
Prakriti & Mother's Blessing!(2)

प्रकृतिस्य दृष्टिकोणः / Nature's Point Of View,

Ayushman Bhava kids,

I am Prakriti, the manager of this whole universe and the first child of Maa Shakti.

Some of you might be angry at me for your misfortune. Thinking that I had ruined your lives by giving problems after problems. But, it's the half-truth. 

What I want is balance in everything whether it's about energy or life. The obstacles prepared by me are your challenges to hone your body and spirit and guide you on the road of evolution.

Furthermore, It is not because I envy your happiness. Neither I am sadist nor I will. Your happiness and sadness depends on your own will. In this vast world, I am your teacher and guide while you are my lovely pupils. What I want is your development not your destruction. Some of my disciples learned their lessons and some failed.

The passed ones became great personalities revered by the masses and those who failed, cursed me. Many of you are still polluting me, defiling me and destroying me. You want to control me and be the lord of the universe!

Honestly, I am not opposed to your ambitions. I am even overjoyed! It is the purpose of evolution, to stand at top. It's just, your methods were all wrong.

Lastly, I hope you will control your chaotic thoughts, seize you unnecessary violence and turned into a good learner~


Back to the story.

On the Ganga river,

A new-born baby, a Crocodile, a school of fishes and a Devi Ganga were standing on the flowing water. 

"Om?~" The lovely baby looked at the lady in white saree with his innocent and tender eyes. Confusion and uncertainty can clearly be seen on his face. Something unthinkable for a newborn baby. 

At first, Vasusena was inwardly startled after noticing her. He had thought that after awakening, he would find himself in his mother (Radha's) embrace. Instead, an unknown lady is looking at him with her gentle smile.

He tried to skim through his entire database of memories of his past lives but couldn't find her identity. He had never met this celestial beauty with a motherly & pure aura surrounding her. However, He did have heard of someone like her.

Since, He couldn't sense hostility from her additionally, he was wearing his divine armor and earrings, he observed her calmly along with a young dove while reciting his chanting's.

In Aryavarta a man's word is more important than his life. Therefore, Vasusena never stopped chanting in this whole journey. He had given his word to Makar and the school of fishes.

"Suprabhata! (Good Morning!) Child. Here. drink some milk." Devi Ganga said as she placed the clay container in-front of Vasusena's mouth. She added. "Young bird. you should drink some milk as well." Saying this, she conjured a smaller clay bowl for the Young dove and placed it right beside him.


"/...\" The young dove joyously drank his milk while Vasusena looked at Mata Ganga. Skeptical, whether to drink it or not.


In the end, he decided to fill his stomach. His past lives had taught him one of the most important principles of life. i.e.. It's better to die with a full stomach. There would be a plethora of problems lying in wait for all of you that I (Prakriti) pre-arranged for you. 

Devi Ganga also smiled gently at the duo's act of drinking milk like no tomorrow. But... She also felt pity for Vasusena and the young dove.

As a Goddess, She possessed her own Divya Drishti (Divine Sight) like a selected few, i.e. higher deities. By using it, she had already found everything about the young dove. 

This pitiful dove's mother died shortly after giving birth to him. He had been surviving for three weeks in this world by eating rotten fruits. If not for him finding Vasusena, This young dove would have been hunted and eaten by the predators.

Devi Ganga tried to find anything regarding Vasusena so that she could drown the vile mother in her water!

Jokes apart, She didn't find anything concerning the baby in the basket. Just as she was about to find something, her divine sight turned into void. It left a note before leaving which states, "Some things are better left unknown."

This short reminder was enough for her to realize her mistake. She was aware that the newborn baby abandoned in the river was partially due to a curse.

Otherwise, Suryadev would have already sent this baby to the rightful parents, deserving this radiant child.

Although, this baby himself wasn't cursed directly. Yet, he had to face this potentially dire situation alone.


