
Mafia's enemy lover (18+)

Ashley_Acetan · Fantasie
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34 Chs

chapter 20:-

"our Family is doing their business with Costellos from 3 generations . But few years ago, his Elder son, Daniel Costello ,whom you met at our special day, created so many problems because I am as his age and I am more mature and responsible than him so he got envious of me .

"Suga started his speech showing some of his old pictures with his father and Costello's family.

"At first , I tried to solve business matters on my own but they got greedy about partitions of the business. So I asked my dad to start my own business.

My Dad set up me this import and export business which I am running right now.

When I left those companies which were under my name , I already had a huge collection of Costello's family corruption".

Saying this he showed some pictures of property papers to Jimin . Although Jimin couldn't understand what were these papers about but he believed on Suga's words.

"Frank Costello's elder Son Daniel Costello took over my companies and He also cheated many times in business.

Like he hid the sacks of drugs and made personal profit.

Which was totally desecration of counsel's rules.

Look at this screen . These are the proofs of his cheating and possession over my companies." Winding up his words, Suga showed him those papers which were in his father's stuff. And showed him pictures of proofs in his tablet.

Seeing those papers made Jimin's remind something.

" I think I have seen them before ! "

Jimin claimed that by looking at Suga's face.

" Your memory is as good as I expected.

These are the papers for which your father risks his life.

These papers are found from your father's stuff. You might have seen them before. These papers are the reason that Daniel Costello is after your family.

Counsel doesn't know that he was making his personal profit for about five years by selling stolen sacks of drugs but he knows that Mr. Pil knows about his Scam.

That's why he is after your family so badly . Because Daniel wants to shut Mr. Pil's mouth. But He was a man of dignity indeed. " When Suga was praising his father , Jimin looked into his eyes if he was lying or not. But Suga didn't blink.

Then Jimin looked at the papers.

There were details of drugs selling.

There were no seller name but purchasers are mentioned.

Jimin noticed that. Then he looked up again .

Suga thought that Jimin couldn't understand what was written in the papers so he asked directly.

"Can you understand that ?"

He simply asked but he doesn't know that Jimin will mind his line .

"Definitely. I am a business management student. How can I not !"

Jimin's tone was like he took Suga's words to his heart.

Seeing Jimin serious, Suga hardly control his laughter and continue to talk.

" Six years ago , your father used to work with Frank Costello. I still remember that day when Daniel Costello was about to throw him from the window of our previous company's office.

Just because he help that boy in escaping who was kidnapped by Daniel.

Meanwhile I stepped in that office in search of my files .

I saved him and then threw 2 punches in Daniel's abdomen.

From that day on, he hates me ."

Suga told him that proudly.

" So he didn't told his father about that? I mean he's a big shot too . What if he told his father about you hitting him? "

Jimin asked him out of curiosity.

" Haha , I knew that he will never tell anyone about his cowardness . If he'd tell his father that someone easily beat him and walk away , his father will definitely beat his ass off. "

Suga was so sure about his words.

" Oh so that's the case. "

Jimin felt relief knowing about that.

Seeing Jimin relaxed , Suga continued his talk.

" Seeing that incident,I offered Mr. Pil to work with me which he accepted after telling Frank Costello about it.

But in those 6 years , he never told me that Daniel Costello was cheating on counsel." Jimin was listening to his words with interest.

"If he didn't told you anything, then how you have that much data about Costellos ?"

Suga wasn't expecting from Jimin that his mind is that much sharp.

"Because I have my sources."

He quit that topic with a swag reply.

His answer almost satisfied Jimin because his tone was full of power .

"Only your father was a threat for him .

He thought that if your father told and showed those papers of deception to the counsel , they will ban him in the world of mafia business. So he tried to kill your parents. " Suga was speaking when Jimin interrupted him.

" why are you so sure about counsel's punishment?"

"Because once I was a part of them but now I have my own mafia. "

He proudly said that.

Then he opened his laptop and put a pin drive in it . He played something and turn the screen towards Jimin.

"Look , this is the CCTV recording of your car's accident 4 years ago. It is clearly shown that it wasn't an accident.

Look that truck was waiting for your car to arrive in camera 3 and when it find your car near , this truck just hit your car in camera 4 .but this recording was deleted before police investigation.

Luckily I asked my friend to restore all the data in that memory card so I found that recording there. "

He was showing Jimin his accident video.

But Jimin was totally lost in astonishment.

Everything was rewinded in his memory.

"If you found that recording then why don't you gave it to police?" Jimin asked out if curiosity.

"Because when I showed it to your father and asked him to gave it to police, he clearly decline it. He said police is working under them . We will lose this evidence if we gave it to them right now.

We need this evidence to show it to the board members of counsel . "

Suga tell him every conversation between him and Jimin's father.

" I remember your father asked me to quit his job before your mother's death. He was totally depressed. But he didn't tell me why he was so depressed. So I let him rest but I told him to continue his work whenever he feels better. As you saw the letters before. At first, these letters was sent to your father , just to threaten him. But then when he knows that your father isn't afraid of him so he made a car accident scene.

At first his intention must be killing both of you and your parents because he mentioned this in this letter " he gave a paper to Jimin .

Which made Jimin shocked to death.

' hey my dear boy ! I don't know what made you mess with us. What you did , was not so good . But I am sliding this. Now I am giving you a chance. If you dare to mess with us again, I don't harm you because I know you're not afraid of hurting yourself. That's why I will make your favorite left hand subordinate's( Jimin's Dad) life , a hell. It's because you always send him to us. So I chose your favorite underling Mr.pil. his and his family's lives are about to end .It's up to you now !'

My regards.