

The story is about a young man from an impoverished background who fell in love with a billionaire daughter but couldn't make her his due to his background...

flamezdoa · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 16

They drove Mr. Kovacs BMW x5 to the hospital where Aunty Mira led them to the room where Mr. Donald was and when they got there, they saw Mrs. Donald sitting close to her husband while piling a tangerine that she is going to eat. while sitting on a bench inside the room was a man who was busy reading a magazine.

Mrs. Donald was the first to notice that the was opened and turned her head to see who it was only for her to see Aunty Mira and Jason walking in and following behind them was the Kovacs family. When her gaze met with Mrs. Kovacs's gaze, Mrs. Kovacs could only let out a smile as she made her way to where she was sitting. 

Mr. Donald, noticing that his wife was looking elsewhere and seem to be distracted, he could only lift his head a little as he stare in the direction of her gaze only to see the Kovacs's walking in.

Mr. Donald became emotional when seeing them coming in and he couldn't help but thought to himself.

'Who would have thought there are still those who care about him and came to visit even when they know he is poor while they are not'.

 After they get to where he was laying, before Mr. Kovacs could up, Jason's father successfully beat him to it as he greeted them and thanked them for coming to see him.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Donald welcomed them and offered them a seat before continuing with her business.

"So how are you feeling now?" asked Mr. Kovacs.

"Much better, compare to the first day that I woke up, the pain is becoming bearable" replied Mr. Donald with a chuckle as he tried to act tough but if one were to take a good look at him, they would be able to see the painful expression he had on his face.

Mr. Kovacs nodded to Mr. Donald and replied as he could see that he has made an improvement in his recovery and he was just about to speak up but that was when Mr. Donald said once again while beating him to speak up first.

 "My wife told me all that you have been doing for my family, I don't know what we would have done if you didn't bother to help out, for that, I say thank you".

"Really it's nothing, I know you would have done the same thing if you were in my shoes" replied Mr. Kovacs with a smile as he wave it away like it is nothing.

While Mr. Donald and Mr. Kovacs were having their conversation Aunty Mira, Mrs. Donald, and Mrs. Kovacs were also discussing about their matters. 

"How are you enjoying your stay here in New York Mira"? asked Mrs. Kovacs.

"Well it's interesting, I met this guy when I took Jason out for lunch yesterday" replied Aunty Mira while smiling.

"Seems like it's not just a meeting, come on what are you waiting for, tell us what happened between you guys"? said Mrs. Donald while giggling as she begins to persuade aunty Mira to give them the gist.

Mrs. Kovacs also laughed at Mrs. Donald's reaction before turning to Aunty Mira signaling her to tell them more about the event. 

"Well he's good looking and at first he just came to us asking if it was okay for him to sit with us but later when we were about to take our leave he insisted on dropping us at the hospital before we exchanged numbers" replied Aunty Mira as she begins to recount the event. 

"So did you guys cross paths again"? asked Mrs. Kovacs, seeing that Aunty Mira suddenly stopped talking.

"Actually he called last night and we talked for a long time before he said he wanted to see me again and I told him if he really wants to see me, then it will have to be in the church" said Aunty Mira.

Hearing that Aunty Mira was saying that he could see her but only in church, Mrs. Donald and Mrs. Kovacs were shocked and were like.

'Does she even have a heart at all' but her next words make them breathe in relief. 

"When I told him, he asked about the church and my address then the next day he came to pick us up with his Ferrari F60. He was just leaving before you guys came" said Aunty Mira while turning to look at Mrs. Kovacs.

"So Mira you met a hot cake"? asked Mrs. Kovacs jokingly while laughing.

"He's more than a hot cake and I believe his background is not that simple" replied Aunty Mira with a chuckle towards the word 'hot cake' mentioned by Mrs. Kovacs.

"Did you tell him you had a boyfriend in Paris?" asked Mrs. Donald suddenly while handing the other part of the tangerine to Jason.

"Yeah I told him and he said that he does not care if I have a boyfriend, he just wants to be with me" replied Aunty Mira as she let out a sigh. 

"If you say so then there is not a problem, but I would advise that you stick to just one man" advise Mrs. Donald.

Aunty Mira nodded in agreement and they continued with their chat while laughing most of the time. When the sun was going down, Mr. and Mrs. Kovacs left and Jason together with Aunty Mira went with them as they bid Mr. Donald goodbye.

When they got home, Aunty Mira prepared supper while Jason was in the living room busy watching anime. and after supper, Jason stayed to watch a little until it was time to go to bed while Aunty Mira was busy chatting with her boyfriend that's in Paris before she also went to bed but before she left for bed, Mrs. Donald has already returned from the hospital.

6:15 AM on Monday morning, Jason was woken by the alarm clock set by Aunty Pat before going to the bathroom to take his bath and prepare for school while Mrs. Donald was already awake and was busy preparing dinner. After taking his bath Jason went to the kitchen to wash the dishes only to see that they were already been taken care of by his mother. he greeted her before going back to his room to put on his uniform and go through his school stuff to see if they were all in order.

While he was doing all these Aunty Mira was still sleeping. Jason went back to the living room where he waited for dinner to be ready before leaving for school. 

When he got to school, he saw Elizabeth coming out of a car and waited for her to catch up with him before going to their hall together when they got there, Jason was shocked to see that his friends were already in school including Max who called him to come and sit with him which he did before they started their morning class. 

Today's class was very exciting for the students especially Jason and max who were very active in asking questions concerning some areas which they did not understand and the teacher will give them simple and understanding answers.

After morning class was over and the teacher left the block so that the kids could go out and play,  Jason was preparing to go out with his friends only for Alex to walk up to him and started throwing insulting words at him trying to provoke him into a fight but Jason ignored him and walked past him while going to join up with his friend. 

Seeing that Jason did not respond, Alex became angry and signal his gangs to guide the entrance and not let him pass.

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