
Mafia's heavenly Affliction

[ contains MATURE CONTENT ] ''I vow not to tell anyone,'' Daehyun responded. ''I changed my mind, if you don't obey me from now on, I will reveal your little secret to everyone,'' Daehyun smirked. * surprise *:- Min young When an indifferent man Daehyun, who is cold as ice to everyone save his closed once, a fearful Mafia leader , a crazy Maniac who covers himself as shy and innocent saw an innocent and lovely girl and couldn't stop thinking about those pink plump lips, at first he wanted to take revenge from the same girl for the things she didn't even knew about but he gradually transformed into a man with many feelings in the process of taking his revenge , especially for his girl . But what will happen when he discovers that his baby , his Min young , is a member of a killer and Mafia clan, exactly like him? However, his seemingly innocent baby girl is not so innocent. She is not what she seems to be infront of everyone . Nobody, not even her family, knows about her dark secrets. Come and read how their bittersweet , enemies to lover romance blossoms into a strong and unbeatable relationship. This story contains Thrill , excitement, confusion , secrets , Mafia things , drama and many more. If you liked my story, please do Vote with power stones and Comment how you felt about the story. Gift it and write a review . Thankyou very much for reading Cover is by pinterest and edited by Me . WSA theme :- CEO /BILLIONAIRE / MAFIA

_disha_ · Urban
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30 Chs

Ch - 14 : Eyes on the top Prize

Min's POV

It's the next week after Christmas ends, and just like every year, we celebrated it with great enjoyment and happiness. To say that I am kind of bored staying at home doing nothing. So I thought of going outside, although it's snowing. I still want to roam outside a bit. I wore my thickest clothes and a black coat with a hoodie to protect me from the snow. I grabbed my wallet and cellphone, ready to head outside.

I walked downstairs when I saw my father just sitting on the couch, looking at the TV. He looked at me, noticing my presence, but I hurriedly looked away, not also minding his men who bowed to me.

Our relationship has now become like this since the day I came to know the truth—me ignoring him and him not saying anything. After what I heard that day, we sort of grew apart. It's not about forgiving him, but I am just a little upset with him because of what he hid from me. This is his punishment from me because he lied to me, but just look at him; he didn't even try to talk to me. I said that with a sigh.

"This morning, another body was found dead by the roadside of the 9th Avenue." The man is believed to be in his 40s and uses the name Min Seong. His neck was slashed and was seperated from his body brutally, meeting his death in a flash.

Lately, the killings in our town have been increasing, with numerous bodies found dead almost everywhere. Not a single day would pass without a single report of a crime, and I am only thinking of one person who could be involved in this. And yes, I am referring to that person sitting on the sofa who would always grin at these sudden newsflashes, like everything was good news.

"Won't you explain yourself, Dad?" I asked, crossing my arms and now glaring at him. He looked at me and turned his grin into a blank face.

"What did I do?" He asked, almost looking at me innocently, like he never did any crime.

"Don't act dumb now; I know that you've been killing these people for... I don't know what reason you have, but this is wrong! You can't just kill whenever you want to! And can't you at least clean your shit after you murder them?" My father chuckled. He fucking chuckled.

"It's not my doing, Minie."

"Yeah, like I would believe that." I rolled my eyes as he continued to watch the news.

"Believe it or not, it's not me. And if it were me, you'd know, because you'd never know. Got that?" Was he expecting me to be proud of him just now? Just how crazy can he get?


I walked out and drove my blue Lamborghini, leaving him with his men, who've been creeping me out lately since I knew that they weren't just normal bodyguards now. Who knows if they are killing people behind my back too, which I somehow know they really do since they work for my father?

I decided to drive to a mall, which was half an hour away from my house. As soon as I entered the mall, there were not many people, which I thank God for since they must be staying in their homes instead of roaming here and there because of the cold weather.

I entered one soft toy section; the pink stuff toys on display welcomed me, and I smiled as all of them looked cute to my liking. There are also pink key chains with different characters and some room decorations. This store screams cuteness, I swear.

Suddenly, I hear someone calling my name from behind.

"Park Min Young?" I looked at the counter side and saw Eun Hyung wearing an employee uniform with his cap, apron, and a nameplate on his chest. He looks good in that, though. Seeing him, I went towards him and asked,

"Do you work here?" He just gave me his dimpled smile and nodded in reply.

"Wow, you must be busy even during the holidays."

