
Chapter 1: Teachers

Welcome to Konoha….. now let's just skip all the blah blah blah that you've all read countless times and could probably recite by heart. To cut to the chase, it's the Chunin Exams, specifically the month long break, and our favorite blonde knucklehead needs to get training to kick Neji Hyuga's ass.

We find said blonde at the hospital since he wanted to check in on his friends before getting to training. What he doesn't know, is that things are about to change rapidly for him and his dream of becoming Hokage is going to be much more believable than anyone could imagine.

Konoha Hospital: Just after the Preliminaries: Day 1 of the month training

Naruto calmly walked into the hospital despite having no love whatsoever for the place. It wasn't that the doctors didn't do their job whenever he was here or even the indifference they usually showed him, it was the smell and feel of the place. It reeked of disinfectant and death while feeling like several people were still there even after their bodies passed.

Shaking those thoughts away, Naruto entered and was only mildly surprised to see his supposed teacher, Kakashi Hatake, there. Already guessing he was there for Naruto's teammate, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto was merely going to greet him and check on the others, "Hey Kakashi-Sensei." Naruto stated before being rudely interrupted by the man.

"Sorry Naruto, but I'm going to be training Sasuke during the month. However, I've gotten Ebisu to train you." Kakashi stated not even looking up from his book, which was causing the nurses to twitch their eyes badly.

Said instructor came over to the two while giving a nod to Naruto and Naruto merely raised an eyebrow, "Uh yeah, I wasn't going to ask you for training Kakashi. I was just saying hi. As for Ebisu training me, I mean no offense but you're a sensor and tracking specialist and I'm not suited really for either of those. Because of that, I'll have to decline training with you and see about one of the other Jonin or Chunin for training since my so called teacher couldn't bother to find me someone that suits my way of fighting. Although, do say hi to Konohamaru for me." Naruto stated making Kakashi frown and Ebisu to nod with a smile before Naruto walked off to the patient rooms.

Ebisu merely chuckled, "You're making a mistake not training that boy, Kakashi." Ebisu stated with his chuckle still going.

Kakashi merely frowned, "Why? He's got no talent when compared to Sasuke." Kakashi stated making Ebisu laugh loudly.

"No talent? Kakashi you're more blind than your handicap suggests. Not only does that boy have more energy and chakra than a quarter of our Jonin roster put together, but at the young age of 14 he could do both variants of the Shadow Clone Jutsu flawlessly. Jutsu I remind you, that he learned by himself with no instruction or supervision. A Jonin and Kage level technique and he performs them flawlessly. On top of that, he's an Uzumaki and I can guess who his parents were just based on that alone. All that means he has more potential than possibly anyone else in the village and that's without his tenant being a factor. If all that doesn't show his potential, then you truly are blind." Ebisu stated making Kakashi frown heavily.

"That brat is weak and will never live up to his parents or Sasuke." Kakashi stated making Ebisu frown, but it was someone else that spoke.

"Is that so?" A voice stated making them turn and widen their eyes at the sight of the person, "I think the Hokage would be interested to hear just what your opinion of my godson is." The voice stated with authority while showing his displeasure by grabbing Kakashi by the shoulder…hard.

"Wai-Wait, that's not what I meant." Kakashi tried to plead lamely but the person wasn't having any of it.

"Tell it to Sensei." The voice stated before disappearing with Kakashi while Ebisu merry released a sigh of relief thankful that his opinion of Naruto had shifted after the incident with Konohamaru.

After meeting Naruto, Konohamaru had gotten serious about training and had been progressing well. Granted there were still times of him skipping out on lessons, but Naruto had helped Ebisu realize that Konohamaru had the right to enjoy his childhood before he was forced to grow up when he became a ninja. Ebisu would be a bit relaxed for now, but when the boy became Genin then he was going to become a teacher that would help mold Konohamaru into being a Hokage that surpassed his grandfather.

Maybe Naruto would be both of those too.

Training Ground Three: Later On

Naruto was doing some simple stretches while waiting for someone. After visiting a sleeping Hinata, a stubborn Lee, and a happily eating Choji in the hospital, Naruto was approached by an Anbu informing him that someone approached the Hokage about training him for the month and to meet him at this training field. So now here he was waiting and hoping the person in question wasn't going to be a lazy ass like Kakashi was.

He got his answer as a man walked in looking like a kabuki performer and the kanji for oil on his head plate. The man merely walked up to Naruto and stared down at him looking him over, "Well, you're nothing overly impressive at first glance, but neither was my last student." The man stated making Naruto's eye twitch, "I'm Jiraiya of the three Sanin, I'll be training you for the month and depending on how you do in the Exams, I may become your permanent teacher." The now named Jiraiya stated making Naruto blink.

