
Mage X Orc: Book One: Vows

In a world seeped in magic, where humans live behind a curtain of mountains and hope to avoid the prowling beasts, a ritual is taking place. The tithe, in which the fortress of Blightstone offers a selection of their own people to the visiting orcs in order to bind their people closer together. But this tithe is special. This time Nickolas, a War Mage of rare talent, and the son of the Warden of Blightstone herself is taking part. As is Necun, the orc Hunter who fell for the Mage at first sight. And in the darkness, the two shall share their vows. Join the pair as they venture into the unknown dangers of the world, relying on each other as they face beast and politics, horror and adventure. And see if their vows are strong enough to survive in this harsh world. Greetings, I am Alexander, your Cyborg Storyteller. This is my first full length writing project, so feel free to be critical, and have a lovely day.

CyborgStoryteller · Fantasie
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Mage X Orc Chapter 23-A Sleeping In

The first thing Nickolas did upon waking was wipe the tears from his face.

Crying in his sleep was unusual, though it hadn't always been, and the Mage found himself concerned the habit might return. It had caused his father no end of worry when he was caught with a tear streaked face as a child, Nickolas didn't want to repeat the experience with his wife.

Necun was stretched out, and Nickolas spent some time examining his wife's wounds again. Her skin still looked awful, even worse than when they had left the healers. Such was the way with bruises. They would reach a sickening colour, though the Mage wasn't sure what colour precisely on the green skin of his wife, before fading away slowly.

It still turned his stomach just to see the patches each time his wife shifted in her sleep. She looked uncomfortable, and Nickolas assumed that the pain relieving effects of her healing had worn off. He would need to find something in the market for her, the golden haired Mage knew that the Green had dozens of plants which helped with pain when brewed into tea.

Maybe Melat even has some. Nickolas pondered. I should ask when I see him.

Breakfast was another concern, or lunch depending on where the sun currently was, Nickolas was no longer certain. With a slight huff of discomfort the Mage slipped out of the sheets and worked his way quietly out of the cluttered room.

With the door closed softly behind him Nickolas began to straighten out his hair. A spell he had composed as a child pulled tangles from his long golden mane, leaving it straight and glossy. Now presentable, he pulled his sleeping robe tighter around his body and went in search of his father in law.

Melat wasn't hard to find, the man was asleep at his desk, barely cleared of materials. Half a pot of tea was moldering in a pot. Nickolas wondered why the husband of an important woman was left to his own disorderly devices when he was so clearly in need of a housekeeper. It wouldn't have even been an arduous task for a servant to keep the workshop tidy, and ensure that Melat was getting the proper amount of food and sleep.

Either this was a recent alteration to the costumer's living arrangements, some form of exile, or the orcish man despised having another person interfering with his workspace.

As someone who had his notes rearranged, and in some cases dumped into an unsorted pile, by a rushed cleaning job Nickolas could sympathize.

Just as the golden haired Mage was debating waking his father in law or figuring out the breakfast situation on his own the costumer stirred.

"Hmm?" Melat grunted, cracking his neck as he rose. "Ahh. Nickolas? When did you get back?"

"A while ago." Nickolas said. "Necun's with me, sorry we didn't inform you but we needed the rest. She...she was wounded last night."

The orc's eyes snapped wide and he focused on Nickolas. His gaze seemed like it could pierce chainmail.

"I assume it's not serious if the healers sent her home." he said stiffly.

"Serious, but nothing permanent." the Mage corrected. "She'll be laid up for a bit, then light exercise for a long time. Thirty days at least."

Melat closed his eyes and nodded, as if it was all expected.

"Every time I worry she won't come back." he admitted to Nickolas. "All the Hunters are so casual about it. The dangers they contend with, but I see the faces of the bonds who wait, going to the edge of the city to stare out into the Green wondering if they just lost the woman they love. It doesn't matter how brazen or fearless you are if your death leaves behind so much pain."

It was too early in the morning for topics so heavy as far as Nickolas was concerned. Last night he had watched as Necun was pieced back together. A reminder that she could die randomly at any time could wait until he was at least full of porridge.

"I would like to bring her breakfast, so she doesn't have to get out of bed so soon." Nickolas said diplomatically. "Do you have something she would like? Something light?"

"I'll get some tea going." Melat said, glancing over at his half full pot. "We'll have to go around the corner if you want to get her something warm. Everything here is dry goods. You've had enough nuts and berries I suspect."

Nickolas had. Though the berries were still nice as a snack. In moderation.

"Any grain? For porridge?" he asked.

"Porridge? For breakfast?" Melat asked back, horrified. "Why? That sounds awful."

A spike of pride shot up from Nickolas's spine and nearly reached his tongue before he bit down on it. Differences in food preparation was common. He had been forced to adjust to a number of terribly crafted dinners in the heartlands. He could tolerate a city that didn't appreciate a steaming bowl of porridge.

"I find it refreshing in the morning." he said, keeping his tone neutral. "I take it that Necun will prefer meat? I'm not sure what the traditional breakfast of the city is."

"You can find stew at any time day or night." Melat explained, standing up and walking for the door, grabbing the tea pot as he went. "Someone's always cooking a fresh batch, and there's always someone waiting to finish the last bowl off. But if you want a proper breakfast for a woman fresh from the healing tent we'll need to scrounge for something more substantial."

"In fact." the orc continued before Nickolas could reply. "I'll go around the corner. Zek will have something already, and I'll borrow his cookpot for something special tonight while I'm there. Why don't you go back to bed? You both had a rough few days, you deserve the rest."

Nickolas wanted to argue, to be the one to prepare everything for his wife, to be a perfect husband as he had already planned.

Yet the soft sheets called him, and he nodded.

While his father in law took care of breakfast he could at least be at his wife's side as she woke. Nickolas decided to offer a light massage, that was something he knew husbands gave their weary partners.

Before he could stealthily slip back under the sheets Necun stirred. Pushing herself into a half sitting position his wife struck him with an intense gaze. Her wild red hair was rumpled and knotted, her shirt creased and slightly damp from sweat, and her face was stuck in a sleepy half scowl.

The sight took Nickolas's breath away.

Necun had always been a striking sight to the golden haired Mage. The stresses they had faced since the excitement of their marriage had allowed him to push such feelings to the side. Save for a few moments of deep intimacy or passionate lovemaking he hadn't had the opportunity to explore his feelings for Necun while staring the orc in the face.

Without speaking a word the Mage sat on the bed, placing his hand on the Hunter's thigh. A flicker of confusion passed over Necun's face before settling into a warm smile. Her hand cupped Nickolas's cheek, and she pulled him into a long kiss. There was a small thrill, Nickolas noticed, in having to always tilt his head just a little bit more than he was used to. A tall wife was one of the perks he had considered when deciding to offer himself during the tithe.

I wonder if she's just as delighted to have to lean down to kiss me? Nickolas mused. I can see a bit of the appeal there. I bet I make her feel strong.

The thought amused the Mage as Necun pulled back from the kiss. Nickolas nibbled at her lip, as was swiftly becoming tradition.

He felt the muscles spasm in Necun's thigh. A heartbeat later his wife body was wracked with a coughing fit. Before he knew it Nickolas was on his feet, leaning her back onto the bed as gently as he could manage.

"I'm fine. It's fine." Necun sputtered. "Just needed to clear my throat. You don't have to worry over me like this."

"Well I am worrying over you." Nickolas said. "And I'm going to keep doing it for a while. At least until you're strong enough to fight me off."

After releasing a long hiss of air Necun settled back into the bed.

The pair stared at one another, both waiting for something.

Nickolas's hand slowly left his wife's thigh.

"Is there any water?" Necun finally asked.

Instead of answering Nickolas flicked his wrist and summoned a clean orb of water, bringing it to his wife's lips.

"I keep forgetting you can do that so easily." Necun said after taking a large gulp. "Beyond convenient. Usually it's a whole process with the taps."

