
05: Ideas...

"I think it would be perfect if I add a [Explosive Rune] here together with the [Condition Rune] to make it auto destroy itself and do some damage maybe..." Byron was muttering to himself while drawing a rune in a stick. What happened? Well, first I need to show you his status first!



[Name: Byron (SN)]

[Race: Divine Demon (Emperor Level)]

[Special Traits: {Unbreakable}, {Breath}, {Void}, {Emperor Authority}, {Emperor Might}, {Emperor Subordinates}]

[Magic Runer: Advanced: {Array Maker}, {Rune Singer}, {Enchanter}]

[Rune Mastered: [Fire Rune], [Water Rune], [Wind Rune], [Earth Rune], [Blade Rune], [Sharp Rune], [Shield Rune], [Spin Rune], [Alarm Rune], [Barrier Rune], [Float Rune], [Smell Rune], [Sound Rune], [Reverse Rune], [Circle Rune], [Arrow Rune], [Deflect Rune], [Repel Rune], [Explosive Rune], [Small Rune], [Big Rune], [Condition Rune], [Vibration Rune], [Darkness Rune], [Light Rune], [Life Rune], [Metal Rune], [Ice Rune], [Lava Rune], [Contract Rune], [Seal Rune], [Thunder Rune], [Strengthen Rune], [Pillar Rune], [Wall Rune], [Slow Rune], [Fast Rune], [Pain Rune], [Bond Rune], [Fusion Rune], [Heat Rune], [Sphere Rune], [Sun Rune], [Moon Rune], [Illusion Rune], [Plant Rune], [Hard Rune], [Remote Rune].

[Runes Own: [Soul Rune], [Wave Rune], [Gravity Rune], [Down Rune], [Up Rune], [Backward Rune], [Forward Rune], [Stop Rune].

[Body Stats]

[Muscles Strength: 500]

[Body Flexibility: 500]

[Body Stamina: 500]

[Body Health: ∞]

[Soul Stats]

[Soul Strength: 500]

[Soul Defense: 500]

[Soul Energy: 500]

[Soul Purity: 500]


First I should say that Byron became a [Emperor] Divine Demon! How? Well, he needed to upgrade his fighting power, and to upgrade the fighting power he had to fight and exercise, and that what he did! He did Saitama's training and every day he would add 1 to everything. Now, 1 year after he started his training, everything is so easy for him to do that it has no effect at all! Byron later had to master 30 runes to become an [Advanced Magic Runer] making his soul stronger. After Byron became an Emperor Rank, his body became immune to every existent disease, nothing can affect his health! Nothing at all. His senses became stronger too, basically, his vision capacity doubled and he can see a mosquito 10km away! After Byrom became an [Advanced Magic Runer] he got the ability to fuse runes to things, making even normal people able to use the effects of the runes!

Well, right now he is enchanting a stick. The enchantment he put in the stick was those: [Sharp Rune], [Blade Rune], [Fast Rune], [Vibration Rune], [Earth Rune], [Metal Rune], [Barrier Rune], and [Hard Rune] He is creating a weapon for himself, he likes to draw runes with a stick, so why not make his weapon the strongest stick existent? Well, Byron first changed the stick to be very thin with [Plant Rune], then he added the [Hard Rune], [Earth Rune], and [Metal Rune] to make the stick harder to break, after doing it he added [Sharp Rune] and [Blade Rune] to make the stick also act as a sword after he also added [Fast Rune] and [Vibration Rune] to make the stick attack faster and also vibrate to do more damage and cut cleaner. and last but not least he added [Barrier Rune] to make a barrier around the stick if the damage is higher than expected.

Byron also made sure to added [Explosive Rune] and [Remote Rune] to activate it if necessary. "Done I guess, I wanted a stick-sword and here it is! Perfect," said Byron while testing his new weapon slashing the tree near him. The slash was clean and cut the tree in half! Byron smiled and went to the lake, this lake he himself created using [Earth Rune] and [Water Rune] and went to take a bath. Byron now would be 6 years old, right? Well, his real age is 6 years, but his body is the body of a 20 years old guy. What happened is very simple... When he became an Emperor rank, his body needed to upgrade with him what resulted in his new appearance. Light blond hair, narrow eyebrows, light-red eyes, and THE body. Perfect muscles, 8 abdomen pack, his body is not like a swimmer like most of Mcs but a bodybuilder-like body.

His muscles aren't bigger than a normal human though, he is 2,00 centimeters tall (6,56 Feet). To a human, he is pretty tall. He had to go to the city to "buy" *cough* steal other people's clothes and use [Big Rune] to make it bigger and fit his huge body. Yes, down there also changed and became bigger.

"I think I became more handsome after becoming an Emperor Rank..." Murmured Byron while slowly touching his chin and looking at the reflection in the lake. This lake is near his base, Byron used a lot of runes to conceal this place from others and killed some people that invaded his territory some times, but almost all people started to avoid his forest because a lot of people don't come back after entering the forest... In his house, Byron has what he needs... A bed, a bathroom, and a storeroom. He doesn't need to eat but some times he wants to eat something, he can't get drunk, so he likes the taste of alcohol and wine some times. Everything Byron has besides the bed is enhanced to have a special effect because Byron trained using almost all the items in his house.