"No offense, but are you a more offense oriented fighter? I'm not really a huge tactician, defensive, or out maneuver kind of fighter. My policy has always been a good offense is more useful than a good defense. Oh, and if you know anything about seals, could you check my seal? Your former snake teammate did something to it." Naruto stated since he didn't want his or Jiraiya's time wasted if Jiraiya's skillsets weren't going to match up to Naruto's style and he wanted to remove whatever the snake did since his control felt out of whack.

Jiraiya frowned and examined his seal before he cursed and quickly undid the overlapping seal causing Naruto to launch back and tumble, "Son of a bitch! I'm gonna kick your ass, you grey haired bastard!" Naruto shouted as he got up only to pause at the face of Jiraiya struggling to hold back some laughs.

Not being able to take it anymore, Jiraiya released a loud rumbling laugh before patting Naruto's head, "Oh kid, you remind me of your parents." Jiraiya stayed making Naruto's eyes widen but Jiraiya held a hand up to stop him from asking, "Yes kid, I knew your parents and I'm sad to confirm that they are dead. Before you ask, I can't tell you about them, not because I don't want to but because they left strict orders not to tell you til specific times." Jiraiya states making Naruto stop whatever he was about to ask, "Your mother is a secret til you are Chunin and your father is a secret til you're Jonin or deemed strong enough to handle things. Both of them were feared and respected Shinobi, so with them gone there was too much of a chance of someone trying to kill you so you couldn't become as strong as them or kidnapping you to mold into their weapon." Jiraiya explained making Naruto both happy and saddened.

He was happy since his parents were such badasses and they didn't abandon him like a drunk asshole had insinuated. He was sad because not only was it confirmed they were dead but he had to wait even longer to learn who they are, "How come you know so much?" Naruto asked and Jiraiya smiled sadly before kneeling down in front of him.

"Because I'm your godfather." Jiraiya stated making him widen his eyes, "I know I didn't see you kid, but it was truly because I didn't have time to stop in and see you. I was in the village five minutes and then I was out again taking care of missions and duties to the village. However, I always left you gifts for your birthday and put money into your account whenever I stopped in." Jiraiya stated patting his head while smiling sadly and Naruto nodded with some tears in his eyes.

Jiraiya then stood as Naruto wipes his eyes, "Now, I want to make up for lost time and give you the training that Kakashi has obviously been neglecting." Jiraiya stated making Naruto nod with a few tears in his eyes still, "Alright, first we're going to go over everything Kakashi has trained you in and then I'm going to give you a field test to fully see what you're competent in and what you need to work on the most." Jiraiya stated and Naruto frowned.

"The only thing he's taught me is teamwork and the tree exercise. Even then the tree exercise was just him showing it once and then leaving me and Sasuke to keep trying it." Naruto stated and Jiraiya had to fight back a scowl upon his face since Kakashi has been a sensei for almost 9 months and that was all he taught Naruto?! The cyclops was lucky Jiraiya didn't send him to the hospital like Tsunade used to do him.

Kakashi was lucky since the Hokage had set things up with a simple matter: if Sasuke didn't perform better than Naruto did in the finals, since if Kakashi was right then even with Jiraiya's help Naruto should fail, then Kakashi was going to be in deep shit.

"I see, I'll deal with that later but for now let's see what you've got." Jiraiya stated as Naruto nodded and got ready.

Two Hours Later

Naruto was panting slightly as Jiraiya had put him through the ringer in a variety of tests and exercises to see where he stood on different things. Meanwhile, Jiraiya still looked fresh as a daisy even though his clothes did have some tears and scorch marks, but that was from the proverbial gauntlet Naruto put him through when he trapped an area with everything he had.

Jiraiya had to admit, the kid had a devious mind when it came to traps, but then add in his stealth and overall brute strength and the kid could give seasoned Anbu some trouble. He idly mused about signing Naruto up for the village defense force since the kid could make the enemy really pay the price for trying to get into the village. Add in the kid's stealth, no doubt from him constantly running around in kill me orange and successfully hiding from non-sensor types, meant he could be great for assassination and espionage. He almost wished Tsunade was still in the village since Naruto's raw brute strength could be vastly improved by her monster strength technique.

Shaking those thoughts away for another time, he looked at his new student, "Alright, meet me here tomorrow to learn your training regiment and get to work on improving what you have already. If you want something to do today, I want you to do the tree walking exercise until you absolutely can't anymore. That should help get your chakra back into synch and increase your control, which will help you learn and master new Jutsu." Jiraiya stated making Naruto nod.

Jiraiya then left the area and went to the Hokage Tower where he found his former teacher, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sitting there finishing some paperwork, "Kakashi was talking out of his ass, kid's got more potential than I've seen in years. Hell, he could put Minato and Kushina to shame if trained properly and given a chance to really shine. And that's not even counting the Kyubi if he decided to use it." Jiraiya stated and Hiruzen nodded while taking a puff from his pipe.