"Those are the artifacts the caravans were using?" Nickolas asked, glad to switch to a safer topic. "And I assume you have upscaled versions to water the city? I never noticed a river."

"The rivers in the Green are too temporary to rely on." Necun confirmed. "We've always gotten our water from the Giants. There are ways to do it by hand, but since we've learned how to make the taps it's more of an emergency measure. It's why every wandering clan that happens across us trades for the taps if they don't have a supply already. Even before the climbing hooks."

"I'll have to study them sometime." the Mage said, knowing he had far to much on the list already.

Careful to avoid Necun the golden haired man flopped down onto the bed.

"Your father will be bringing up breakfast." he mentioned. "Which is sweet of him. But after that would you like a massage?"

"A massage sounds like it will either kill me or send me back to sleep." Necun admitted. "Then again so does breakfast, so maybe that's just my mood right now."

"Sleep doesn't sound bad." Nickolas said, pulling a pillow under his chin. "Once we eat we don't have anywhere to be. I plan on looking for houses when I get some time, but that can wait as long as you need."

Another sigh escaped Necun. Nickolas focused on getting himself comfortable without bumping up against his wife.

His efforts were thwarted as his lover wrapped an arm around his midsection and dragged the Mage half on top of her. Nickolas struggled for a heartbeat before realizing he had no way of breaking free without hurting Necun further. Going limp instead seemed the best course of action, and the golden haired man ended up laying across his lover's chest.

"I'm not some fragile bit of pottery." Necun sighed, slightly pained. "I'll be hurting for a few days regardless. I don't want to spend them with you worrying over every touch."

"I don't want to make things worse." the Mage complained, tensing his legs to keep as much weight as possible off of his wife.

"Whatever pain I feel is well worth paying for more of this." the Hunter retorted, hugging Nickolas tighter to her chest.

The orc began to stroke his hair, running her fingers across his scalp. Any protest died in Nickolas's throat as he accepted his fate.

"Our first night should have been like this." Necun sighed. "In the city I mean. None of the politics or problems. Just us spending some time together."

"It is nice." the Mage admitted, nestling in closer and closing his eyes. "I wish it wasn't uncomfortable for you, but...well, it's nice to hear your heartbeat."

Nickolas felt his lover shift slightly, then heard a deep hum in her chest.

"Now I want to lay on you." the Hunter whispered. "And see how fast your heart beats for me instead."

"Depends on how romantic you're being." Nickolas replied, settling his hands around the orc's neck.

"Romantic? Or romantic?" Necun teased, arms slipping lower, her fingers tracing the Mage's spine.

"You know precisely which one." Nickolas teased back while suppressing a shiver. "But you'll have to do better than that to make my heart beat fast."

The Hunter's hands grew bolder from there, Nickolas squirmed in his lover's grip, trying to conceal his blush.

Just as he was contemplating barring the door and hoping Melat got the hint, their breakfast arrived. Nickolas was nearly tossed off the bed as Necun shoved him off of her chest right as the door swung wide. Melat entered with a pair of steaming plates set on a wide wooden board.

Trying to keep his breath steady Nickolas adjusted himself on the sheet, disguising his embarassment. A brief glance to his side revealed he hadn't needed to bother. Necun's face was guilty enough for both of them. Mercifully Nickolas's father in law made no comment, not even twitching his warm smile as he set the board between them.

"Flatbread with sauce." Melat announced. "And bits of sausage meat thrown in because Zek likes me. I also have some tea ready."

The costumer bustled out of the room to grab the drinks. Taking the opportunity the pair of lovers rearranged themselves into less suspicious positions.

"I'll be leaving soon." Melat said, bringing two scalding cups of tea. "The Chief is calling everyone up to help with the aftermath. You're both excused of course, so you'll have the house to yourselves. Just take it easy, and no worrying about anything. That means you Necun. I'll have Zek come by later with lunch and to check in. Otherwise don't do anything I wouldn't do."

After checking to make sure his daughter didn't need anything else Melat gave her a warm hug. He left the room with soft steps, shutting the door behind him.

