
Madara's Brother Naruto Fanfiction

Reincarnated as Uchiha Madara's brother wasn't all so bad. He wished it would last. But it didn't. He thought he died the third time. But again, he wakes up in a new life, as someone new in a distant future. He was brought by fate to meet his brother, Uchiha Madara again. And he was willing to fulfill his brother any wish, even if it meant betraying Konoha. A/N: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto sensei. I own nothing but my OC and his story Warning : No harem

red_rabbit18 · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

7. The Unexpected part 1

It has been a month since i got into Team 10. Fortunately, to my pleasure the whole team has begun to cooperate in any jobs received. They may and may not have felt regret from the terrible failure, nonetheless i managed to stay in this team and endure the miserable actions created by the children themselves. Togane had acted a little bit tolerant with her speech except for her honesty- i guess that is a good point- while Uro had became a little bit more patient. True, they didn't change a lot but it was tolerable and necessarily relieving- eventhough i still can't find myself liking them.

I might've gone a little irritated with them- causing my sudden act of staring and advising nicely... I think. But even so, i did my best to give them a hint of how to act properly. Sometimes i had to speak

my opinions and i remember them apologising after that- they did take their moments to realise the reasons for the failure in completing tasks. I had no choice but to voice out my disatisfaction. I was glad Genji sensei agreed to it and at least started to become a little more serious.

Truthfully, i was relieved to see the growth in the team even in a short amount of time although to my dismay, i also did notice the amount of time wasted to make it happen. When i realised too late, i went home feeling dejected. A month. A one long precious month. I wasted 30 days, 730 hours and 43800 minutes for something i'm not even sure would exist for long. I could've collected more informations, either rumors or accurate one for the things that was happening outside. Maybe i could've seen Madara somehow. I could've known Zetsu's whereabouts- if they were possible.

I got distracted. It was the worst thing that could happen in this situation and i blew it out. I had to do something. I did try to make it up by practicing my ninjutsu instead. In my previous life, ninjutsu was my forte, my area of expertise whereas taijutsu was the least due to my weak limbs and body. I had taught Izuna a lot more ninjutsu than kenjutsu or taijutsu. When i somehow know i can use my perfect body in this new life, i got a bit too excited and diverted my focus on taijutsu instead of ninjutsu. I got too carried away since taijutsu felt slightly more satisfying when you feel troubled and anxious. Ninjutsu was good, but physically hitting something help calm my nerves down. Hence another reason my attention on taijutsu was overwhelming.

"If you're landing a blow recklessly without so much thought in it, you'll just create an opening for the enemy more. You have to fight efficiently. Try to find your enemy's weakness."

Togane and Uro were attentively listening to Genji sensei while i was between that and trying to think of a way to help the team into getting a mission outside the village- in short, i was half heartedly, barely paying attention to him.

"When you fight an enemy try to avoid signalling them or showing them your next move. Sometimes we unintentionally would show them with eye contacts." The man continued with his lecture. "For example, Togane. You were looking at Guren's legs when you tried to trip him earlier. It was obvious that Guren would avoid that."

Togane whined, "You can't compare us sensei. Guren's just too agile. It's impossible to land a major hit on him. He's a genius and we aren't."

I flinched at her words. I disagreed, i worked hard at improving my moves- then again, a facade of a genius was what i was trying to show the people. It won't matter if i worked hard or not. What matters is what people see. Don't show your weakness to anyone. Of course, i failed at hiding it from my own clan. They knew i was a diligent person instead of a straight right genius. They saw me as the hard working freak after all. 

"You shouldn't be saying that and laze around with only genjutsu in your palm." 

Another good side about this boy, Uro is that he's actually good with his words. 

"Alright alright. So today, i have a good news."

"And what's that sensei?"