"If what you told me about that organization is true, it would be wise if he knew how to become deadly without using the Kyubi. If they are intent on capturing the Biju, then that stands to reason that they all have skills, contingencies, and plans to take down the beasts and their hosts. That leads me to believe that it would be unwise if Naruto was dependent and focused on using the Fox's power against his enemies. Doing so could be disastrous when they come for him and anyone helping him as a result." Hiruzen stated making Jiraiya nod.

"I inspected the seal and it's still trickling the chakra slowly and thus Naruto can only tap into it at times of extreme emotional moments or if he's exhausted his normal chakra. Maybe when he's older I'll help him start tapping into the Kyubi's power, but for right now I think the tighter the seal the better in this case since it will be harder for anyone to interfere with the Kyubi, though that could also alienate the fox and the kid from each other. From what my sources in Kumo told me, their Eight Tailed host has complete control and synchronization with their Biju. That means he has access to all the abilities his Biju does and can even turn into the Biju without succumbing to its rage or base instincts." Jiraiya stated making Hiruzen nod.

"Do what you can, Jiraiya, get Naruto into top form as a ninja and then worry about him as a Jinchuriki. Konoha has never had to depend on a Biju container to be strong and both our two previous hosts were formidable without the Biju at all. I want Naruto to continue that legacy and not become a ninja that is only powerful because of the Demon sealed inside him." Hiruzen stated and Jiraiya nodded.

"No problem, with the training regiment I have picked out, Naruto will crush everyone in the finals regardless of who he faces. Though I would like your permission to recruit some others to help with his training as needed since there are a few things even I can't help him with and if something pressing comes up, the. I want him to have someone to help him until I get back." Jiraiya informed then requested and Hiruzen nodded.

"Do was you please, Jiraiya, anyone is free to train Naruto so long as there is no conflict of interest and it doesn't interfere in their normal duties." Hiruzen stated making Jiraiya nod before he left to check in on some people he knew could help push Naruto in the right direction.

Hiruzen merely leaned back smoking his pipe while thinking on the blonde bundle of energy that was Naruto Uzumaki. If it wasn't for the fact he had to be impartial and didn't have time, he'd contribute to helping Naruto with his training. Sighing slightly, he turned back to the last few pieces of paperwork that he needed to handle for the day.

Day 2 of the Training Month

Naruto stretched at the training ground waiting for his godfather/sensei to arrive and was surprised when he did a few moments later with Kurenai in tow, "Ah good, you're here." Jiraiya stated as he walked up to him with Kurenai, who seemed to be analyzing Naruto much more than she had done in the past, "I've worked out some training with Kurenai-san here as well as Might Guy. However, any other training won't take place till the second week as I want to drill you in Chakra control exercises as well as finding your elemental affinity and getting your schedule set up for the following three weeks. Kurenai here can help you with chakra control as she has to have near perfect control to use her variety of genjutsu. She'll also be helping you with breaking, escaping, and even casting genjutsu since there are some genjutsu that just require you to overwhelm your opponent's chakra, which you can do easily." Jiraiya informed making Naruto nod before thanking Kurenai, who merely smiled and nodded.

Jiraiya then produced a slip of paper, "Ok, what you've gotta do is channel chakra into this paper and the results will tell us your affinity. Depending on the results, I can train you or find someone who can train you in your affinity since, while I know the basic steps for each affinity, it's always better to have someone who's done what you'll be doing." Jiraiya stated handing Naruto the paper and waited for the results.

Said results were surprising since the paper was cut into confetti with a majority of the pieces becoming soaked and the rest crumpling up. Jiraiya and Kurenai were of course stunned since it was extremely rare for a person to have three affinities right off the bat.

Jiraiya was handling it better since he knew Minato was a wind user with a minor in water, Kushina was a water user with a minor in lightning, and he could only assume that the small trickle of chakra from the Kyubi had slowly formed a minor connection to the three or it could have been due to the fox's chakra circulating inside Kushina while she was pregnant with Naruto. Kyubi was known to cause storms, hurricanes, and typhoons with a swish of its tails and those bloodline elements were made of combinations of water, lightning, and wind.

While normally a child took after the parent with the more dominant genes or whoever the child took after the most, that wasn't the case with Naruto since anyone who actually paid attention could see Naruto was a blend of both Minato and Kushina. Naruto had his father's hair, build, and eyes sure, but his face, personality, and overall way of doing things was clearly Kushina.

He broke from his inner musings as Naruto merely raised an eyebrow and looked at Jiraiya, "Well then, looks like you have a high affinity for wind with a lesser for water and lightning. Under normal circumstances I would try to have you learn all three, but for this month we'll focus on the wind affinity since it will be the easier of the three. If you show good progression in that, then I'll be able to help you with the other two." Jiraiya informed and Naruto nodded since he had no idea how the affinities worked.

