

Taming the Stallion Most women imagine Angelo Sorrentino as rich, handsome, and confident, except Emily Rosette. In her eyes, Angelo Sorrentino is a ruthless, bitter, and heartless businessman who goes out of his way to ruin people's lives at the drop of a hat. After taking over his late father’s wealth and enjoying the protection of both his wealth and some of the most dangerous men in New York who are loyal to him, Angelo sees himself as indestructible. After a fatal car crash, Angelo wakes up unable to remember much about his life other than calling Emily his wife. Emily is presented with an irresistible deal, one that she cannot simply reject. Torn between her desire to tell Angelo the truth and her need to save her son's life, she takes the deal and pretends to be Angelo’s wife. Emily soon learns that being known as "Mrs. Sorrentino" comes with both its perks and dangers. She is now tasked with protecting her fake husband, Angelo, at all costs from the people closest to him. The world of the rich is proving to be bigger than what Emily had thought it to be, proving once again that not all that glitters is gold.

Eugenia_Zantoto · Urban
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180 Chs


"You coward, open the door already!" Emily leaned against the iron gates of Angelo Sorrentino's estate and repeatedly banged her hands. After years of suffering, she had had enough. She pounded on the door again, but stopped when she noticed two guards exiting the property.

"What are you doing here, mad woman?" One of the security personnel yelled. In normal circumstances, Emily would have stepped back out of fear that they might hurt her, but now she had no fear left, just anger.

"Where's Angelo?" She yelled and tried to push past both men, but they stood in her way.

"I urge you go back home, woman; we don't want to injure you," One of the security men said, implying that they may if she didn't move. She knew full well that Angelo's men were armed with firearms that could kill in the blink of an eye.

"I will not leave this property until you get me Angelo," Emily told them. When she expressed her anger to them, the men turned to each other and laughed in her face.