
Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

[A SI Harry Potter and Marvel (MCU) Xover Fanfiction] --------------------------------------------------------------- A sick 16 year old MC dies at the same time, emerald eyes open up confused. Shouldn't I be dead? Why the hell am I so tiny? What's her name? What are these voices in my head? Follow the young telepath as they make way in a world of gods and magic. Will they make their mark in this scary world or did they already do so. F*ck, time travel is really confusing. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I will admit that the first part of the story is pretty bad. It was my first time writing anything for fun so I was pretty green. If you're prepared to suffer through the first twenty chapters or so, and the story should get a lot better. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own pretty much anything in this Fanfic. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: https://www.patreon.com/athassprkr ----------------------------------------------------------------

athass_prkr · Bücher und Literatur
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378 Chs


If you want to support me check out my patréon at https://www.patréon.com/athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.

First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry for the break. I had a lot of personal stuff going on, and I was super busy, and honestly, since this story is near its end, it takes a lot longer for me to write chapters to tie everything together. Still, I'm back now and I'm sticking to uploading at least chapters a week. I hope you could understand.


Chapter 348: Escalation

25th May 2013, Vienna

(Tony Stark POV)

Jean Grey nodded, "And as promised," she waved her hand and a small portal opened, with a file falling into her hand, "here is the file about N'Jadaka, your nephew, who is also known as Erik Stevens. He's currently working for the CIA, but trust me, he hates your family with a passion. Do with it as you see fit."

The King nodded, still looking solemn, "An agreement has been reached. He should have been raised in Wakanda."

"Maybe, but my mother has always told me that it is unwise to think on what should have been and forget to live. Keep that in mind." Maximoff responded.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," The King replied.

"Oh, and the Vibranium that Klaue stole has been teleported to Wakanda, into the vault to be precise. You can check with them later. Thank you for your cooperation, King T'Chaka." Wanda spoke up before turning and leaving the room.

As soon as they left, Tony voiced his thoughts about the meeting, "What the fuck just happened?"


8th June 2013, Baxter Building

(Reed Richards POV)

Reed Richards was without a doubt the smartest man in the world. Victor Von Doom might disagree, but they both knew the truth. That this petty rivalry of theirs was nothing more than Victor throwing a tantrum because he found someone that not only equals his intelligence, but exceeds it.

No one could refute the fact that when it came to science, Reed had no equals. He invented wonders that were so far ahead of Earth's technology levels, that they even exceeded the alien tech from the invasion by a wide margin. It was Reed Richard's destiny to change the world, and the accident that gave him and his team powers didn't change a thing.

For all he could be considered to be a superhero from the general public, he knew that it wasn't true. He was a scientist and an explorer, constantly pushing the limits of what was possible, while defeating enemies that would threaten Earth. And yet, the greatest threat so far was humans.

Humanity was horrible. The human race was greedy, afraid of what they didn't understand, and very prone to violence. And that made them the greatest threat to mankind, ironically enough.

Everyone with a brain could conclude that a third world war would likely cause the extinction of the human race. And yet, everyone was pushing for it. They saw something that they didn't understand, that they wanted to control, yet couldn't, something that would topple their beliefs, and they wanted that threat gone. The rise of the Enhanced population threatened the political landscape and the status-quo that was established after the Cold War.

The governments were acting like cornered animals, ready to bite anyone that could threaten them. They wanted the threat gone, or assimilated, and the Enhanced Registration Act was the way to do it. It was by far preferable to what the battle obsessed war general wanted, which was to hunt down the Enhanced population one by one.

Oh, it was one of the biggest human right violations that had ever been proposed in the UN, but it was far more preferable than the alternative. If his Math was correct, and it always is, then a war between humanity and the Enhanced would be cataclysmic for both sides. The Act going through was the best choice for humanity's survival as a species, even for how horrible it was.

Truthfully, making laws to deal with the Enhanced population wasn't a bad idea. Registering the powers of young mutants, testing them, and training them if they prove to be uncontrolled or too dangerous, wasn't a bad idea. In an ideal world, they would have been judged fairly and trained for their own safety, assured that they wouldn't be targeted for registering.

Alas, this was not an ideal world. Even Reed's team ended up agreeing to supporting the act in fear of the alternative. They had no choice, but they could slowly amend it to make it better. In a decade, they could have changed it enough that it would actually benefit the Enhanced population and not stifle any of their rights.

And so, the Fantastic Four made a grand speech about the importance of accountability before signing the Accords in the UN, but neither Stark nor any of the Avengers were anywhere to be seen.

Even now, more than a week after the signing, they have made no speech, neither supporting nor condemning the Act. They simply stayed silent, and the public had noticed. Which was why an angry Secretary Thaddeus Ross was in his office, "You need to do something!!!"

"I don't see what the issue is. The Accords have been signed, and I have supported them entirely, like you asked," the genius simply answered.

"You also said that you would convince Stark to sign," the former general yelled.

Reed stopped working on his computer and looked the general in the eye, "I told you that I would speak to Stark. I made him an offer, and he foolishly declined. He hasn't broken any laws; he hasn't gone out as an Avenger. His team has been entirely silent about the issue. He hasn't even publicly opposed the Act. You got what you wanted. So, what do you want from me?"