"Good, now I need to go talk to someone that I know could help you with the wind affinity. While I'm gone, Kurenai here will begin your work with chakra control and genjutsu and I expect you to be doing the work and not complain about getting cool Jutsu. Your parents and all the Hokage always ensured they had full control of their chakra before they started worrying about using Jutsu. Even then, they never focused on flashy moves over what they could use for a variety of situations. A well used substitution can be just as effective as any offensive Jutsu." Jiraiya stayed making Naruto frown, but he nodded nonetheless.

Jiraiya knew fully well that basic Jutsu could be lethal since he had seen it with Sasuke's mother, Mikoto, who made a name for herself using only shunshin, clones, and substitution. She'd use shunshin combined with substitution to move clones around confusing enemies and even substituted with enemies so they ended up killing each other while she killed others. She never even used her Sharingan to fight even after she unlocked it fully.

Shaking those thoughts away, Jiraiya nodded to Kurenai before leaving in a shunshin. This left Naruto and Kurenai alone in the training ground, "So what should I do first Kurenai-san?" Naruto asked looking around as Kurenai was just looking at him.

"Before that Naruto, I have something I need to discuss with you while Jiraiya isn't here." Kurenai stated moving toward Naruto, who looked at her and then blushed seeing how close she was.

"And w-what would that be?" Naruto asked making Kurenai smile as she pushed her chest out a bit.

"Well, I'm sure you recall how Neji treated Hinata in the prelims correct?" Kurenai asked and then smiled slightly as Naruto stopped blushing and grew both serious and angry. Kurenai continued when he nodded, "Well, I happen to care about Hinata as if she was my daughter and I'm pissed at what Neji did. However, there's nothing that can be done due to the rules and vouchers signed at the Forest of Death." Kurenai stated and Naruto nodded.

"Okay, and what does that have to do with me?" Naruto asked and Kurenai smiled.

"Simple, while I can't do anything, you are not barred from such an action." Kurenai stated making Naruto raise his eyebrows, "Yes, with you as his opponent he can pay, though Hinata still wants to have him forgiven because she loves her family. With Jiraiya and others training you besides myself, your chances of beating Neji are practically guaranteed and you most likely won't break a sweat doing it. Hence why I wish to offer you a deal." Kurenai stated making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"A deal?" He asked before Kurenai nodded and stood. Naruto blushed again as she pulled her dress down revealing her perky breasts and hardened nipples and then up showing her scarlet thong covered pussy.

"If you break Neji, and I mean doing everything you can to hurt him short of crippling or killing him, then you can have me. I will sign myself over to you as your servant, slave, concubine, whore, slut, or whatever you want to call it. If you do this for me and hurt Neji for what he did to Hinata and knows never to do it again, then you can have me till the day one of us dies." Kurenai stated moving her thong to show her pink pussy.

"I-I uh, that is." Naruto stammered before he slapped himself, "I would've done that from the start, you don't have to do this." Naruto stated making Kurenai smile more.

"I know, but you would have simply fought him till he lost, but I want you to do more than that. I want you to beat him, hurt him, maim him, and anything else except cripple him or kill him since I know Hinata will never forgive that. I want you to deliver a wrath upon him that not the Hokage, Hyuga Clan, Fire Daimyo, or even Kami himself could stop from happening to make sure he knows never to try to kill Hinata again." Kurenai stated with passion, anger, and ambition in her voice.

"Even still, I don't think you need to do this." Naruto stated before he blushed as Kurenai leaned in and kissed his lips. The blush was due to both the kiss and his front row view of her boobs.

"I know, but first off this is my way of thanking you and giving you an extra incentive. Second, you're a nice boy and will no doubt do many great things, which means I also benefit. Third, despite what I am offering, you're still resisting the offer and even just looking at my chest is being avoided by you as you look at my face whenever one of us is speaking. Fourth, you'll also be helping me." She stated making him raise an eyebrow at the last item, "I'm tired of being hounded by dozens of men who just want to sleep with me and then brag about it. Most men don't respect kunoichi and think all we do is sleep with individuals before assassinating them. There's also the fact my apartment complex has been full of pigs, perverts, and assholes so that's a problem. I'm fully prepared to serve you with my body if it is required but that's mainly due to the fact I know you won't brag about it to every person willing to listen, you won't try anything if I say no, you're not going to treat me like some toy, and you won't make me sleep like some kind of animal or dress me as a whore to parade around." Kurenai stated making Naruto blanch at the idea.

"Hell no! That'd make me no better than that Gato asshole in Wave and I sure as hell will never become like him!" Naruto shouted making Kurenai smile.

Kurenai then stood and covered herself again, "So we have an agreement then?" She asked making Naruto blink before blushing again.

"I-I guess, if that's what you want." Naruto stated making her smile before she kissed his cheek before standing and getting down to business.

