
Mafia Game-story of ST.214

bubble_tea05 · Fantasie
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Mafia Game

Jak guided Farah to sit in front of the man who is wearing glasses. " Woah . Women sure are diffirent when wearing a proper dress. " the man who have a scar said. His voice is recognised by Farah, he is the driver. " Introduce yourself miss ? " the one with glasses. " Farah Geovanni." she said lowering her face and no confidence to see the man eye to eye. " Don't be afraid. We are not bad people. We just want business. Are you sure you don't want to meet your bride? " The one with glasses said, enough for Rohan to hear. " Not interested. " the man behind the japanese divider screen said.

" I am attorney Ken, who is incharge of your contract with my client Rohan. Listen carefully before you agree or not in everthing. My client here Mr. Rohan needs a wife who will do his work while he will be away for years. Why a wife? He wanted to be believable. Imagine setting a stage for everyone to act according to your role, of course you want it to be believable if you are the director. Why you ? Because you see , my client here , Mr. Rohan , is quite popular to women and he wants no emotional attachment. And a stranger whom he never met , that is you, is suitable for this role. You can see in the contract of the amount of money you will receive monthly as your salary and your previlege if you do this job well. Of course within six months as your probation period. And as I said you need to read all your duties before you sign the contract. " attorney Ken explain.

Farah read all the responsibilities , attending meeting under the name of Rohan, signing a document under the name of Rohan, dealing witn transactions under the name of Rohan , doing wife works in public ,etc... all of them are under the name of Rohan." As you see most of them are dealing with his businesses , don't worry someone will be with you, and of course before you sign every documents , it should be approved by Rohan. " attorney explain. " The amount of money, it is too much. " Farah said. " I will be frank with you, this job may put your life at risk that is why the amount is much to pay your life if anything happens. And if you die because of this , as it said in the contract we will find your family and send them the same amount every month as a compensation. " attorney Ken said. Farah who is in need of money pick up the pen and sign it without thinking a second thought. Ken nods " I like your personality when speaking of money. " he said. "I need money ." Farah said in cold tone. Jak and Red, the driver look at each other. " After six month of probation period, my client Rohan will teach you about the work of course and he will introduce you to all as a girlfriend to make it believable , and after six month, he will decide if he will take you as his bride. "attorney said while fixing all the papers in front of him.

Farah is taken to an apartment who have a view of the whole city. She knew that the place is expensive judging from every decoration and view. She heard also the owner and Jak who is talking about it. Farah sigh deeply. " I cannot think of myself for now, grandma who is taking care of Gil is now waiting for my salary... " she thought. Then she remember the voice of Rohan " Mysterious man but scary indeed... " she thought.

The next morning , Red the driver come to fetch Farah and went to a big salon where a man who is wearing a white suit and a mask is sitting on the couch. The mask is bigger than his face that Farah cannot determine the shape of his face. " Make her be worthy to be my girlfriend. " the man with a mask said. " Okay boss. " the woman with a thick make up said.

After an hour of turning in the mirror and fitting dresses, the man is contented of how Farah look. Farah open her eyes and is dumbfounded of how she look. The make up is thick that she did not recognize herself and her personality. She is wearing a skirt that is above the knee and the dress fits her body that everyone can see her will think that she is a s**t because the way she dress is seducing. She close her eyes and deeply sigh throwing all her original self and slowly accepting her position right now. " Perfect!" Rohan said. He walk beside her who is now infront of the big mirror and he pull her by her waist. " You are now my girlfriend. Smile and be proud of it. Don't pull that angelic face of yours. " he said reminding her to act. " Y-yes" she answer.

Farah is infront of the men wearing a suit. Some of them are elders and some of them are around her age. They are in a long table inside a restaurant. She is sitting beside Rohan who is still wearing the big mask. " This is the first time that boss bring a woman in the table. " one of the man said. " She is special maybe. Boss don't want to leave her alone. " one man said. Rohan just keep quiet and Farah smile. Rohan put his palm on her knees that cause for their skin to touch and the men are now seeing it, they are all smiling maliciously. Farah is taken a back a little bit but ignore it. She put her arms around his hand to make it more real.

Inside the car, " Boss , you and Farah looks like real couple in that table. I nearly forgot that we just met her yesterday. " Jak said. Farah's stomach wants to throw up because she force herself to do things that she don't want but she manage to stop herself from doing it.