
Mafia King

"Please sir, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please I didn't mean to betray you. Please spare my life s-

A dark chuckle interrupted the man's non stop begging. Not just the crying man, even the other mafia members got chills when they heard that.

"Don't you know that I don't forgive traitors?" A deep voice echoed in the abandoned building.

"P-please forgive me o-one time." The beaten man grabbed the mafia kings legs and cried. But he only got a kick as a reply.

"I don't give second chances." Wei, the mafia king said glaring holes at the traitor.

Xiang Wei, the king of the underworld, stared at the pathetic man with his icy cold eyes. He had no mercy.

"Take him to our basement and treat him good." Wei ordered to his minions. And they didn't wait a second to drag the poor man to the van.

They were at an abandoned building, where the traitor was hiding. But who can hide from the almighty Xiang Wei. Absolutely no one.

Wei was the most feared person in the China. And because of that reason, people rarely betray him. Everyone knew how heartless he was. He was the incarnation of the devil. So no one dared to go against him. Betraying him was just suicide.

But once in a while, a brainless idiot thinks they can fool the king of underworld. And their series doesn't end with a happy ending. Wei make sure to show them hell before put a hole in their head.

Wei grabbed a cigarette from his pocket. A smirk was plastered on his face. One of his members quickly grabbed a lighter and lit the cigarette for him.

The Mafia king inhaled a cancer stick with the same devil like smirk on his face. No one knew what was going inside his mind. Probably about the ways of torturing the traitor.

After finish inhaling the cigarette, Wei was ready to leave the abandoned building. But before he do that, his right hand man Shin Fu stopped him.



"There's someone!!" Fu said pointing outside the building.

Wei quickly looked where his right hand man showed. It was dark, but Wei could lightly see a figure of a girl standing few feet away from them.

Oh god, a witness.

Now I have to take care of that too.

Before Wei order his men to drag the girl out, she willingly took few steps towards them.

Now Wei could see the girl a bit. Not clearly, but he could definitely see the her big bambi like eyes reflecting the moon light.

But as Wei assumed, there wasn't any fear in those eyes.

It was just...