"Good, now we'll start with different chakra control exercises. Once I see which are either easy or hard for you to do, I'll have you work on the easiest methods since they will help you get your control progressively better til the harder ones are manageable." Kurenai instructed making Naruto nod.

With Jiraiya

Jiraiya was currently with one Asuma Sarutobi, the only confirmed wind user left in Konoha besides Naruto, and was currently discussing some things with him, "Forgive me Jiraiya-sama, but wouldn't this be a conflict of interest? At the very least negligence since I do need to help Shikamaru, even if I can only seem to help him with strategy and planning since he's not willing to do much else." Asuma asked then added making Jiraiya shake his head.

"It's only a conflict of interest if you actively discuss Shikamaru's skills, training, or anything involving what he'd use in the exams and same goes with Naruto's to Shikamaru. As for negligence, it would do Naruto good to try and learn some strategy by playing Shikamaru. Add in his shadow clones and you could have Shikamaru playing multiple opponents which would make him have to think even faster and worry about different opponents at once." Jiraiya stated making Asuma nod a bit.

"Ok, and with his clones I can work with him on his nature transformation while he plays Shikamaru and the same could be said for… Oh my god." Asuma stated before widening his eyes in realization making Jiraiya nod.

"The kid can make hundreds of clones without breaking a sweat and all that memory accumulation means he can build up months if not years of training within this one month especially when he's motivated." Jiraiya stated with a smirk and Asuma merely shook his head.

"Damn kid's gonna be stronger than us all by the time he's 16." Asuma stated suddenly feeling old while the two shared a laugh.

"So we got a deal?" Jiraiya asked and Asuma nodded.

"A chance to help train possibly the strongest ninja since the time of Madara and Hashirama? Sure, plus it would do Shikamaru good to play against someone other than me and his father." Asuma stated with a smirk and Jiraiya nodded.

"Alright, I'll get together with you and the others I plan to have help train Naruto since I can guess how many other teachers have just decided to wash their hands of him in the academy so he may need some extra help." Jiraiya stated and Asuma nodded with a chuckle.

"If it were any other kid, I'd say you were trying to work him to death. However, considering his boundless energy and massive reserves, I think it would be easy to whip him into shape, we just have to get through his impatience and need to be doing something constantly." Asuma stated with a chuckle making Jiraiya nod and chuckle as well, "I have to ask though, do you plan on training him with it?" Asuma asked wanting to know ahead of time so he could have others stand down if the chakra from Kyubi was ever felt.

"No, aside from the fact he's too inexperienced to truly use it, circumstances have made it clear to both myself and sensei that it wouldn't be wise. Konoha has never had to rely on Jinchuriki and we shouldn't start especially with the fact there are rumors about a group looking to find and possibly collect all the Biju for themselves. This leads sensei and I to believe they have to have a means or plan for each Biju to bring them down and capture them." Jiraiya stated knowing Asuma would hear about this sooner or later from Hiruzen since Asuma was technically an Anbu, he just wasn't given the rank due to the fact he already had a huge reputation after guarding the Fire Daimyo and being Hiruzen's son.

Asuma nodded with a frown, "That just means I have to train the kid into the ground even harder to make sure his skills are up to par with everything that he'll be facing." Asuma stated making Jiraiya laugh.

"He'd probably want that of you regardless. The kid is motivated to train, he just needs the guidance to understand why he needs to be doing the training. Something I'm sure Kakashi neglected entirely." Jiraiya stated before becoming angered at the end and Asuma frowned.

"We all warned him Jiraiya, but he wouldn't listen. He was too obsessed with training Sasuke to care about his other students at times and he had no faith in Sakura or Naruto's abilities to be ninja." Asuma stated and Jiraiya nodded.

"I know, Kakashi has already been handled and depending on how his two student do in the finals will result in his punishment. Considering what I've been setting up for Naruto, Kakashi will get what is coming to him and hard." Jiraiya stated in a no nonsense tone and Asuma nodded already guessing how much shit Kakashi will be in when his screw up is shown.

Back with Naruto

Naruto was currently standing upside down on a tree branch with a leaf stuck to his forehead while several clones were spinning multiple leaves on their palms, another group was water walking, another was running up and down trees, and still another group was spinning kunai on their fingertips.

Kurenai knew fully well that Shadow Clones couldn't be used as effectively for chakra control… or rather she knew that was the belief many had. Because he distributed his chakra evenly, the clones would then work on controlling their smaller amount of chakra, then the combined control would go back to the original, the overall control would increase as time went on. It wasn't as fast as other training could be with shadow clones, but it was still faster than doing the exercises normally.

If nothing else, his skill doing the exercise would increase thus allowing him to use the exercises easier. If he could use the exercises easier then he could maintain his control better and begin reining in all that chakra he had.

In another hour, Kurenai planned to have him try some different genjutsu to see what his level of control fully was and then go from there.

