
Magical Cube Controler

This story is about a boy named Leon, who suddenly entered a new world decorated with various Magic powers and unique creatures. He was destined to control the magic called is Magic Cube, which is one of the strongest types of magic in this world. With that powerful magic cube, now Leon must go on an adventure to explore a new world filled with enemies who are ready to confront him.

Rizki_akbar · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Dragon's Lair

The dragon did not stop chasing Leon even though he had crossed a path that was impossible for a large monster to pass.

But in fact, it would be very agile to pass through this very steep rock, even though Leon himself stumbled while passing through it.

And when the dragon got closer to him, suddenly the creature spouted a very hot fire.

Leon was surprised by the dragon's attack, so he immediately slipped on the wet cave rocks and slid freely to plunge into the spring pool in this cave.


Leon finally escaped the terrifying fire attack, though now he had to hold his breath underwater for the dragon to leave him.

Five minutes later, Leon was finally out of breath while in the water. He quickly swam to the surface to catch his breath again.

"Damn it! Is the dragon gone now," said Leon breathlessly.

But who would have thought, when he looked to the right from a distance he saw a fairly large fireball that shot so fast towards him.

"Are you kidding?" In the end, Leon took a very long breath and immediately dived back to the bottom of the deepest water.

Leon could feel relieved to have survived the fireball's attack, but the chaos didn't stop there.

The very calm water current on the surface was deceiving him because it turned out that the current at the bottom of the water was moving very fast.

As a result, Leon was unable to swim against the current and ended up being swayed and carried away by the very strong current.

The very fast current of water brought it to the very bottom of this cave.

Until Leon was almost out of breath, suddenly he was thrown from a high waterfall and fell into a calmer stream of water. Leon then immediately pulled over so as not to be carried away by the very strong current.

"God Damn! why can there be such a strong current at the bottom of the spring, " said Leon while coughing from choking on so much water

Sheila who was hiding in Leon's body, then came out while releasing magical energy that could warm Leon's body.

"There must be a storm out there, so the discharge from the spring is increasing."

"Then why is the water here so calm?" asked Leon shakily.

"It must be because there are many bends and rocks that can slow the flow of water," answered Sheila.

After that, Leon then got back up while looked around.

"What about that dragon? Is he still around here?" Leon said that with a frightened face.

"His aura is still very strong, I don't think he's far from here," answered Sheila while sitting on top of Leon's head.

Hearing that, Leon immediately ran very fast, following the flow of the river. Because he thought if he continued to follow, surely he would easily find a way out.

But just as he was running fast, he heard a dragon's roar resound throughout the cave.

"Master, I think your position has been found this time!" Sheila said, with a wary look.

"Why did that bastard find me so easily? Is that dragon's sense of smell so sharp? " Leon asked as if he couldn't believe that he would find the dragon again.

"In addition to their keen sense of smell, dragons also can read body heat and magic from a person. So it's no wonder he was able to quickly find you. " Sheila, who was flying hand in hand with Leon, who was running,

"You shouldn't be answering questions, idiot! You're only scaring me more! " Leon muttered with an annoyed face.

"I answered his question, but why is he angry?" Sheila was surprised by her master's answer this time, to the point of scratching her head.

And, sure enough, just as Leon was about to run out of breath. The dragon had already found his current whereabouts and then blocked him.

The dragon roared so loudly and powerfully that Leon was dragged backwards.

"You bastard!" Leon, who was feeling very annoyed without thinking, immediately pulled out his sword.

"Are you sure you're going to fight him?" asked Sheila.

"Not really, why did I even challenge him?" replied Leon, patting his face as if he was feeling disappointed and embarrassed.

Suddenly, the dragon got angry and grabbed Leon using its very strong tail.

At the same time, Leon took out his magical shield to be able to ward off the attack, but unfortunately, he was still bounced to the other side of the river.

"What kind of power is that?" asked Leon, who felt so much pain after receiving that very powerful attack.

Unexpectedly, the black dragon suddenly shot toward Leon while throwing its blow back at him.

Deftly, Leon immediately ran and jumped to the side to be able to dodge the very powerful attack.

But even though Leon managed to dodge, he was still hit by a very strong magical blast. to the point of bouncing and hitting some very large rocks.

The dragon then raged and let out a very fierce roar.

Leon also very quickly put up his magical shield to dispel the very strong wave. And this time, the shield has become stronger and can withstand the attack.

The dragon then flew backwards while shooting a huge yellow ball in front of Leon.

Not losing his mind, Leon immediately turned his hard hammer into an ax and then threw it right at the very large and strong yellow ball.


The clash between the Axes managed to create a very large explosion, causing both sides to be blown away from each other.

Leon finally lay limp and felt a terrible pain in his back. He even felt as if his spine had been broken.

The dragon was very proud of the abilities of the humans in front of him, because he had never seen a human who could block such a powerful attack.

"Hey, human! Who exactly are you and why do you have almost the same power as half my magic power?" asked the dragon, staring intently at the fallen Leon.

"Damn..! You can talk, you know?" Leon said as he tried to stand up despite the pain, "Then why did you attack me so blindly, you damn dragon!" Leon continued angrily.

"You really need to be taught basic manners as a bitch," said the dragon, staring intently at Leon's face.

The elf in Leon's body then came out and broke the redness of the dragon and its master.

"Enough, Lord Dragon, we don't want to fight. We both just want to get out of this cave. "

So that the conversation would not become awkward, the black dragon took the initiative to change its form into a woman, who had black hair and also had a very beautiful face.

His body was clad in black robes combined with a purple aura, making his appearance even more elegant.

Leon then whistled loudly, "Wow... I can't believe that behind the terrifying dragon, you are a very beautiful woman."

"That's because I'm not a lowly dragon, but I'm Felix." replied the dragon.

[Felix's creature is a human-like creature that can transform into any animal according to its magical abilities. Felix can naturally turn into a weasel, a bird, or even a dragon.]

"So you're like an incarnation?" Leon looked at the dragon with a frightened face.

"Master, please don't make such a fuss," Sheila warned her master in a whisper.

"Greetings to humans, my name is Starla, and I have been meditating in this cave for over 500 years." The woman named Starla then stretched out her hand to invite Leon to shake hands.

"I'm Leon, and I got lost in this cave for a few hours." Leon then shook hands with the woman, although he was still filled with dread.

"How did you get to this cave, and what exactly did you come here for?" asked the dragon woman in a soft voice to Leon.

"This is a very long and complicated story. You may not want to hear it." Leon said, his head held high.

"I am ready to hear your story because I do not know how long I will be imprisoned in this place," said Starla sadly.

Leon burst out laughing when he heard that, "So you can't get out of this cave either because you're lost, huh?"

"I thought you were a powerful dragon, but with your magic power, you just destroyed this cave." Leon seemed not to believe the dragon's words.

"Don't you see that the cave we are in has returned to its original state as if there had never been a battle at all?" said the dragon, who looked full of complaints.

Leon was shocked beyond measure and very confused about what was going on.