
magical souls met and their destiny

swisskisnu · Urban
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33 Chs

family is bond with unity can face any problems??!!

at early morning ,swiss can't sleep because of think her dream where she hears the voice that makes to her remember and she feel like this place is horrible Arjun went to wash room and ask swiss to pass the towel while she was trying to pass the towel Arjun hold her hand made her to she him naked and he just hug her tightly and he wants to cool' his body and sex organs,he just took her silence as ok!! he just remove her dress fuck her until her energy level becomes low.she was tired and she said please stop it Arjun ,I think it's more twice a time u fucked me!!!I need to wash my body and prepare a food for kids.

after few hours of mollasting swiss Arjun came out from bathroom and he went to kitchen to prepare a coffee for his women and kids (milk).

he got a call from his office and he was talking to them and said to arrange a inaugration function for the products which gonna launches soon .he went to shop to buy some jewelry for swiss and Viki as welcome gift for their new house,he suddenly got to thinking of Viki after she grows up she will be someone daughter,wife ,and mother .I think she is growing too fast

he just selected randomly of few jewel which are make top designers who are specialised in jewellery making.he was thinking that he needs to make everything perfect for his daughter @like every parent .

after buying every thing he was returning back to his home,before that swiss was feel dizzy and tired because of that cruel demon Arjun .swiss went outside to a garden and playing a hide seek with kids.they were playing like angel came from heaven to play with kids and she went to kitchen to take a snack@samosa and juice for kids(indian snacks recipe).she was arranging dishes in a plate she hears the same sound which is coming from her back side.first she was shocked and suddenly turn back but no one was there she was scared and she was talking to herself thats an illusion .kids were eating the snacks and juice she was saying story to kids about the food and giving a moral of story is not to waste a food .if God sees that we are wasting a food he feel painful in his heart.after some hours passed Arjun came back with lots of gifts for them he called Roja and Jeeva to come back and stay with us for a couple of month or year.roja said definitely we all catch up at Victoria wedding which gonna come next weekend.shall we all attend the wedding and return back to your house brother in law.arjun also accepted the idea of Roja and he was sharing this conversation between Roja and him to swiss.swiss was hearing every thing silently and she just took a bag and ask why did you buy so much ornaments for Viki and me.some time Arjun feels that someone is watching them .shall we go wedding ? ofcourse we are going I have booked a ticket for us..let's meet our friends and family on her wedding..

after returning back from wedding what are problem aregonna face by couples @nest family means couple of people which hearts are bonded .