
5. Obito's Surprise

As my days keep passing, i dreamt of the same thing all over again. It was always the same scene replaying all over. Izuna's corpse that was laid down in front of me, unmoving. The same dark and monotonous scene as the air felt suffocating. Madara's absence.

The same words kept ringing as if that was the only thing i was forced to hear, "Izuna-sama has passed away." As if reminding me that i'm bound to the past and i have to do something about it. I don't know if you can call it nightmare or simply bad memories but i hate it so much.

It may have have been the same dream, unchanged but i was getting anxious as each time passed by. The dreadful ache struck my soul, my heart as if something was being torn and stabbed repeatedly. Useless, Worthless. Why didn't i do something? I could've changed how Madara would view the world. I could've done at least something and there i was- ill and now, stuck in regrets.

I overdid myself training beyond limit, overexerted my body to the point of getting myself terribly injured- i was brought to the hospital. When i did, i had to be bedriddened for at least a week and i was always punished for disobeying father's warnings. Getting under probation became something common and i'll always ask for forgiveness each time.

Father said i used to comply to his words, filial to his eyes. However due to my terrible anxiety i had unintentionally went against him. I was getting too impatient and i was hopeless.

I managed to calm myself when i realised my graduation exam was coming close. Perhaps then it could be my very first step towards my goal or so i firmly believed. Moreover, Obito had been staying close by my side for months and every minutes i can count- i managed to monitor his conditions. You can call me a stalker or whatever but i believe i had to be informed of his whereabouts all the time. Sometimes i would use trickery to get him to share his upcoming missions with me just so i could make sure that by the time the mission in Kannabi Bridge happens, i'm already prepared in knowledge and in skills.

Throughout the year, Obito had me spent my time with him. Either sparring and learning jutsu or me hearing his adventures with his team 7. He said i was gradually growing but obliviously so did he. It used to be me alone or me with Mrs Hanako when father is absent. But now, it's either me and Obito or me and unexpectedly team 7. At first, i was only clinging to him and following like a child whenever he invited me to see his team.

As days progressed, Minato had me join them in a few occasions such that having snacks together or sparring with each other. I could thank Obito for letting me tag along eventhough his reasonings made me look a bit too lonely- he said that he's my only friend- and i never really had a reason to deny.

I'm turning five this month. My relationships with my classmates were neutral. I only speak when necessary or when asked. I didn't bother asking questions if it's nothing related to exam questions. I had to learn more about the history of ninja since there were so many things that changes in the past hundred of years. About the Hokages, the alliance between clans and so many more that didn't occur during the fight of Madara and Hashirama.

Nevertheless, learning and studying are a part of my daily life eversince i first became an Uchiha. It was never a hassle to gain more knowledge for myself- it's not like i favor it but it's because it's necessary- i'm apparently used to it. I was strictly taught by Madara's father and even now by my current father. Of course, whenever he's free and it's only basics that i've learned most of them.

I heard of how father was worried about my growing reputation. Normally, Uchiha put those that exceed expectations high in treatment. However, father is as i used to say a bit too kind. I wasn't even as near as strong as Kakashi but i was considered a genius by how i was thinking maturely- i can share wise opinions and how i behaved too properly. My reputation is only built for the adult to see me as how i wanted to be seen- adequate to become a great shinobi. Whereas i created a line for myself between me and my classmates so they wouldn't get too chummy.

"Eh? You're already taking your graduation exam?" Rin had her palm covering her mouth, surprised by my sudden statement.

"I'm only planning to." I responded, averting my eyes away. "But i don't know if father will let me."

Obito who had his jaw dropped suddenly interrupted, "Y-you're reminding of my bad memory." He then stole a glance at Kakashi, not that anyone was oblivious.

"You're going to be just fine." added Minato in a gentle voice, clearly trying to cheer me up. "But overworking yourself like you did before is not something to be overlooked. Resting is also a part of training."

It's not like i was unaware that recklessly rushing myself is going to drag me down. But it's the only way i could think of to cool off my mind- by distracting myself from my own concern.

"You even skipped grades to keep up with older kids, now you're graduating with them? Even Bakashi ended up with teammates of his own age."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, "It feels like i'm always babysitting you Obito. Aren't i'm here just to look after your arse?"

