
Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece

An obese Otaku died.... He received a system.... His wish was to travel all the anime, novel and fanfiction world.... First World:- 1st- One Piece 2nd- Yet to decide.... Notice:- 1st- Mc is a bit op.... 2nd- Harem is a must fact.... 3rd- May be contain some sex scenes..... 4th- He will travel different worlds with different powers and looks.... So read this on your own violation. Warning:-- 1st- My writing ability is not that good but i will try my best... 2nd- English is also somewhat not good... 3rd- Character development is a foreign term for me..... 4th- I will delete all those crappy negative reviews.... Now let me tell you all, before you start reading if you are expecting a marvelous plot then get the fuc* off. I will write this as my liking. SUB-TAGS:- Harem Seeking Protagonist, Ruthless MC, Se*, Overpowered MC, Mature, Violence THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE OP CHARACTERS, HAREM, SYSTEM ETC. DON'T READ THIS. THIS FANFIC IS NOT FOR YOU. THE COVER IS NOT MINE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS AND POWERS WERE ALSO DERIVED FORM VARIOUS ANIMES.

Your_host_HK · Anime und Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 60: Dealt With.....

Skypiea, Grandline:-

After reaching Skypiea, Luffy led everyone to the Upper Yard, told them to explore the island and to take care of the Enel's enforcers.

After that Luffy took off with Robin following the vine all the way upto a island on cloud. While on the way they had encountered a priest but Luffy killed him with one punch.

When they arrived there, they saw the island was around twenty meters square. There was a huge golden bell and a slightly triangular shaped stone monument attached next to it.

The bell look ancient and around 400-500 years old. Robin immediately started inspecting the area and confirmed the stone monument as a Poneglyph.

The whole golden bell was built on the Poneglyph as a base. Luffy really wanted to exchange the golden bell as 'sp' but Robin won't agree, so he decided against it.

Robin knocked the dust of from the Poneglyph and began understanding the message written on it.

Luffy asked, " what were the contents on the Poneglyph! "

Robin nodded and started the description about the weapon with God's name and the significance of it's power to control the Sea Kings.

Luffy then show her the message left behind by the pirate king Gol D. Roger. He also told her Skypiea's history how it was a part of blue sea and how due to the knock up stream it ended up being here as a sky island.

After discussing everything, he nodded with satisfaction.

" Thank you. " said Luffy with a genuine smile

" Why are you thinking me? " Robin looked confused.

Luffy smiled, " I was hoping to test your loyalty. I know you joined my crew but i had yet to understand how did your mentality developed until now. But your answer was satisfactory and it helped me deciding the future course of actions. "

' Sigh, now i can rest assured. She is just like the anime, so i can fully trust her. '

Robin became more confused but didn't ask anything else. She started connecting the dots she knew about the Void Century within her mind but failed to obtain any answer and became distressed.

Luffy grinned, " Robin, let me give you a present as my token of appreciation. " Then he brought out the copy of Kaido's Road Poneglyph and gave it to her. Robin looked curiously and started reading the content but after reading the whole content she was both happy and confused.

" I can't understand the meaning behind this message even after reading it entirely. " Robin said and looked at Luffy for explanation.

Luffy explained her, " When i went to pickup Yamato, i have obtained this copy of Road Poneglyph from Kaido's treasure room. " Seeing her excited face he went on, " Actually you have to read all four Road Poneglyphs to understand the true meaning. So we have to wait until that time bu don't worry i know the exact locations of the remaining ones. "

Robin smiled and asked, " Captain-san, how did you know their location? " Luffy smiled, " That's a secret for the future. Okay let's go. I want to explore the City of Gold. "

Robin nodded and Luffy started flying with her. Robin and Luffy then found a big ruined building, with stairs leading to the top. Robin seemed very excited upon finding it and ran ahead, while Luffy followed behind her. She cleared the island cloud which prevented the passage to the lower levels.

When they reached the lower levels they realised that they had reached Shandora, the city of gold. Except there was no gold anywhere in sight.

As Robin and Luffy explored the ruins, the crackling of electricity interrupted them.

Luffy immediately noticed the new presence. The self-proclaimed god Enel sat on a nearby ruin. He was luxuriously dressed with bits of golden jewelry decorating his body.

Luffy was intrigued by the drums attached to his back as well as his horrifically long earlobes.

He smirked and took a bite of his apple. This finally snapped Robin out of her thoughts.