The moment they were alone the pair released synchronized sighs, both burying their faces in their hands as they shook off the embarrassment of being caught.

"So. Flat bread." Nickolas deadpanned, the first to recover. "We should eat."

Necun released a dramatic scream into her hands before she could meet Nickolas's gaze.

"Yes." she sighed. "Food. Tea. Excellent."

The food was indeed excellent. A sweet sauce soaked into the fluffy bread which had just the right amount of chewiness. Every third bite carried with it a piece of sausage, the spiced meat adding just a pinch of heat to the meal. It was one of the most delicious breakfasts Nickolas had ever eaten.

"How do you get the bread like this?" the Mage asked in wonder. "Usually the crust is flaky and hard. I can just bite right through this."

"I...have no idea." Necun admitted. "I've never baked. I just assumed all bread was like this until your mother's feast. Your food does not account for tusks by the way, very inconvenient."

Nickolas hummed in vague agreement as he took another bite. The tea he was sipping was a delight as well, a flowery blend with a mellow aftertaste. It avoided overpowering the meal, though it also left an unfortunate residue on the roof of his mouth that seemed to persist.

Once the pair had finished their meal and stashed away the plates along with the carrying board they slipped beneath the sheets to resume cuddling. Nickolas had decided to slip out of his robe, hugging his wife's side in his underclothes. They wouldn't be interrupted, and while sex was out of the question given Necun's condition he could allow for some light groping on his lover's part.

To that end the Hunter seemed more hesitant than before, tracing Nickolas's chest and back in a far more chaste manner. It sent shivers across Nickolas's body regardless, ones he no longer bothered to disguise.

Cuddling all day was a small step towards Necun's recovery, but one he was happy to provide.


Necun's body felt like it was being pulled apart. Every inch hurt, every movement felt like being slapped with a paddle. The Hunter would be shocked if she could manage more than a short nap. Deep sleep seemed beyond her for now, her aching body kept that from her. And yet even her sleep addled mind was purring with delight at how cuddly her bond was being.

Nickolas was practically begging to be close to her now, only holding back out of worry. Dashing that worry had been painful in the most literal sense, but Necun counted it as easily worthwhile. Her bond's pretense within easy reach outweighed any pain dampening tea by a wide margin, at least for settling her mood. Not that she would reject such gifts. Her father's supply would come in handy for the next few days, after which her aura should be up to the task of keeping the complaints of her body suppressed.

Until that moment Necun planned to keep herself lying down as much as feasible. Her earlier plans to use this time to search for a nice house were on hold until then. They were plans made by a Necun so filled with healing magic she wouldn't feel an arm being ripped off. In other words, a fool.

She would wait in bed, eating good food and cuddling her bond tight, and nothing was going to stop her.

Save for enormous embarrassment when her father had caught her in a rather suggestive pose with Nickolas anyway. The mortifying experience of being seen in such an intimate position wasn't something her mind would let her forget soon. A spike of nauseous stress pushed her father's concerned face to the forefront of her mind the moment her thoughts drifted anywhere near the direction of the memory. It was only with the surety of practice that Necun could fight the wave of emotions down as they rose. She knew it would pass as the horrid memory grew old, but first she needed to train herself to ignore it.

Stroking her bond's back helped, feeling each bump on the Mage's spine as her hand traced a path up and down. There was a certain feeling of possessiveness that bordered on ownership when she pulled Nickolas close. It was a deep and primal part of her, one the orc knew better than to listen to for any practical purpose, but it still allowed for intoxicating fantasies in the heat of the moment.

Her hand drifted lower and Nickolas nibbled at her collarbone in retaliation.

Falling into a half sleeping state was easy. At points she would wake, pain running through her body, only for Nickolas to pull her hand close and interlace their fingers. Other times she would catch him asleep instead, running her tusks along his neck to tease her bond. The distractions allowed time to pass in a dream like fashion, even their brief lunch of heavy stew with more flatbread passed in a blur.

It was a morning that Necun would cherish longer than she could imagine.