
Magic Mimicry System

young boy Leonis Lionheart (Leo) gets the help of the system to find the hidden mistery of the death of his parents

aviral_anand · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Unveiling the Weave

Chapter 2:

Panel 1: A wide shot of the bustling Dia City public library, sunlight streaming through the grand windows. Patrons browse shelves or study diligently at tables.

Panel 2: Leo enters the library, his gaze drawn to the towering bookshelves. A sense of determination sets his jaw as he approaches the reference section.

Caption: Seeking knowledge to better understand his newfound abilities, Leo ventures into the heart of Dia City's public library.

Panel 3: A close-up on Leo's hand as he pulls out a worn leather-bound book titled "An Introduction to Thean Magic." He opens it with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

Panel 4: The book's pages reveal an intricate diagram, depicting the world of Thera divided into four continents: Dragonia, where Leo currently resides, alongside Griffinia, Lycania, and Aquaria.

Caption: The book details Thera's rich tapestry, revealing a world where diverse species like elves, dwarves, beastmen, merfolk, and dragon-blooded people coexist peacefully.

Panel 5: Another page showcases a detailed illustration of the nine angelic orders, each representing a distinct circle in the magical hierarchy.

Caption: The text unveils the foundation of magic, structured around nine circles, each corresponding to an angelic order within the celestial hierarchy.

Panel 6: A close-up on Leo's face as he absorbs the information, his brow furrowed in concentration. A spark of understanding ignites in his eyes.

Thought bubble: (Nine circles... So, my ability to copy any magic must be...)

Panel 7: The panel focuses on Leo's hand hovering over the book, the holographic interface of the Magic Mimicry System flickering to life. The "Scan" option is highlighted.

Chapter 2: Unveiling the Weave (Continued)

Panel 1: A close-up on Leo's hand activating the "Scan" function of his system, the blue holographic screen illuminating the book titled "An Introduction to Thean Magic."

Caption: With a single mental command, Leo utilizes his system to absorb the vast knowledge within the book.

Panel 2: The panel widens, showcasing Leo skimming through various sections of the library, his eyes scanning titles like "Basic Magic Theory," "Survival Theories," "Theory of Magic Circles," "Affinity," and "Types of Magic."

Panel 3: A close-up on another book page reveals a diagram illustrating the three fundamental magic types: elemental, summoning, and enchantments.

Caption: Leo devours information about different magic disciplines, expanding his understanding of the world's intricate systems.

Panel 4: A map of Dia City unfolds on a table, highlighting Fluocia City, the location of Alteria Academy. Leo traces the route with his finger, a determined glint in his eyes.

Caption: The library's resources reveal the academy's proximity, offering a glimmer of hope for Leo's future.

Panel 5: Text on a page describes Alteria Academy's open enrollment policy, welcoming students from all backgrounds – nobles, commoners, and various races – as long as they meet the basic criteria: 16 years of age, possessing first-circle angelic abilities, and demonstrating some magical skills.

Caption: The academy's inclusivity sparks a sense of opportunity within Leo, regardless of his past or social standing.

Panel 6: Leo reaches the section on the entrance exam, but the information regarding the test content remains frustratingly absent.

Panel 7: A close-up on Leo's face displays a mix of determination and apprehension. He clenches his jaw, his resolve solidifying.

Thought bubble: (No details about the test... but I won't let that deter me. I'll be ready, no matter what.)

Caption: With a newfound thirst for knowledge, Leo prepares to delve deeper, his unique system poised to aid his exploration.