"Yahahaha! Magnificent, isn't it?" he announced in his arrogant voice. "Even after being shot into the sky, the great ancient city still exists in all its grandeur. Shandora. But even a city of legend cannot display its splendor when its obstructed by clouds."

He took another bite.

"I discovered it. My idiotic predecessors never even found it." he continued. Robin now turned around to face him.

"And you are?" she asked.

"I think that's pretty clear, Robin." Luffy told her quietly. The man on the ruin smirked.

"I am god." he replied simply. He took another large bite from the apple. "Both of you have impressed me."

He looked at Robin, "You have managed to find the city so incredibly quickly." he told her. "A task that took us many months to complete. I see that they are simple to find if you can just read the inscriptions."

Then he looked at Luffy, "And you...." he told him, "You managed to defeat one of the powerful priests with just one punch. Of course that means nothing against the power of god, but I commend you on your strength regardless. What I don't understand is why you came with her instead of helping your nakama fight."

Luffy smirked, "It's simple, really." he answered. " I don't need to protect them as they are capable of taking care of themselves. The second reason is to let them gain experience in fighting. "

"An impressive answer." Enel commended. "So this is mere training for your lackeys? "

Luffy nodded, "Essentially yes. Except they're not lackeys." he replied.

"Whatever you think of them, you needn't have bothered coming here. The gold you so desire is no longer here. You're a few years too late for that." Enel told him.

"Gold?" Robin interjected. "Now that you mention it, there isn't any. So it was you who took it?"

"Yahahahaha! That's how it should be, isn't it?" he asked them as he ate the rest of the apple. "After all, whom better befits such an illustrious metal than god himself?"

Luffy scowled.

'This guy is getting on my nerves.' he thought. 'God this, god that … oh, I'm so goddamn godly!'

* That's right, kill this motherfucker. Even a calm person like me also can't tolerate him anymore. *

' Huh.... you are the last person i will consider as a calm one. '

* Humph..whatever, just beat this bastard. *

Luffy smirked, " I have enough of your bullshit, let's end this. Banshō Ten'in. " Luffy said and made a grabbing motion. Before Enel could do anything, he was pulled by a magnetic force and his body was launched towards Luffy in a breakneck speed.

He could only watch helplessly as his body being controlled by Luffy's Rinnegan. He could only transform into his fat god form.

The moment Luffy touched his body Enel smiled mockingly and roared, " El Thor..." Luffy pushed away Robin and a massive pillar of lightning struck him. Seeing this scene Robin became restless but when the dust cleared she was astounded to find out the totally unharmed Luffy.

" If you use your cheap tricks on me again, then the consequence will be extremely unpleasant for you. " Luffy said in his sinister voice. Enel cowered in fear and nodded immediately.

Luffy turned to his companion, " I figured you wouldn't be too happy if he destroyed the historical ruins." he told her. " So where should I put him down? "

Robin blinked a few times and then pointed into the distance away from the ruins. They made their way in that direction. After they left the ruins, Luffy turned to Robin.

" What should I do with him? " he asked her. Both of them looked at the squirming Enel in his hand.

" I wonder how long it would take to clean the blood off your hand if you squeezed him to death? " she asked in a totally emotionless tone. Both Luffy and Enel's eyes bulged out.

" Seriously, Robin! " Luffy said with an amused voice, " Hmmm, looks like you also have a sadistic side like Reiju's. "

She just chuckled at his expression. Luffy set the obese man down on the ground. Enel panted for a minute and then looked angrily at Luffy, who was undisturbed by his glare.

" Now apologize to Robin for trying to destroy her ruins! " Luffy ordered in his original ruthless voice. Robin laughed behind him.

The so called god fumed angrily in front of him. " 200 Million Volt Bari..." Shouted Enel as he understood that Luffy won't let him off.

" Deformation Fist..." Luffy said after avoiding the attack and used the same method like Whitebeard. He punched Enel and pinned his head on the ground and used the Spacial Deformation to its peak. A transparent dark purple energy orb engulfed Enel's head.

And in the next moment Enel's head exploded like a watermelon and brain matter mixed with blood splashed everywhere. The so called god was dealt with.

Then Luffy left the dead body there and accompanied Robin to explore the ruins.

Drop some POWER STONES if you have enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas about the upcoming Supernova Gathering arc then share me your ideas.

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