She broke from her musings as Jiraiya returned, "How's he doing?" Jiraiya asked seeing the different clones doing exercises.

"Better, he struggled with a couple, but he had water walking down on his first try. The kunai spinning is also going better while I increased the difficulty of the leaf spinning and then combined the leaf sticking and tree climbing exercises for him." Kurenai stated making Jiraiya nod since if this was kept up then he'd have enough control to handle the Rasengan and other Jutsu easily before the month was out.

"Good, I'll leave him with you today to keep this up along with any Genjutsu training you think he's ready for. I need to get some supplies and some information that I can use to help him both in his physical training and with his chakra control. I don't know how long it will take but it shouldn't be any longer than a good portion of today." Jiraiya stated and Kurenai nodded.

"I'm not working with Shino on anything until next week since he wants to get better control of his bugs by learning with his father and clan. Even then we are only working on helping his bugs be better immune to Genjutsu and me helping him achieve better chakra control." Kurenai stated while Jiraiya held back a frown since from what he was hearing, many of the clan heirs only knew their clan techniques and knew nothing outside of it.

If another war broke out then they'd get slaughtered since numerous Shinobi had found ways to counteract the skills each clan possessed and kill said clan members. Hopefully them seeing Naruto's soon to be wide arsenal of skills would motivate them to branch out.

Day 3 of Training

Naruto stood in front of Jiraiya again only this time without his jacket and shirt while more of his clones were doing the chakra exercises. Jiraiya was sitting right now while having some ink and brushes handy along with some armbands, legbands, and a waistband, "Alright, I'm going need you to stay still while I do this. The seals I'm going to put on you will help with your training and with your control. The first seal are gravity seals which will make your body feel heavier the higher the setting while the second seal will lock your chakra to your body and strength. What this means is if you don't have your physical power balanced with your chakra completely then you'll not be able to move, this will increase your concentration and how well you regulate your chakra. Granted I'm not making it as strict as it should be since you have some work to do before your physical power is as good as your chakra, but it will still work. On top of that, you'll also be wearing these bands that have weight seals on them to push your body even further." Jiraiya stated as he began drawing the seals onto Naruto, who was doing his best to wait patiently til Jiraiya was done.

Naruto then put the bands on just as Jiraiya activated the seals making him grunt as his arms and legs locked together and he fell face first in the ground with a loud thud, "The gravity seals are set at times 3 gravity and the weight seals are set at 100 pounds apiece. Since muscles get stronger through tearing and healing, you can adapt to this much faster thanks to the Kyubi healing you, meaning you can do this even faster than the other training regiments with the clones." Jiraiya stated before going over to a tree, sat down, and pulled out a few scrolls, "Once you can move, give me 200 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, punches for each arm, kicks for each leg, laps around the training field, and then laps running up and down a tree." Jiraiya stated causally as he began reading and ignoring the string of curses his new student was spewing at him.

A few hours later had Jiraiya looking up and widened his eyes slightly to see Naruto doing the punches while drenched in sweat. He also noticed a couple bottles of water empty beside him and was glad his student wasn't so hardheaded that he ignored his body's needs. Jiraiya mused that if he could get the physical items done by lunch, then he'd treat the kid to ramen even if it would probably break his wallet.

Sure Naruto needed to eat other things, but if he was going to put this much effort and hard work into training then Jiraiya could let the kid have his favorite food, even if it wasn't as healthy as it could be. Then again, there was veggie ramen as well as low salt ramen so that could be a way to start getting him to eat better.

Shaking those thoughts away, Jiraiya returned to his reading concerning his various reports from spies, favors, and informants.

The information concerning Suna mobilizing ninja was not something he liked since he knew the Wind Daimyo was slowly strangling the village economically. It was only worse based on the fact that Orochimaru was here which meant that his former teammate could have swayed Suna to attacking Konoha since they were taking the Wind Daimyo's missions rather than Suna. Adding in the fact that Suna's own jinchuriki was here and it clear that Konoha needed to expect trouble.

Jiraiya sighed slightly since he'd have to look into this personally, which meant he'd have to change up his plans for training Naruto and maybe have the others start pitching in sooner rather than later. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he just didn't want the kid feeling like he was being ditched again.

He'd explain it to Naruto after the kid finished his physical exercises.


Jiraiya could honestly say he hadn't been too surprised by any of his students over his years teaching. Sure Minato's ingenuity in creating his two A/S rank Jutsu was astounding, but it was a small mention compared to the lack of surprise throughout his training otherwise.

Naruto, however, Naruto had gone through the entire training regiment he had given him to help adapt to the change on his body. A regiment that Jiraiya hadn't honestly thought he'd complete let alone by lunch. Yet, not only did he complete it but he had actually added to it by adding handstand flips, backflips, frontflips, cartwheels, and tree hopping to help ensure his agility matched his new weight and restriction. The tree hopping was the most impressive since to do it one usually used a burst of chakra from the feet, which could throw off the balance of physical power and chakra.