Her thoughts were broken by the sound of the empty stomach of the newborn baby. Even after drinking half-a-liter cow milk Vasusena's belly showed no signs of swelling. It was like the cow-milk evaporated into air before entering his tummy.

On the other hand, the little bird laid on his back while facing the sky with a satisfied expression plastered on his little beak. If not for his occasional moving abdomen, the passerby would have declared him died.

"Child, Don't be shy. Let me feed you more." Devi Ganga observed the young dove a little before conjuring another clay bowl filled with cow-milk. This time she took the initiative to feed the baby, completely unaware of Vasusena's insatiable hunger.





The crisp and soft sounds of clay bowls breaking and drowning in water were heard in the surrounding.

Without anyone's notice, The Sun had reached the middle of the sky, signifying afternoon time. Unknowingly, Vasusena and co were half-way till Vasusena's destination.

However, Devi Ganga is still feeding the baby bowls after bowls with no end in sight. Six hours had already passed and yet, neither Devi Ganga nor Vasusena were aware of the time spent. The former is busy feeding milk to the later.

Devi Ganga's motherly instincts had been activated as she indulged in the pleasure of taking care of a child. Even though, She had given birth to eight children. She was unable to experience the joy of tending to her child due to the bondage of Niyati (My Sister or other half). She had killed seven of her eight children because of the hit. Furthermore, She had returned to her river form after giving birth to her eight son Bhisma by virtue of her promise to King Shantanu (Her Husband).

Therefore, It is the first time she had tended to a child. Coupled with the calm and soothing aura surrounding the newborn, She was lost in the uncharted lands of motherly 'Moh' & 'Maya'. It means that she was attached to Vasusena on the accounts of this enchanting illusion (Maya).

This was the same attachment that every woman will experience in the villages of 'Gokul' and 'Vrindavan' as a result of the most enchanting god among tri-deva, Lord Krishan- the incarnation of lord Narayana.

'Hmm?' As one of my rules states that nothing exists for eternity. Everything will end eventually. And it happened with Devi Ganga as she realized, The maximum amount of power she could use on mortal places has been used up. If she tried to summon more milk out of nothingness, it would be bad for the Earth. Hence, She looked at Vasusena whose tummy was still not filled.

What can be more humiliating for a mother other than unable to satiate his child's hunger? If a child misses his Breakfast/lunch/dinner even once, it causes a mother's heart to ache till he/she fills their belly.

The above was for a normal mother. Devi Ganga was not a normal mother, was she not even capable of filling a child's belly?

Definitely yes! She could! It was just, The newborn baby was a little special.

Firstly, He hadn't eaten anything. It caused energy deficiency in his body.

Secondly, He had been chanting non-stop since the last eighteen hours. Every single uttering of any divine manta required a little amount of spirit energy for effective pronunciation. Or, it will never have the desired effect.

Lastly, to fill a child's stomach, the amount of food doesn't matter. For a newborn, Mother's love and breastmilk can perform the miracle that even I could not.

Sometimes, even I was scared of mothers before realizing I am one of them.





Devi Ganga had done it. 

Previously, Her agony had almost caused chaos in the Devloka and Mrityu-loka. If not for my intervention, everyone would have learned about this baby.

Regarding why I helped this child? 

Hmm, It's because he is the first person who has successfully escaped from me since my existence. I am curious about him. Therefore, to personally observe his advent in this world, I had kicked the boring observer with the fake moniker of 'World'.

Coming back to topic, 

On the accounts of my interest in this child and my respect for Maa Shakti, I helped him again to cover up his mistakes.

How convenient would it be if I had a helper? Anyways, I would be happy if this child will be grateful to me in the future.

Although, it's not that tiring to cover a ten x ten meter area illuminated by white light. I do not like to interfere in the world.

I am only the guide, manager and observer of this world. I am not its ruler.

Before going,

You better not forget to not actively harm me. Get it?

<<<Special thanks to the reader Bomberfury remind me from committing a grave sin!>>>