The man in his early 30's took out a medium sized scroll, he lifted it in front of us and showed the contents. Which, to our surprise was something we didn't expect to learn. It was a C rank job. A very big change in our growth. I didn't know how he'd managed to receive the job despite what we were lacking in the past month. We were supposed to at least have a few more D rank missions- but who am i to complain? It works in my favor and i had no reason to either question him or protest it. Togane and Uro couldn't contain their happiness as they had asked sensei the details of it and we'd learned, it was a simple escort mission. Simple, but enough to let me out of the village.




It has been awhile eversince i became a genin- father and i haven't ever been into any proper conversations. He hadn't spoken to me nor was i. He barely ever been at home, sometimes it would take a week and it has never been that way. I wanted to think that it was just my feeling- maybe he was busier- but father was clearly trying to avoid me. Why was it? Because i had Hiruzen talked to him for my graduation exam? Because i've been stubborn? And somehow, i realised that i despised it. The feeling of being left out. It was the same when i got sick before, I was left out.

I wanted to tell father that i would be leaving the village for a mission. I wanted him to know although i think he would be worried again. Why am i so eager to let him know?

The evening sky was setting, revealing the vibrant orange- the colour of fire as it stretched far and wide. It was another lonely evening at home and I was walking to the training ground. As usual, i would start my night routine practicing kenjutsu and just for tonight i wanted to train my ninjutsu where i deliberately neglected before. I wanted to try using genjutsu with my sharingan but apparently, i need to gain three tomoe to even start with. I haven't perfected it yet so i had to shake off the thoughts.

It wasn't until the night has fallen that father came home. His footsteps can be heard through the hall as i halted my training. I took a step towards the sound, another and finally i ran like a child i was. Today i definitely felt different. I wanted to tell him.

As the tall figure caught my sight, i deliberately slowered my pace as i greeted him. "Father, welcome home."

He smiled at me for the longest time in awhile. Eventhough he didn't reply with words, i was glad he didn't seem mad like i thought he would be. His eyes reflected exhaustion. He seemed very tired. Should i tell him? 

"There's something i would like to tell you."

"Me too, Guren. I have something i want you to listen."

What could it be?




It was the morning of our first C rank mission, the first time i would ever step out of the leaf village. I woke up earlier than i usually would. I had to prepare breakfast for father since he didn't even get to have dinner last night. He was fast asleep when i served him a tea so we didn't get to have a conversation. I didn't get to hear what he was about to say. Obviously, he too didn't get to learn what i would be doing today. He seemed truly exhausted so i didn't bother to wake him up. 

As i finished the preparation myself, i left him a note on the dining table, said that i wouldn't be home for a few days. I hoped that would suffice. 




"By the way sensei, how did we suddenly get a C rank mission?" asked Uro, taking a step forward to match the older man's pace. "Didn't we fail a little bit too much?" He whispered the last words, probably to prevent the client in front from hearing it.

Sensei smiled, supressing his laughter, "It's because you improved and Guren definitely is someone who can managed his team." Sensei suddenly paused, his smile faltered, "Anyway, you should guard the client. You can't leave Togane alone."

"Right, she's quite annoying. Might as well be fired if she does the same to the client." Uro trailed off before walking ahead towards the client and Togane, leaving me and sensei behind throughout the long journey.

I didn't buy what sensei had told us earlier, it bothered me that sensei wasn't speaking the truth so i decided to speak my mind, "Sensei, what exactly is the reason we're taking a C rank mission?"

I didn't have to look at him to know that he was perturbed.

"You're very sharp Guren."

"I didn't want to ask but i think i should."

"Since it's you Guren..." He paused as a sigh escaped his mouth, "Apparently, the higher ranked shinobis are way busier and in need of hands. You see, we're still at war so there are piled up S and A rank missions for the experienced chunin and jounin to pick them up. No one from those excellent shinobis can take this mission. That only left us, the fresh graduates. And we're unlucky enough to be the best team for this batch. This is the most easiest C rank and i had no choice but to comply."

Now that i think about it, in barely ten months the Kannabi Bridge mission will take place and it was also related to the war. 