Right now said blond was eating the veggie ramen that Jiraiya had had a clone pick up. It took some doing but Naruto relented after Jiraiya explained that it was due to Kyubi's chakra was fixing the issues his body was receiving that Naruto's body wasn't weaker than it was. This in turn slowed down any healing he would have received when in combat and eventually his body would have built up a tolerance and then his body would feel the aftereffects.

He also played to his ego with the fact that the Fourth Hokage always talked about eating properly to keep in shape and ensure they were in top fighting condition.

Of course, as soon as Naruto started eating it, he found he actually enjoyed it. He still liked pork ramen more, which Jiraiya could understand. Jiraiya had told him he didn't have to give up ramen entirely, he just shouldn't eat it for every meal otherwise he risked his health and at the very least he needed to add fruit and vegetables when eating ramen.

However, now came the discussion of Jiraiya having to leave for a few days, "Naruto, some things have come up and I'm going to have leave for a few days." Jiraiya stated before holing his hands up when Naruto was about to protest, "I'm not ditching you, Kurenai and some other people I've talked to are going to cycle through teaching you as it's needed and it will all go through the Hokage. Each day you'll go to his office and he'll have the individual in charge for that day take you to train until I come back and then I'll join the cycle again. I wouldn't leave if it wasn't urgent and vital for the village, Naruto, I may have my own quirks and laziness, but never when it came to training students." Jiraiya explained and defended making Naruto pause before finally nodding.

"Good, now I've asked the Hokage to oversee you meeting your different teachers each day as well as who you will see if one is indisposed for whatever reason." Jiraiya stated making Naruto nod before Jiraiya grew serious, "Now, I don't want to hear one word about you giving any teacher I've prepared a hard time. They all know what they are doing… but if it feels ridiculous at any point, ask the Hokage about it so he can confirm if it's actually helping or not." Jiraiya stated making Naruto nod before the two continued eating.

Day 4: Hokage Tower

Naruto was sitting in the Hokage's office waiting for his first instructor to come and get him. As he waited he was idly talking with Hiruzen, who was doing paperwork at a relaxed pace.

Jiraiya had left early that morning and left Naruto a note telling him that if he did well while he was away then Jiraiya would have a surprise for him when he got back. Naruto didn't really need the motivation since he planned to put everything into the training he'd be getting… he just hoped it was actual training and not just busy work.

He broke from his thoughts as the door was knocked on before Hiruzen gave permission to enter and Ibiki Morino entered. Naruto blinked owlishly wondering just what kind of training he was going to get, "Ah Ibiki, good you're on time. Naruto, Ibiki will be training you in some various items including reading an opponent, getting into their head, increasing you knowledge base, and some other things to make you a more competent Shinobi." Hiruzen stated knowing Ibiki could also help Naruto heal a bit from the emotional and mental wounds the village had inflicted on him over the years.

Ibiki merely looked at Naruto, who only looked back with no fear or trepidation, just curiosity. Ibiki then smirked, "You're gonna do fine kid, but I don't hold hands and I don't treat anyone with kid gloves got it?" Ibiki stated before all but growling at the end and respected the fire in the blonde's eyes showing he was ready to learn and break himself to do it.

"Yes sir, Mr Ibiki sir!" Naruto stated with a mock salute making Ibiki and the hidden Anbu snort while Hiruzen chuckled.

"Well Naruto, are there any questions before I turn you over to Ibiki's care?" Hiruzen asked and Naruto frowned a moment.

"Well, just one but it's not about my training." Naruto stated and Hiruzen chuckled.

"No, I'm not going to let you wear the hat." Hiruzen stated with the chuckle only to be surprised when Naruto shook his head.

"No, that wasn't what I was going to ask." Naruto stated wondering how he should ask his question.

"Then what is it?" Ibiki asked genuinely interested in the question.

"Well… you two have piles of paperwork due to your positions right?" Naruto asked and they nodded, "Well… my question is why don't you guys ever use Shadow Clones or elemental clones to help you do it? You guys could get hours worth of paperwork done in minutes." Naruto stated making the two just look at him with a dead silence in the room even the Anbu were beyond their normal silence.

Naruto was getting worried he said something wrong when he was engulfed in a hug by Hiruzen, who was crying, "THANK YOU!" Hiruzen shouted in happiness while Ibiki was banging his head against a wall calling himself a moron. Naruto was almost certain the Anbu were doing the same thing too.

Naruto was a little disturbed at the fact the Hokage was hugging him and crying tears of happiness while doing so. Luckily he didn't have to dwell on it much because Ibiki spoke up, "Yes well, I'll be taking him now Hokage-sama." Ibiki stated before leading Naruto outside the office.

