

"I see. So you're here to capture me. However, you should've brought more people." Leo said with a cold smile on his face. "Those that have to rely on poison to weaken their prey are usually quite weak, after all."

"Weak? Ahahaha!" One of the male assassins suddenly burst out laughing.

"The four of us are all A-Rank Adventurers! What can a mere C-Rank like you do to us?"

"Before you find out what I can do to you, I will give you a chance to keep your life." Leo spoke, and he continued, "Tell me who hired you and about your mission. If you do, I'll keep you alive."

The four assassins turned to look at each other. After a moment of silence, they all laughed together.

"Is this brat serious?"

"Who the hell does he think he is?"

"You must be very confident in your magic artifacts— the ones your sponsor, Camille Light, gave you."

"Magic artifacts? What are you talking about?" Leo raised an eyebrow.