

A kidnapping shattered Sophia Diaz's innocence; the wealthy heiress who once dreamed of becoming a pastry chef never imagined she would fall into the hands of a demon who would change her world forever. Capone, who grew up amidst life-and-death shootouts, considered love a luxury and a joke. She was a toy for his amusement and a tool for his revenge, yet she unleashed a storm of bloodshed throughout his Mafia empire. With a simple deal, she finally won her freedom, believing their paths would never cross again. But he reappeared like a ghost, crashing her wedding, tearing her dress to shreds and destroying everything. Separated by gratitude, resentment and deep-seated enmity, he watched her disappear into the vast sea with his own eyes...

c_l_dd · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter 49- admission

Sometimes, falling for someone isn't difficult. It could be a word or a gesture that touches your heart, and then you gradually get lost in it, unable to escape.

Cronus turned his head to look at the person beside him. Her shoulder-length curly hair was casually tied into a short bun at the back of her head, with a few loose strands falling by her temples, glistening with a healthy, jet-black shine. The winter sun streamed through the window, casting a golden halo around her face, just like the soft glow on her pale complexion.

She still resembled the figure from his memory, yet upon closer inspection, she seemed different. She no longer possessed just the innocence of a young girl but had also gained the charm of a woman.

Maybe it was as she said, it's a woman's nature, a gentle warmth was hidden within.