
Madara in the Omniverse

Soo basically he trasnigrates to marvel gets a system but it only shows stats and has shop doesn't give quests. another thing his personality will be like madara and he will also look like madara.

Master_Cheif · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Aphrodite regret (side story 1)

It had been months after aphrodite had been in an affair with Ares.

One day while they were sleeping with each other hephaestus walked in on them but rather then the reaction Aphrodite was expecting hephaestus didnt lash out but the opposite.

while sighing hephaestus said he knew about it a week ago and that he didnt really want to say anything but just divorce her.

hearing this Aphrodute and first was shocked but then her face turned dark as she felt she had lost something really important.

Ares didnt really do anything but just left. while Hephaestus asked his mother hera who did treat him bad by throwing him out a mountain but later after hephaestus came back she regretted her decision and always tried to spent time with him as she wanted to feel all the years of childhood she lost with him.

keyword "Tried" as they did start talking but hephaestus already viewed someone else as his mother which only made hera sader and more regretful.

so after hephaestus asked her to pet her and Aphrodite divorce she thought it was a good way to atleast make him happy so she happily agreed.

as they divorced Aphrodite looked at hephaestus's eyes which was devoid of the previous love he showed her. remembering the times he would comfort her and would gift her valuable things he forged the regret grew as with it her sadness grew but she hid it thinking that how she could be with Ares.

After the divorce Hephaestus had been with athena who after the divorce finally confessed that she was inlove with him. Hephaestus didnt know how to react as he had enough of love but Athena actively always tried to court him.

meanwhile Aphrodite went to Ares to get into a relationship with him. As she opened the door she saw Ares with another women sleeping.

thinking that it wasn't anything serious or atleast she clinged onto the last bit of hope so she asked him what he was doing to which he replied that what the fuck was her problem and that they were only fuck buddies.

Aphrodite on the verge on breaking down asked if he would marry her to which he replied "fuck no i was just using you to take out my pent up frustration and we are only sex friends."

Heartbroken Aphrodite cried the whole night not because she loved Ares but because noticing that she loved hephaestus and how she hurt him. she regretted what she did and remembering how He looked at her at their final meeting and seeing him devoid of the love he had for her made her heart crack while she was lost.

Aphrodite decided to take a journey to fux herself and finally to earn hephaestus love after coming back.

After years Athena had been successful with her courting as hephaestus and she got married. it was the best day of her life and it after that whenever Athena looked at Hephaestus passionately forging items as his manly body was covered with sweat making her horny. After every forge they would fuck like crazy with them always being left satisfied.

After another year Athena had a son which they named elpida (meaning hope) miraculously at the same time Hephaestus had gotten more handsome..too handsome and he wasn't crippled anymore. they learned that it was actually his real form and that a powerful being would give him once he found his true love.

the same year Aphrodite came back....


see in the next side story



question: Should I make it canon in my story?




Hephaestus before:

Hephaestus after:
