
Chapter 4

Duke knows the distinction between words and images, and his mother's evaluation doesn't deter him. After a brief hiatus to recalibrate, he dives headfirst into the cutthroat world of Hollywood, eager to carve out his niche.

He has his own advantages. As a native of Los Angeles, his family is somewhat related to Hollywood, and he is very familiar with the studios and the Hollywood model. He will not run around like a fledgling flies like headless flies.

Before approaching anyone, Duke made certain preparations and set the goal he was looking for.

In Hollywood, if a screenwriter writes a script that he thinks is good, he usually takes two paths.

One is, like a self-directed director, go to some influential producers or brokerage companies, such as CAA, to sell their ideas. If they are appreciated by the other party, these producers or producers with a wide network of connections. The company will recommend the project to the production company, and after a strict review, the necessary investment can be obtained.

The second is to go directly to the relevant department of the production company to deliver the script, and then go through the screening and assessment of the film company. This is the simplest and most direct method, and it is also a hopeless approach.

Duke knew several producers, but unfortunately none of them knew him except George Lucas, who had friendship with his mother.

So Duke wanted to try the second option first, and even if he failed, he would have nothing to lose.

Bringing a few ordered script scripts, Duke drove directly to Century City on the west side of Beverly Hills. This is one of the most famous large-scale integrated commercial districts in Los Angeles, where many film, television and music companies are located Here, Duke's goal is the largest of them-the 20th Century Fox that occupies the entire Fox Building!

Carrying his handbag, Duke walked into the front entrance of the Fox Building, his eyes quickly swept across the wide hall, and he walked towards the front desk unhurriedly.

"Can I help you, sir?"

The reception staff at Twentieth Century Fox showed good professionalism and showed Duke a warm smile.

"I want to find Mr. Tim Fisher from the Review Editor."

The person who can be assigned to an important facial department by a big company is definitely not a fool, so Duke didn't give a good idea to the circle, and directly indicated his intentions, "Excuse me, is he there?"

"Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front desk still smiled brightly.

"No..." Duke shook his head slowly, "I want to make an appointment, but I don't know his secretary desk phone number."

Even if you know, I'm afraid the other party will not make an appointment for him.

"May I ask what you are here for?"

Hearing the proficient question from the lady at the front desk, Duke gestured down his handbag to her, "I am a screenwriter and director. I have a script for Mr. Tim Fisher to read."

Seeing the other person's slightly surprised expression, Duke said, "Don't I look like it?"

"I didn't mean that." The receptionist apologized slightly, "It's just that you look too young."

With a sigh in his heart, Duke could only secretly say that it was true that his age and qualifications were indeed flawed.

"Can you make a call for me?" he asked again.


Seeing that the other party was a little embarrassed, Duke immediately showed a sincere expression, just like all young people who are eager for opportunities.

"I can contact Mr. Fisher's secretary desk."

I have to say that Duke's handsome face full of sincerity played a lot of role. The lady at the front desk quickly dialed a phone number, said a few words, and hung up.

"Sorry, this gentleman..."

"Duke, you can call me Duke."

"Well, Duke, Mr. Fisher does not have time now. You can directly submit the script to the editing department on the seventh floor, and someone will accept it."

"Thank you!"

This sentence Duke said very sincerely, after all, they are all strangers, and the other party cannot do more.

Riding the elevator up to the seventh floor, Duke inquired for a while, and found an office. This is the department of Twentieth Century Fox that specializes in the delivery of scripts. It is not an exaggeration that the number of scripts received here is often Hundreds.


A man about 30 years old received Duke. He took the copy and handed over a form. "Leave your name, phone number, address and email address. We will notify you as soon as we have news."

"Thank you..."

Picking up the carbon pen, Duke quickly filled out the form and handed it back to the other party. The man took a look, then put it in the script and placed it on the file cabinet next to it.

Duke has been watching all this, especially the thick hill-like stacks on the filing cabinets, which are obviously scripts waiting to be reviewed, some of which even accumulated a lot of dust.

He didn't mention the director's qualification and it was of no use to the staff at this level. Moreover, judging from the situation on the scene, 20th Century Fox used the script call...well, he didn't have to hope too much.

In less than ten minutes, this film company couldn't determine how many times a month it needed to repeat the reception before it concluded. Though reluctant and desiring to witness Fox's more potent voice, Duke knew, in his own way, that this was nearly impossible.