"Listen here, Richards…" Ross started.

"Alright, Secretary Ross, let me stop you right there. You seem to be under the illusion that you hold some kind of authority over me. The Fantastic Four rarely ever get involved with fighting crime or something that asinine. We have not violated the Act in any way. We will continue as usual. I will finish my research and explore the limits of science, which is not illegal, as far as I know. The fact that Stark and his team don't want to sign is your problem, not mine."

The man was starting to get redder, "Stark is a symbol. There have been very few registrations world-wide because they're waiting for the Avengers to make a comment. The longer they wait, the more they disapprove. We need to bring him into the fold, if this is going to work. So, Richards, I want you…"

"Again, with the orders. I told you, Ross, I'm not one of your soldiers, just because I signed a document at the threat of world annihilation."

"You will do as I say or…"

"Or what exactly? You can't do anything to me." Reed gave the former general an intense look.

"Or I will arrest you and your team for treason. The Act you signed allows me to arrest you indefinitely without cause. I have you by the balls…"

Reed burst into laughter, "The moment you so much as make a violent move towards me or my family, I will simply release the recording of this conversation. Oh, come on, don't look so surprised, you thought that that little anti-surveillance device that you got by some washed up scientist could stand up against my surveillance? Believe me, when it comes to science, I have no equals. Even Stark would admit to that."

The man paled in fear and Reed continued, "Can you imagine it? Secretary of State blackmails Mr. Fantastic to hunt down the Avengers and force them to sign the Enhanced Registration Act. People would start looking more closely at your little laws, and they would be overturned in a matter of weeks."

"But the tensions will not lessen, and you know it. The war you fear so much will not be prevented if the Act is removed." Ross grinned victoriously.

He had a point. The Act was the only way for the future conflict to stop. The mutant population wasn't lessening. Mutants were still born, but they either stayed hidden, or they disappeared altogether. Considering that there were no signs of resistance, they either left willingly, or they were taken by someone that was either obscenely powerful or extremely cunning. One day, mutants will return, and the Act will need to be applied to deal with the chaos.

"You're right. But Stark signing isn't going to change anything. You can't convince him, and you can't move against him or his team if he sticks to the rules you made." Reed replied.

"But what if we get him to break the rules, is your team prepared to go after him if he breaks them. You would be the best bet to take them in without any severe injuries…"

"I'm sure my team can. But again, we're not your soldiers. Send a task force or something…"

The man burst into laughter, "You seriously think that any task force we have can hold someone like Bruce Banner. The moment he changes into the Hulk, the amount of fatalities will skyrocket, unless there was someone capable of keeping him and his team in check. As far as I know, you're the only team who could."

"That's a big if. Tony is not stupid enough to break the Act, at least in such an overt way. But if he does, I will help you bring him in, but only to sign the Accords, not to imprison him indefinitely. That's my deal…"

The man looked victorious for some reason, "Alright, I'll take what I could get. Be very careful, we're living in chaotic times and the Act is the only way to bring order to this."

The frustrating general turned and left the office, leaving Reed alone. For some reason, he thought that agreeing to the last stipulation was a mistake. Ross wasn't to be trusted, that's for sure, the man was a colossal asshole, but he was the one responsible for the Act going through.

The Avengers going rogue was a very feint probability. Stark wouldn't let his team get arrested foolishly. They hadn't even gotten involved with any missions since the New York invasion, and that wasn't likely to change anytime soon.

Still, in the event that they do go rogue, Reed knew deep down that it was only his team that could stand up to Stark's. Ben would be able to handle the Hulk, He would be able to deal with Stark, and the tag team between Susan and Johnny would be more than enough for the rest, who weren't that much of a threat. If Thor was there, it would be a different story altogether, but currently, the Avengers were still manageable.

Reed put away his thoughts of fighting the Avengers. It was not like it would be happening anytime soon. And he needed to focus on his current problem, like why his multiversal portal just wouldn't work. The math was correct, and he knew it. But for some reason, the portal always malfunctions. Every version with every modification still wouldn't work.

Now, that was far more interesting than some political issue that might never even happen.


(Thaddeus Ross POV)

As Ross exited Richards' lab, he went to his office immediately and started dialing to one of his off the books sites, "We have a deadline. Release the asset in the middle of New York, preferably near Avengers Tower, in five days."

The voice on the other end of the phone stayed silent for a few seconds before answering, "Are you sure about that, sir? The death count will be very high, especially since the casualties will be mostly civilians."

"They will be sacrificed for the greater good of humanity. Thousands will die, so that billions will live in peace. I don't want to do this anymore than you do. But the hardest sacrifices require the strongest wills." Ross answered patiently.

"It will be done, sir," the man answered.

"Thank you, son, you will have helped shape the world with your courage."

"Thank you, sir."

"Oh, and tell Trask that I want to see him. Tell him that I want to know when the prototypes will be ready." The Secretary of State continued.

"Yes, sir. I will contact you with the answer, sir."

"For the greatness and prosperity of humanity…" Ross continued.

"For the greatness and prosperity of humanity," the man repeated before hanging up.

Yes, everything was going according to plan.


If you want to support me check out my patréon at https://www.patréon.com/athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.