

Over the next several hours, Leo would spend most of his time using Mana Drain on Lia.

Not only did he consume a high-grade energy potion before starting but Lia also consumed a high-grade mana potion, so she would have more mana to let Leo drain.

"She's definitely addicted to the feeling of her mana being drained." Lilith said as she stared at Lia's dazed expression.

"There won't be any side effects to Mana Drain, right?" Leo asked her.

"No, there isn't, but you can kill your target if you drain all of their mana. However, being addicted to the feeling of Mana Drain could be dangerous for the girl. Once you leave, she will seek other ways to experience the same feeling. Who knows, she might even look for a vampire who can use Mana Drain."

"Seriously? There's no way that she would do something that outrageous, right?"

"Who knows. She's a weird girl, and humans are unfathomable creatures that are capable of doing anything." Lilith shrugged.