"I guess I should visit the city again..." Byron went to the city only a year ago, he just stayed in his house, as everyone should do right now, the government is not oppressing your fat ass, do you want to make things worse? *cough* Byron didn't have anything to do in the town besides observing the three kids that he had an interest in. He observed as they grow up, he was curious about them so he made some fights happen to make them stronger, well it worked a little bit... Some kids that they had on their group just died, but that's okay. Byron now is going to make contact with them as the adult he is, well his mind was older than his past body but now that his body has an older look, he considers himself an adult! Byron walked forward, entering the city... People looked at him curiously, they never saw such a young man... Wow, is he a soldier? That was the most common thought they had, Byron welcomed the stares like he was a piece of meat that some young ladies gave him, and also some young man, he was picky about love, he was bisexual in his last life. He has his preferences for a guy like he has for a girl.

When passing by the ones who stared at him, Byron just gave a quick smile and walked forward, he could see the blush faces and even surprised faces. He laughed while walking until he arrived at th ruthless part of the city, it was a small city but it had more than 70,000 people living here. Byron walked around, just his appearance was intimidating enough to make trouble run away from him. Byron was searching for the Rats, the group of little kids that helped each other to live, they stole food and money sometimes, the lider Markus now was 16 and he was a famous fighter around here. After some minutes searching, he found them, using [Darkness Rune] he fused together with the shadows and observed the kids... Markus was fighting against other thugs and beside him, kids were fighting too... It seems that what he planned finally worked!

Byron made the Rats and another group of thugs fight against each other, making them enemies, so the three rats that caught his attention would get experience in life! They saw some of their kids die and almost died too, they were saved, however, by Byron using his runes and making it seems a coincidence. Now, what he wants to do is wait until they are almost dead, and then save them! Byron watched as the thugs fought with the kids, the eight kids capable of fighting were reduced to 5, then 4 and now just the three that caught his attention. Byron watched as they fall one by one, but they were not dead yet, he could save them... When only Markus was fighting was when he appeared saying: "Leave the kid alone." The group of then thugs were at first intimidated by Byron's muscles, but he was alone and they were 10! They laughed, but Byron didn't want to talk, so he just stepped forward and punched the first thug in the throat, in the Adam apple to be exact, making him fall on the ground with pain and in some minutes he will die of internal bleeding.

Byron didn't wait for them to react, he punched each thug in the Adam apple, making them fall back into the group dying... Byron went towards Markus who was bleeding and watching him with cautiously and curiosity and looked at the three who caught his attention, Markus had new scars from other fights, Harold had new scars too, Alexandra was the only one without new scars because he attacked using rocks or throwing things. Byron smiled and asked: "Do you want to live? You three..." he knew that Alexandra and Harold could also hear him, Markus made a confused expression... Byron continued: "Do you want power? Do you want revenge?" His voice was becoming more and more appealing, from his back a pair of black bat-like wings appeared together with his red bull horns in the sides of the head and a bull-like tail that now had a claw attached to it! Byron became the devil itself! Everyone in the deathbed would accept his offer, and the kids were no exception.

Harold was the first one to move, he got up from the ground with his bleeding arm and leg and looked at Byron, Alexandra got up from the ground with difficulty too and Markus went there to help them... Byron asked again: "Do you want to have revenge against the ones who killed your family? Do you wish for power? Do you like to be weak?" Byron tapped his foot on the ground and whispered: "Escuro, Spread." and hai shadow started to spread on the ground, making everything dark... "You know... You don't need to sell your soul, you can sell your blood." Harold was the first one to react at Byron's words, saying: "Really?" The others were also curious about it, Byron could sense their curiosity and said: "You just need to say: I vow by my blood, be your subordinate and you be my emperor. And then drink this." Byron said showing to them a cup of red liquid, it was his blood.

Markus looked around him, he saw all the kids that fought beside him dying... He sighed and started to say: "I, vow by my blood, be your subordinate, and you become my... Emperor." Saying this, Byron gave him the cup and he drunk from it with no hesitation... Harold did the same after and. Alexandra hesitated a little bit but, did the same. "Now, save them!" Markus pointed towards the kids bleeding, Byron sighed and said: "They are already beyond help. They are already dead. I can do nothing about their life, but I can do something about their death..." When the three heard that the kids were already dead, they felt great guilt and pain... But when Byron said he could do something about their death, they were confused... Byron started to write [Soul Runes], a lot of them and say: "Beyond void, Beyond death, Beyond joy, Beyond grief, The souls reside. I call them here to speak with us one last time. Sorus Spokus."

From each dead corpses of the kids, a blue sphere appeared... The spheres than took the form of each kid that died before, Byron smiled while Markus, Harold, and Alexandra started to cry... They asked for forgiveness, but the souls just smiled, hugged them, and disappeared. Byron's voice cut off their grief, saying: "Are you ready?" They seemed confused, ready for what? Byron looked at the system screen and smiled... There he could give the three one of his traits. For Markus, he gave a weaker version of {Void}, for Harold he gave him a weaker version of {Unbreakable}, and for Alexandra, he gave her a weaker version of {Breath}. They all fell down to their knees feeling a lot of pain, this was the process of becoming a demon, they will become a ranked below Byron, so King Rank demons!

The process was slow and painful when they woke up again they were already in Byron's house... He had to expand his house and create three more rooms for his subordinates... Byron was thinking about creating a secret organization where he is the leader, composed of He the Emperor, his three Kings, the kings will have ten nobles each, the Nobles will have 100 Soldiers each and the Soldiers will have 100 to 10 Commoners. That's a great idea, right?