
magicae et scientia

Since the beginning I have seen monsters! I have seen regular ordinary monsters stealing, killing and lying. But occasionally I've seen other types of monsters too. Monsters from legends, myths, and anything else you can imagine. My mom has told me of strange stories of when I was young. when we first moved to a small town in the northern portion of Minnesota. Stories of shadowy creatures looking through the windows at me. stories of strange people showing up in the medal of the night baring gifts. stories of strange occurrences happing in empty rooms. and other that are much scarier, thing straight from legends and myths.

hagil · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 the first step 

Wean I got to the forest's edge it was dark inside, really dark inside even with a flash light. it was like the shadows was leaning toward me. my eyes kept darting back toward home. my feet didn't want to go in. but my heart was split between terror, and excitement. from the mysteries and the unknown powers that was pulsating throw out the air. I had to force myself

"ONE... ok.... TWO... one more. just one more... common I can do this "

I said forcing myself to tack those first few steps, but my voice was was foul of terror. being swallowed up by the surrounding foliage. my voice was nothing but a timid best hiding from a unknowable monster conjured from its own thoughts and fears. When I finally stumbled my way forward it felt like I walked throw a thick curtain of resin or honey.

"finally I made it in"

I said timidly looking at my surroundings not Shure were I mad it to. ween I belt up enough of my courage to start walking through the forest again. I tried to pay more attention to were i was going but it was hard do to the towering trees that now surrounds me

" that's weird the trees look older, older than they should... and the path it little more thin a animals' path"

the trees were a lot taller thane they first look. I have been in this forest many times before. the forest still has the same pine, same oak, and even some birch. But The trees were at least 2-8 feet wide then they would usually, and the tallest one was way over hundreds feet tall. The trees that surround me now cold easily beat 200 feet in height. they also seem to be healthier and stronger than any I had ever seen. like the have never dealt with any form of malnourishment, damage, or even pollution. I keep on moving forward on a surprisingly large path that cold only bean mad by large packs of medium sized animals moved on them dally.

will moving on the paths I mad sure to keep track of the rout I took to guaranty that I cold find my way back home,

"I wood rely hate to git lost in hear"

I said to no one in particular with a light smirk on my face.

some minutes later wen I was about to tack a sort break in a grove of boulders a strange grown came from behind me that resembled a a mixer of a cough, snarl, and a guttural bark

"finally you found us young one"

a voice said from next to me a bit out of my line of sight. When I looked in the direction that the voice came from there was an old man standing there, in middle of the grove.

"How did I mess hem"

I said to my self starting to make my way over. When I was able to see him better I noticed that he had pebbly gray skin, and his mouth was full of fangs. that are almost the size of my little finger both long, and wide. he had a few that were chipped and others were broken. he also has Meany scars across his body some seamed to make up patterns, and others seam to be from mean growling battels over his life time. To be completely honest I am a bit ashamed of what I did next. So to keep it brief I just incoherently rambled for a bit barley hearing him. If I had to guise I was there for another few minutes before I was able to regained my composure.

"Are you done now"

side the old orc with something close to exacerbated on his face. one of the few thing I dead hear him say clearly was something along the line of

"I'm the elder of clan olgrothik a orc clan in this forest of....."

but I'm not exactly sure do to his accent that come from a pronouns' tusk that juts out from his upper jaw. he seamed to once have to tusk but the other seamed to of ben ether removed or was Brocken some time in his past.

"finally you stopped we need to talk to you and please don't start your yapping again,"

once he said that many different creatures came out from the shadows of the trees. unicorns, goblins, orcs and others that I can't see but i definitely now they were there.

"We need you to protect us from a great evil. only you can"

side the old orc seaming to jester to his surroundings

"yes protect us"

came a clamor from a few of the crowd along with nodding, granting, some mumbling and a powerful roar that silenced the rest.

"Me!? Why me I don't have anything special about me"

I said with a bit of confusion.

"Nonsense your overflowing with the power that cold save us all. YOU ARE A KING OF OLD"

some one said to me getting down on there knees.

"I'm not a king I can't even git people to notice me in class"

I side with a scowl towards the small kneeling figure.

" that may be true but you are a great leader to the people that will follow you. You are kind, smart, and the most important thing people trolley seam to trust you"

side the old orc.

"You've ben watching me. For how long"

I said knowing the answer in my hart.

"Weave ben hear since your mother hade born you hear Meany years ago"

said a small green face with piercing red eyes in the mist of the crowed circling me, it was one of the goblins that were out side my house a few das ago.

"Sorry but no I dot now what is even going on her. and I'm no king of anything or anyone just leave my alone"

I said pushing my way through the creators encircling me in the grotto. making my way back the way I cam in. passing a few orcs, goblins a human sized bird and a small girl how seemed to want to stop me.

After what felt like a couple of hours I want home reeling from what I heard

"why do they want me to help them. I'm just a kid that isn't even out of high school. I have no experience in leading groups of people. my hobbies is just gaming and researching Cryptids and local legends along with old myths. and what the hell even is a king of old"

I said too my self on the way to the edge of the forest. I could see my home but it looked weird. It looked like if I was staring at it throw a layer of falling water. It hade a weird ethereal Distortion with a slight glimmer, it was a bit enchanting. Ween I stepped pass the edge of the forested everything looked bleak, tired and most importantly normal. I walked up to the back door looking back at the forest before I opened the door to go inside.