
Mafia King's Revenge Love Story

[She wanted love,but he wanted revenge] In the most renowned hotel lounge, a girl, standing with her back against the wall, Facing the man with well built physique, could be seen. Tears were continuously flowing through her big round double lid eyes. "How could you do this to me" the girl said as she sobbed hard but the man, in front of her, just stood there ,frozen. "di....didn't y..ou said u lo...loved me so how could.....you take m..me as a element for revenge" The man just looked at her, her teary eyes, her vulnerable state was crushing his heart to million pieces but he can't do anything to make her stop crying because he is the reason for vulnerability. _______ Jennie , a 20 years old ,a sweet, intelligent and lovable girl belongs to mafia background. she was sent abroad to continue her study there at the age of 15 but when she returned, after 5 long years, she fell in love with the most powerful and dangerous man in today's mafia world who pursued her. But later she got to know that he pursued her just for sake of revenge. _________ what was the reason that he has to go all through all this trouble of pursuing her just for the sake of revenge??? how she offended him??? Or she just got dragged in this even though there was nothing wrong she did??? why she ended up falling for him so deep and hard??? how this revenge story will change into a love story??? Want answers to these questions?? Read the story you will get answers to all your question. ______ Hope you will like it. join me on instagram-@Sarelleous

Sarelle0us · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
45 Chs


When V and Jennie reached at the centre of the ballroom, V took her left hand and placed it on his shoulder before he placed his right hand on her slim waist and then he grabbed her right hand in his left one before pulling her closer with a jerk causing Jennie's eyes to widen.

Then he started moving in sync with the music playing in the background,holding her close, moving with him,Jennie was so shocked that she just looked, dazedly and then the man spoke.

" How's your cramps, Jennie " Jennie was yet to recover from his previous advances and here he goes again, asking about her cramps shamelessly, and 'wait, did he just call me 'Jennie', how the hell he knew my pen name now' she thought and looked at him with bewildered look on her face, seemingly thinking how he know her name, but when she remembered the airport scene, realization dawned on her and she nodded to herself, invisibly,' he must have heard back then'.

When Jennie didn't replied for a long while, he again spoke with his majestic and alluring voice, saying something with mischievous grin on his stunningly handsome face, which made Jennie's brows to knot at first and then puff her cheeks "If the pain reliever was not helpful....I'm here to help u with 'THE OTHER METHOD' anytime.....that'll surely work" he said majestically yet teasingly.

When Jennie heard him, a light blush formed on her cheeks before a single word left her mouth "Pervert" causing V to grin at her even broadly but when he was smiling widely,seeing her expressions and responses, Jennie moved away from him causing man's smile to instantly fade but just as she turned her back at him, the zipper at the back of her dress popped opened and her eyes almost bulge out of her socket and before she knew she was yanked back with with full force, which made her hit her back in something broad yet strong.

When Jennie turned suddenly, V's smile faded at that very moment, but when he looked at her back and the zipper opening, his eyes widen a little and before he knew he pulled her back, by grabbing her arm, causing her to land on his strong chest.

When Jennie felt her back against him, she thought she is safe for now, but then she heard a calm but controlled voice, she flinched a little. But the voice was actually not the main point here, the point is the closeness between them.

"You shouldn't do it, baby girl" he said, his face literally resting on her shoulder,his lips close to her ears, that at the instant he spoke, she felt his hot breath, which made her already red cheeks to reddened even more.

He started moving again with his hands wrapped around her Slim waist, holding her closer to him, back hugging her.

After a while, when Jennie finally managed to get her mind away from the closeness between them, she felt strong arms wrapped around her waist and she struggled to find her voice back.

" Please escort me to that corner, so that my friend can help me." she said in a whisper,in a very polite manner, which made his face to show a displeased look before he uttered.

" Why don't I help u....."he said before moving his left hand to her upper back, touching her bare skin, which made Jennie gasped.

"Huh.... thank you, but there's no need, my friend is right there she can help me " she said again but the man this time didn't replied to her as if he didn't hear anything and started looking for her zipper with his left hand while his right hand was busy holding her closer, making sure that she didn't move away and no one could see her bare back.

He searched for the slider until he finally got it, and then he started pulling it up but not by holding its pull tab, he held the slider body in between his fingers, which made his forefinger prod her skin, making Jennie to widen her eyes and gasp.

He pulled her zipper up to her neck before he turned her, making her to face him. before completing his uncompleted sentence.

"..... or but don't like me touch you" he said with mischievous smile on his face before starting moving again.

Jennie was so perplexed from the events that took place a minute ago that she couldn't even bring herself to even utter a single word.


Meanwhile, the people present there,almost had their respective hearts in their hands and the ladies present there were brimming with jealousy and resentment in their eyes except for the two persons present there, elder Lee and Lisa, who were somewhat surprised at that scene unfolding before them. But both were jovial, having there own reasons


Back at the centre of the hall, Jennie finally recovered and looked at him before saying "Shouldn't you behave like the Almighty king that you are, Mr. V"

"hmmp... I should" he replied seriously before a little smile painted his beautiful pink lips and he spoke again " but not in front of you"

Jennie eyes narrowed her eyes before she said "Such a MACKER" and he instantly replied

" Just for you" he said, leer not leaving his handsome face.

Jennie heard him and frowned hard, she moved a little, causing him to think that she is again going to go away and his grip on her waist tighten a little,