
22. Pangs of guilt

Both of them were on their way back to haveli when Zahra's eyes fell on a man selling cotton candies. Her mouth filled with drool as she desirously looked at those pink cotton candies and she couldn't stop herself.

"Irtazaaa stop the car!" She almost screamed causing him to instantly apply brakes making the car wheels produce a screeching sound, followed by the honks and screeching sounds of those cars as well which abruptly stopped behind them making the traffic jam.

"What Zahra?! What happened?!" He asked worriedly.

"Woh.... asal mein..... I want that." She said, cutely pointing toward the man selling the cotton candies.


"Did you make the car stop for this?" He asked and she nodded her head sheepishly.

His lips formed a thin line as he took a deep breath to calm himself down before releasing the brake and moving the car again.