but she was able to get near.

"You are in my range of divination! Kawakami secret technique: Thousand hornets!" Momoyo went into her stance and her fingetips lit up with ki.

"This is bad!" Ageha was alarmed and Momoyo started jabbing her with her fingers and Ageha used her dodging training with Ronin to the maximum.

She then jumped away before Momoyo could truly deal lasting damage on her. But her arms were shaking due to the ki infused hits.

"I will respond in kind!" Ageha saw an opening as Momoyo was bolted on the ground.

As she was falling down she spun in the air. "Lunar phase!" Ageha released a revolving axe kick and Momoyo blocked it with her arms.

Her forearms creaked and the ground beneath her cratered from the force.

"I'm not done! Beast uppercut!" Ageha took the opportunity and she released a devastating uppercut at Momoyo's chin that lifted her up.

And she finished it up with an onslaught of kicks while Momoyo was in midair.

Ageha performed a hook kick, roundhouse, and finished it with a jumping front kick.

"Nee-sama!" Kazuko cried out as Momoyo soared into the air and she looked like she was unconscious.

"Hah, hah, how was that?" Ageha was panting and the encroaching ki in her arms made them really hard to move now.

"It was a good fight Ageha." Ronin sighed and the twins nodded.

"She had explosiveness and her combo was quite good. But it isn't enough against people like Momoyo." Aka shook her head.

"Well, it was a nice fight at least." Miyo shrugged.

Momoyo started to get enveloped by ki and she healed up the damage.

"Tch, you are such a cheat. Momoyo." Ageha clicked her tongue. She didn't have a chance in the first place.

"You're strong Ageha-san, but you will have to do better than that." Momoyo looked at the twins and Ronin who haven't fought her for years.

"Kawakami secret art: Starfall!" Momoyo jumped in the air and she went for a flying kick once she started descending.

Her leg was coated in golden ki and Ageha smiled. "I didn't have a chance, Momoyo."

Before Tesshin could stop Momoyo, Ronin moved and she caught her leg. His arm was glowing a brilliant, royal blue.

"That would be a big no, no, Momoyo. Ageha can't be injured too much." Ronin then carried her, surprising Momoyo.

"Wha? First, you cheat. Then, you intefere." Momoyo huffed at him.

He then put her down from the princess carry and Ronin carried Ageha who was exhausted.

"A... Anigimi." Ageha blushed in embarrassment as he carried her while there was a crowd.

"Shh, I'll take you to the infirmary." Ronin shushed her.

"Winner! Kawakami Momoyo!" Tesshin announced, but Momoyo wasn't happy at all.

She stared at Ronin and Ageha with a burning gaze.

"Kuu! I'm so jealous... I mean, that was a good fight, Ageha-senpai." Miyako commented.

"Why does he have to take the spotlight? And why does senpai look so cool while doing it?" Gakuto cried due to the injustice as fangirls screamed in delight at Ronin's display.

"Well, it seems that senpai is still hiding his strength." Yamato rubbed his chin.

"Crazy, I thought that we would have to run away after Momo-senpai's attack!" Capt was still starstruck by the fight.

"I don't know about you guys, but that was really close." Moro was still shaking like a leaf. He was lanky after all. He was sure that he would be blown away.

"As expected of the sovereign." Shakadou smirked, watching in the sidelines with the Itagaki siblings.

"Ahhh, boss Ronin is really strong. He cooks good food to die for too~" Tatsuko said dreamily.

"Yeah, he's rich, strong, and handsome. The perfect package!" Ami licked her lips.

"He can give me all the games I want!" Angel smirked.

"Shut up, can't you see his thick ki? How he was able to manifest it within a split second?" Shakadou tried to give them a lesson, but they were preoccupied with other things.

"Shut up, Shakadou-sensei. You're old, so you focus on those things. Boss Ronin is a steal!" Angel rebutted and the other two nodded.

"You little prick." Shakadou hit them on the head and they couldn't see it coming.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.