Was father involved before? If so then it makes sense. He must've partaken himself in one of those missions.

"This mission is also risky right?"

"I hope not. It's the safest yet and only in neighbouring village. At most, we'll be done less than a week."

"Hey, shhh."

The four of us halted from our continuous walk. Sensei signalled the team, earning our nod as the three of us flickered separately to a higher ground while Togane stayed with the client.

'Did you notice anything?' Togane gave me a barely noticeable hand gesture from below.

'I can see their chakra flow in a glimpse. Two towards the south and one towards the east.' I returned her gesture in the same manner as i noticed Togane's nod in acknowledgement. I narrowed my eyes, bad timing really. 'They didn't notice us.' They were far, so we managed to get away in time before they even see the three of us.

We've formed a formation where we can't see each other- unless through Togane. This is quite tricky and the hand signals she passed on can barely be seen. However, we had practiced this a few times, so i doubted it would even bother us.

As she gave us the count to three, we immediately flickered towards our targets. Unbeknownst to one of the target, i had already stood behind him. Not until i took a stance would he turned around and hissed. "I know that lady's going to hire bodyguards. I didn't know she would send a child."

"Do you want to tell me why you're trying to approach our client?"

It was an escort duty. The lowest of C rank jobs. There was no reason for someone to appear and target the lady. I held my Wakizashi's hilt- a short katana- as i unsheated it from its scabbard. Kenjutsu with a Wakizashi is hard but it was what i owned at the moment.

"Like you, we also have our own client." Said the man hiding behind the mask.

"I see, an assassin."

Activating my sharingan, i tighten the grip on my weapon as i lunge for his chest in a speed. It was of course, a decoy. Thrusting it like this was reckless. The moment he avoid to the right, i quickly used my elbow towards his face, changing my trajectory as it landed a hit on his jaw. He skidded backwards as i pulled back my Wakizashi. 

"Not bad kid. You're fast."

The man weaved a hand sign that i was able to recognise. He was fast, but not fast enough that the sharingan can't follow. He was using a substitution jutsu. It was a decoy. I was an experienced shinobi, there was no way such simple trick would work on me. I deliberately attacked the decoy to learn his next move as it suddenly change to a block of wood when i noticed his presence behind. I spun around, quickly parrying his attack as the sound of metal clashing each other reached my ears.

His strength was obviously overpowering me but i managed to stay on my toes. I was literally shaking. Unlike him my figure was small, thus the difference in our strength was obvious. I was able to avoid getting injured heavily with my chakra control. I had it support my arms and legs.

I couldn't hold it longer as he suddenly knocked me off the ground, causing the pain on my back. Fortunately, i held my Wakizashi firmly- i hastily sliced his feet on the ground before he could even move.

He winced from the pain as he took a few steps away.

The wound i caused wasn't deep enough to stagger him. But i managed to buy time to get myself in a position again. I watched him glowering at me with a killing intent. He was a strong opponent for me- i would've died if he didn't underestimate me much. He might've been a bad target for me but he was weak enough for sensei. I had to buy time before help could come. After sensei defeated his opponent, he would probably come to help Uro. I would be the last one due to my reliability.

I had to survive, i can't die yet. I haven't even had my goal achieved. Dying uselessly again was something i wished not to happen. My feet trembled thinking about it. Even so, i muster the strength to hide it. Don't show your weakness.

It was then when i felt it happened. I could feel it because it was a part of me. I was overwhelmed with confidence as i widened my eyes, realising what just happened.

My true goal right then was to see if there was any possible sight of Zetsu since he was always lurking somewhere. It was a fifty-fifty chances. I had hope but i didn't put it high up in my mind. However, i never expected that my other goal would be fulfilled at that time. It was something i didn't expect to happen in a short time. But i was relieved, no i was excited..

My sharingan was perfected.

Another chapter that is very long and i had to split it into two parts. I tried my best writing the fighting scene but i hope you like it

red_rabbit18creators' thoughts