"Yeah, I just started a few months ago, and I know... it sucks, actually, but I don't mind. I don't have anything to do at home anyway." He shrugged, and I just nodded in understanding.

Why does he need to work, though? Isn't he already rich? I mean, he has his luxurious black Volvo, which he always drives to university. And that's when I realised, "So this is what boredom does to people.

"Min young?" I looked at the person who spoke behind me, and I swear I almost stumbled!

What is he doing here?

"Seojun-hyung... " I gulped and blushed when he gave me his gummy smile that always gets me down on my knees for him. I've been all over him for years, but I still find his smile thrilling.

"What are you doing here at the mall? Buying gifts for your boyfriend because Christmas is gone one week ago?" I panicked and hurriedly defended myself with a fast shake of my head.

"What?! No! "I don't have one." I fiddled with my fingers as I looked down.

"Ooh, so you're available then?" I stared at him one more time, not knowing what he meant by that.

"Mochi!" My body suddenly froze, like it knew how to automatically react to that voice.

I know that voice. How would I not know? And fuck, how I wish I wasn't right!

But how could I be wrong?

He's the only one who can call me Mochi.

                           3rd person's POV

Daehyun runs towards Seojun's side after he sees a familiar face. He was now back to the cute and innocent Daehyun everyone knew. But this time Minyoung won't buy that since she already knows the latter's true annoying and manipulating self.

"Daehyun! Can you not be too loud? Our customers would complain!" He just giggled cutely at Eun's comment.

"You are shouting too much, Eun-hyung... I'm sorry, I'm just excited to see my mochi here!" Daehyun gave her his bunny smile, but Min never failed to see the glint in his eyes. That smile has some different meaning behind it that only she could know.

"I've noticed how close you've become, like friends. Yah, Daehyun, could you tell me how you easily got close with her? Even calling her by her pet name, Mochi, No offence, but... she's usually just sitting in a far corner, isolating herself from everybody." Eun commented while guiding some customers who would ask him about a certain store section.

"Really? I never noticed though, but yeah, we have become close, and we even gave each other pet names, like me calling her Mochi and she calling me Hyunnie, and this happens since my mochi is always open to me. She even shared her secrets with me. Right, Mochi?" The younger of the two knows exactly what Daehyun was talking about. She was starting to feel itchy, and she felt like she would just nit the shit out of him right now if she could.

"Woah! What secret are you hiding, Minnie, Minnie? Tell me too!" Min got flustered when Eun asked her.

"Yeah, what secret could that be that only Daehyun could know about?" That's unfair!" Seojun pouted. He effin' pouted, and she almost lost it!

All eyes are on Min Young now. Daehyun smirked so maniacally that only Min could see it. She knows that Daehyun is trying to play dirty with her.

"They're right Mochi, you were not being fair. Should I tell it to them instead?" She panicked for a second there and doesn't know what to do now. She was giving Daehyun a 'don't you dare' look, but the older man doesn't look affected.

Somehow, Daehyun noticed how Min lost her words, so he tried to speak for her instead to divert Srojun and Eun's attention away from her. He wouldn't say it, of course; it would be too boring for him to just spill the beans like that. Because if he did, then that would spoil the whole fun part of this game he was playing with the younger, and then his plan for the future would also be ruined by it.

"I'm just kidding, Hyungs; she wouldn't even tell me anything about herself no matter how hard I tried." He earned a slap on the arm and a pinch on the cheek from both Seojun and Eun.

They laughed and continued talking nonsense until Eun was needed by a customer, so he left the counter. After a few minutes, Seojun was also needed by a customer, so he also left, leaving Daehyun and Minyoung all by themselves. Min sensed that it wasn't a good idea to be all alone with Daehyun now.

Daehyun saw how Min's body tensed up, and he smirked at this. He is just enjoying this game too much. He walked forward, leaning to the younger's ears.

"I always get my eyes on the top prize, baby girl. And once I set my eyes on the prize, it will be mine either by hook or by crook. Now, do as I tell you... Be my girlfriend, and we won't have any more problems coming our way. I won't tell if you will obey." Daehyun whispered.

"I fucking hate you, Jeon Daehyun." She spat, clenching both her small hands into a fist.

"Oh, trust me, Park Min Young. I hate you as much."

"But in the end, even if we both hate each other, you are going to be mine because I never leave my prey," he thought while looking at Min Young.