Hiruzen sat down and had a grin on his face as he made a few clones and chuckled as he idly heard Ibiki asking Naruto if he could teach him the Shadow Clone Jutsu, both for paperwork and for possible interrogation methods.

Hiruzen merely chuckled, "Still in his early life and already he's smarter than every Kage that's existed and even the Nara Clan members. I can only imagine what he'll be like when older and receiving proper training and guidance." Hiruzen and his clones chuckled at the thought before dividing the piles of paperwork up making the stacks much more manageable.

The Anbu were also wondering if the kid or Hokage could possibly teach them the Shadow Clone Jutsu since not only would missions be easier, but the reports would be easier to write too.

With Naruto

Ibiki took him to the local Shinobi library and began grabbing books from various shelves on various subjects including nature transformation, basic field medicine, plants used for medicine and poison, psychiatry, psychology, nerves in the Human body, and more. Ibiki knew he couldn't add much to Naruto's training til he got some things ready, so he decided to use his first day as a foundation building. He could get the groundwork for his future lessons and the others' lessons to make it easier to build up his training regiment.

By the end of it, he had close to a hundred books and set them down on a desk before putting Naruto at it, "Now, I want you to read every single one of these books, I don't care if you use Shadow Clones or not, but I want you to read these and then I'm going to quiz you on them. If you fail you'll have to read them all over again and again until you pass." Ibiki stated having been informed that Kurenai told Naruto about the Shadow Clones transferring memories when they dispersed and helping with training.

Naruto grimaced since he didn't like reading much, "Alright, but Jiraiya-sensei mentioned once, I'm more of a practical learner than a theoretical one." Naruto stated making Ibiki smirk since he knew a few people like that.

"I know, but trust me, having a handle on this information can help you in a lot of situations. Plus the nature transformation book will help you get a grasp on things for when you start elemental training. My old teammates were the same way with learning and it took some time but they started becoming more into reading books if for no other reason than it gave them ideas for new attacks and methods of fighting." Ibiki stated making Naruto nod a bit before he quickly called a clone for each book and took one himself and began reading.

Ibiki was about to go look up some old report books since he wanted to check some information on a few places and people, but paused as a thought occurred to him, "Naruto, don't dispel all your clones at once. The backlash of information will either cause you to pass out or at the least give you a serious migraine." Ibiki stated making the Narutos nod before Ibiki went looking for the items he wanted.

Hours Later

Ibiki had been patient with Naruto knowing that when dealing with an impatient person being impatient was not the way to go. He had done well the first quiz in that he got 12 questions right before he had to read again. By the end of it, Naruto only had to read the books three times before he got through the quiz completely.

It was actually impressive since most would need to read all those books four or even five times before they could get through half the questions. He was also pleased to see Naruto sent a few clones to look for more books to read while Naruto himself stayed with Ibiki.

"Alright, you've got a grasp of the different basic knowledges and some of the advanced, now it's time for some practical work." Ibiki stated before he produced a stack of five folders, "These are reports and analyses on five different ninja within the village that I know for a fact that you've met." Ibiki stated and Naruto frowned.

"But just because I've met them doesn't mean I know them well enough to know who this is." Naruto stated and Ibiki smirked.

"Tough. In the field you can't get to know your opponents through talking casually and the like, you'll have to analyze their behavior, speech patterns, actions, and anything else you can see, hear, feel, and so on. At the best of times we can have a basic profile of an enemy and you will have to go off of that alone such as any entries in the Bingo Books. Being able to get inside your opponent's head, knowing what they will do before even they do, being able to essentially control you opponent by making them act how you want them to, all of this can be used to your advantage." Ibiki stated and Naruto nodded slowly.

"Good. Now, your job is to read through and see if you can decipher who each one is and then defend your choice against me. I will do everything I can to convince you that you're wrong even if I know for a fact that you are right, you have to get the argument in your favor and stay there." Ibiki stated and Naruto nodded before taking one of the folders and began reading it.

Subject exhibits a wild personality to cover pain from a betrayal. Regularly acts wild, crazy, and impulsive to cover the pain of loneliness and wears clothing that draws attention whether negative or positive. Competent in Shinobi work, subject tends to enjoy work a bit more than usually seen and if not for the few friends the subject has, it could be a sign of mentally unraveling.

That was part of the profile as Naruto kept reading while mentally going over who he could have met that fit this profile. He noted that he fit a part of it, but the only person he could even remotely think of that fit this kind of thing was second proctor Anko Miterashi.

He didn't know much about her, but if his read from this profile was correct then he and her were similar in a few ways.

Setting aside the current folder, he went to the next and read it over. Ibiki suppressed a smirk at that since it meant Naruto had an idea of who was in that first file, but wanted to read the others to help raise his chances of being right. Identifying any of the folders was one less person he had to consider for the others. The drawback was that if he was wrong on any of them then he'd discount someone who very well could fit perfectly.

Ibiki was honestly curious about how he'd do.