Back in the lobby on the first floor,Duke signaled to the receptionist and then walked to a nearby seating area where he could keep an eye on the elevator entrance and exit. He settled in to wait patiently.

Success has never been a simple matter. What's more, he is was an unknown person. He used to wait for the opportunity. So he has enough patience.

Waiting until it was close to noon, Duke's eyes sharply caught the three figures who had just walked out, strolling closest to him, nearly blocking those behind, and resembling the individual in news paper that must be Tim Fisher himself

Taking out the script from his handbag, Duke walked over without hesitation, but did not immediately run to the other side, but followed out of the Fox Building.


As he walked out, a very familiar voice came from ahead, "Why are you here?"

Hearing this voice, Duke, whose eyes were always on Tim Fisher, turned his head slightly, only to realize that the one of the three who was farthest from him was actually the agent Lovett.

Ah... No, it should be a former agent. The contract between the two parties expired as early as May.

Nodding slightly to that side, Duke turned to the front of Tim Fisher.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Fisher," he said in a very quick and polite way. "I have a script here. Please take a look."

Maybe he often encountered this situation, Tim Fisher was not surprised. He reached out to stop the security guard who was coming over, took the script that Duke had handed over, turned his head and looked to the other side, "Lovett,his he under the CAA's people?"

"Mr. Fisher, Mr. Bob."

Lovett on the outermost side respectfully said to Tim Fisher and Martin Bob in the middle, "He used to be my contract actor. After the contract expired in May, the company did not renew the contract with him."

His meaning is very obvious, CAA is not optimistic about Duke, and voluntarily abandoned him.

"Actor? No contract renewal?"

Tim Fisher frowned, and put his hand just about to flip through the script. "Duke, isn't it? I accept the script. If there is a problem, I will let someone contact you."

After speaking, he waved his hand to this side, stopping Duke from trying to say anything.

Duke is not an idiot either, knowing that if he is entangled, the security guard behind will definitely come over, he politely said 'thank you' and turned around and left slowly.

"This is the kid from the Rosenberg family?"

The voice of a middle-aged man resounded from behind. Duke knew that this was the first five giants in CAA and now the top power figure in Hollywood, Martin Bob. The other party didn't need to worry that he hadn't gone far, and he didn't need to worry about being heard by him. Then, "I thought he had some potential, but in the evaluation of his artists this year, his ability evaluation is 'D', and his potential is 'E'. He is the person who is abandoned by CAA."

Even if he doesn't look back, Duke can guess Tim Fisher's expression. Does anyone who has been abandoned by the CAA still has a future in Hollywood?

Resisting the urge to look back, Duke turned his head slightly and glanced at the Fox Building until it disappeared around the corner. He witnessed Tim Fisher dismissing the two CAA agents,and handing the script to a staff member then turned around and entered the Fox Building without looking back.

Actually this is not unexpected, is it?

Starting his second-hand Ford, Duke turned the steering wheel and slowly drove out of the parking lot. Everyone needs to maintain their reputation, and in public, he needs to showcase his talent. After Lovett's words, Tim Fisher just dismissed his script indicating that he didn't even consider asking for the person's name or contact information.

Perhaps the other party does not have the power to directly decide the establishment of a film project, but it is definitely not difficult to veto a script.

Outside the scope of Beverly Hills, Duke randomly found a place to have the lunch, and embarked on the journey again. Failure would not affect him, but would only make him more tenacious.

This time, his destination was Burbank. The car drove into the city and found the iconic Warner Building without much effort. After asking about it at the front desk, he took the elevator to the office floor belonging to Warner Bros.

Probably it was God's favor. When Duke went to deliver the script, he unexpectedly met Jeff Robinoff, who is in charge of the film business of Warner Bros., after hearing his simple self-introduction. For the sake of the Jewish people, Duke was given five minutes.

"...A bus with a bomb installed by a criminal is galloping in the city. Once the speed is lower than 50 miles an hour, the bomb will explode. There are many innocent passengers on the bus, a temporary replacement female driver, and a criminal selected to join the game. Policemen..."

Five minutes is not short, not long, and Duke only briefly explained the main idea of ​​the script and his desire to become a director.

The slightly bald middle-aged Jew raised his eyes, leaned back on the office chair, looked at Duke standing next to him, and asked, "If I understand correctly, Mr. Rosenberg, you ...Want to direct your own script?"

"Yes." Duke nodded seriously.