

Revon Mansion


Cally's Pov

"I am trying Ryan...maybe she doesn't wants to talk to me." I said as I throw my phone on the bed.

"Don't you find it suspicious that your mom hasn't answered your calls from past two days?" Ryan asked sitting on the couch beside me.

"She must be with Dad because he too isn't answering." Although I highly doubted that, my mom and dad could never be in the same place together. He despised ,acting all nice when everyone is around but I had seen his real attitude towards her.

"Call Alaina, she must be knowing something" my conscience screamed with guilt as he took her name, not only I had left her unprotected that day in club but also insulted her love. The cherry on top, dad was a monster who made her life hell, I highly doubted that she wished to talk to me.

"Ryan? What happened? Where are you going?" I panicked when I saw him going out of the door.