
Magical Mecha Knight

When a legendary a magic knight from the past is reincarnated in to a future in which the society is relearning magic to incorporate it into their advanced technologies. Join Race as he makes himself a legend once again while saving his galaxy from alien invaders. I try to upload 5 chapters a week, from monday to friday. https://discord.gg/TqzWWntz join my discord guys ^_^ .

Inked_Soul · sci-fi
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43 Chs

Chapter 4: A New Legend Begins

[I know I promised magic and there will be magic, but you have to wait just a bit. Hope you enjoyed the story. Do share it to your friends. Thank you and Be Safe.]

Not knowing about the danger he was in; Race proceeded to make his finalized design. It was the morning of the third day, And many more experienced designers had already made their custom version of the given designs. But most of them were not even able to exceed even a single parameter in comparison with the provided design.

Except for the mechanics who had seriously invested to a single aspect were the ones who were able to pass the Enlightened one's design, that to at the cost of falling behind in all other aspect essentially making their designs one trick ponies. Of course Race didn't know this, and had began to get a bit nervous, after all he had wasted the second day just on fixing the bugs of his design, losing precious time.

" Hope this does the trick, I don't have enough time to redo and clear bugs anymore", the arrogance of a former legend taking a huge hit," Well, no point in hoping to be a master in single day", with such a humbling thought Race pressed the construct button on the holographic control panel.

A menacing Mobile Armor wielding a sword slowly came into existence. Anyone who saw it, can easily guess it was something that was designed to kill. The armor was black with a tinge of red here and there. Even the visor had a blackish tint to it. It wasn't a bulky design like the many other designs present in the tournament. Neither was it extremally skinny.

The upper body was bulky but not enough to make it a top heavy design. Its legs were bulky as well so it could support the entire weight as well as to survive the force generated from the rapid movements the armor was designed for. The abdomen was rather stream lined with just enough to bulk to transfer the momentum without braking apart. The armor plating of the armor was done in peculiar pattern as well. It seemed unorthodox to an untrained eye, but veteran swordsmen knew lot of the techniques they relied on will only strike upon a heavily armored area. Makeshift detachable wrist shield was provided with the rest of the armor plating that the regulations allowed.

Then when Race willed it, the armor started to automatically donned itself on Race. Going through the weapons panel Race chose a standard sword to be held in his right hand, a saber for his left hand which sported the wrist shield and instead of using the hook on his back to hang a shield, Race had changed into a makeshift sheath for a great sword.

Standing completely armed with his selected gear, Race stood like a berserker knight; a knight with only one purpose, to destroy his enemies or die trying. Then Race tested the armor out in the virtual testing grounds and was pleased with the result. And the audience was truly stunned on seeing Race's test run. If the movement of the other M A's were like 30 Hertz video, Race's M A was like watching a 120 Hertz video on max graphics, To the trained eye , They could even pick up a faint intent to kill.

In the VIP box:

" Are you sure this is just a kid, How can he create a design capable of such fluid movements." the mechanic present in the group yelled. " Bring his design's spec sheet right now."

The Military personal was even more livid," Forget the Armor's capability to do the movements, And focus on the fact that it is a 16 year old, who is doing those movements, His every gesture is refined like that of a veteran. Someone even I will be excited to fight with". But he had seriously underestimated Race. He was capable of even more. It was due to the limitation of his design that he couldn't bring out all of his skills.

And by then the data sheet had arrived in the Mechanics Hands, and reading through it the mechanics hand started to tremble. He muttered unconsciously," How is this possible. Almost every combat related parameters like speed , strength, agility, etc. has increased by 5% without suffering a heavy dip in other factors like the rest of the contestants designs. Only this fuel efficiency and driver security taking a serious hit.( That was due to Race's unorthodox armor distribution). This design can pretty much one-shot the rest of the competition."


Back to Race's POV;

" Hm, this feels much better, I have done the max I can do with my current knowledge, If have to improve then I have to study more". Race chose to confirm this as his final design. A prompt appeared before him asking he was sure about his decision and informed him that this can't be changed afterwards. After giving the confirmation, Race chose to log out for the rest of the day. As the trials will only begin the next day.

Race opened his eyes out of VR to find himself in a completely different room than the one he was in before.


A few hours back, the night of the second day

A squad containing 5 Mobile armor suit with basic camouflage arrived in a cheap housing area.

" Make this a quick one guys, This time we are taking away a would be celebrity. So be extra careful, Our target is in the first room of the third floor. Remember, in and out like lightning. So vultures move out." the thug who seemed to be in lead ordered.

Three of the thugs jumped directly to the third floor, And one of them broke the door open for the other two. And the three then entered the one room apartment, to capture the young mechanic named Race, they looked around for the boy but found a shining cylinder shaped gadget.

" EMP; RUN!" one of the thug recognized the gadget and warned his friends while running away. But he was too late, before they could even get through the doorway the emp released a pulse catching them in its radius. But dude to their momentum, They kept moving till the fell from the third floor; right Infront of their co workers who were all restrained. And surrounding them where high tech M A's belonging to special security squad. And they moved to restrained the currently stunned 3 MA's.

" What kind of nest did Potte shake? ", the leader of the squad thought in horror; " what would require the dispatching of the special squad".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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