
Mado and Arie

(Dead and Dropped) I still don't have a direction for what the story will be but I'll try my best (likely isekai) trying to improve my English grammar with this novel, I think I'm gonna give 1 chapter a week idk

ReactionAddiction · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Mado and Arie

"Big Bro, wake up! It's time for school!", shouted a girl with straight light red hair with a length that passed her shoulder and eyes with a color similar to her hair. For a 17-year-old girl, she has a short but nice stature and a pretty face to add to, that can make any boy wants to have a close relationship with her... or just lust.

From the source of the voice, it was clear that she is downstairs.

"Alright alright... I'm waking up, Arie"

"Jeez... can you just give me 5 more minutes?", said a boy walking down the stairs, he has straight dark red hair, though a little messy from sleeping, and eyes with a similar color to his hair. For an 18-year-old boy, he has a tall developed body and a handsome face that can make any girls flaunt him with just a single look.

"No, Mado, I don't want us to be late for school because you are your lazy self, why not be diligent like how you did in school?", reprimanded Arie.

"Yeah Yeah whatever", said Mado

"It's Friday, we don't have school tomorrow anyway", said Mado while eating his breakfast.

"What is the connection between today and tomorrow? Anyway, do you want to go to the mall tomorrow?", said Arie.

"Sure, I don't have a work schedule tomorrow anyway, but why?", said Mado.

"Well, we don't have enough outings these days, so why not go have some fun? You have been stressed with your part-time job right?" said worried Arie, for the past year, Mado has been searching for work, and 2 years ago, he managed to get a good part-time job with pretty good pay.

He works as some sort of a multi-tasker in a restaurant, it could be said his coworkers are dependent on him and his boss, who saw his hard work, raise his salary, and asked him to be a full-time employee there.

But due to him being a student and at the same time, he also doesn't want to waste the help given by their uncle to be able to go to school, he politely refuses to accept but he said he will think about it after finishing high school.

After finishing breakfast, Mado took a bath.

'Shit, I feel like I want to take a shit, but it's almost time for school', thought panicked Mado.

'I'll just take out my load as fast as I can'.

Not wasting any time, Mado goes to take a shit inside the bathroom.

"Mado, are you taking a shit? Be fast!", shouted Arie. It could be heard that there is a loud farting sound from the bathroom.

"Fuuh~" Sighed Mado with satisfaction

'I should get ready for school fast', thought Madi as he walk fast towards his room on the second floor.

"Mado, come on, it's 10 minutes till the gate close!", shouted Arie from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming I'm coming", said Mado.

"Here is your bento", said Arie, giving Mado his bento.

"Thank you", said Mado.

"Well then, let's go", said Mado as both rode on a bike to go to school, Mado was the driver, and it could be seen that they are going to the same school.


A/N :

Don't know if I will continue this slice-of-life (or is it?) story or just put some random story in this novel like the title.

As for Mado taking a shit? Well, why not? Don't misunderstand thinking I have a scat fetish and use this novel as a way to realize my fetish.

You probably know my fetish from my reading list.

And I also use this to improve my grammar for English I guess.

Well, see you soon.

this chapter has 622 words

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