"What did you say?!"

"I hope your father understands you." Rin trailed off sounding very concern eventhough she had a smile plastered on her face.

"By the way Guren, your birthday's near right?"

Obito's question caught me off guard. "Yes? Why did you ask?""

"Right. Nothing really." He beamed, widening his already curved lips as he went off grabbing me away. "Lets send you home for now."


I was told that father isn't going to make it for dinner tonight so i had Obito accompanied me for the evening. Unlike any other days that we spent training, today i had Obito come just to fill father's absence. I was yet in another probation- that training for the days where father is absent is temporarily forbidden.

I had Obito spent his night over since we're already stuck like a glue and just for this night, i needed a company. Eventhough i said that, the only one who kept talking and storytelling had always been Obito. I was just there to listen attentively- or not. Despite that, his presence has never been agitating to me. It's actually quite pleasant.

"And you see, Rin has this sakura petals on her head. I wanted to tell her that but she kinda look cute with it." Murmured Obito as his cheeks and ears turned noticeably red. He then paused briefly before suddenly glowered, "Then Bakashi had to mess up and ruined everything. He said something terrible to Rin!"

Seriously, if someone could see us right now they would think that i'm the older kid and Obito is the younger one. Perhaps the reason he's acting like one because i'm thinking maturely in his stead. Then again, no one is treating me like a child in this world except for Mrs Hanako and father.

To be honest, it was fun seeing his expressions from time to time. It has become something i enjoyed whenever he's sharing his stories and i couldn't help but compassionately smile at him. It was probably sympathetic but thinking that his love died- resulting him to run haywire, even cooperating with Madara to create the fourth ninja war- saddened me.

What would he think right now if he knows what's coming to him? What will he do then? What happens if i tell him that Rin will die by Kakashi's hand?

"Speaking of which Guren i've always wanted to ask you something."

I snapped from my own train of thoughts, my eyes met with his.


"I know that you've been training to become a good shinobi but what i don't understand is the reason you're pressuring yourself." He paused, "Do you.. want to share why?"

It took me awhile to think of a reasonable excuse as i shifted my view towards the night sky. Ah, the moon's so bright tonight. I smiled bitterly.

"I want to be a worthy Uchiha."

I knew Obito was a curious child and there'll be a day when he'll questions my suspicious behavior but he'll come to know the whole truth. Everyone will.

"That can't be all?"

"That's all."


"Are you prepared to become a ninja?"

I took a deep breath. This is obviously overwhelming, you could say that i'm in a state of confusion. Why am i here?

I didn't expect to be questioned by the third hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen directly. It's not like i was preparing myself to become a shinobi. I almost laughed thinking about it because like it or not i already am a full fledged shinobi. I'm used to it, i was born in the warring era. I'm another being brought to this world to see and face this horrible and unfair world- where killing is a norm whether to protect, to survive or pure malice for power and land. Children are victims to this ideology and everyone had to fight to survive, including me. No one can avoid themselves from this harmful world. But even so, i couldn't have tell this to anyone around me, let them be the hokage i couldn't careless.

"Yes." Was my simple but firm answer. I'm only becoming a ninja once more to see Madara. Before that, i can't let myself be killed. I have to become strong and become worthy.

I noticed from the corner of my eyes- standing beside me straight and firm was the Uchiha's prodigy, Uchiha Shisui. I wonder why he was here.

"Do you know why you're here, Uchiha Guren?"

I shook my head. "No, sir." There was no reason to meet the hokage in this manner. Not to mention that i'm neither special enough nor close to Hiruzen to be called in his office. What could be the problem?

Hiruzen sighed- rubbing his temples, "I'm told that your father doesn't allow you to take the graduation exam early."

I pursed my lips at his words, my heart thumped like thunder just thinking about the conversations with father as i recollected the unpleasant memories.

"Why am i not allowed to take the graduation exam father?"

"Have you been paying attention to yourself Guren? You're a mess."

"It's because i'm preparing for the exam. It's what i've been trying to achieve."

"What for Guren? There's already plenty of Shinobi in this world. We're currently at war and it's dangerous for you."

I rapidly blinked in disbelief.

"We're the Uchiha, isn't it normal to be the best?"

"Guren, whether you're Uchiha or not you're my son. Listen to me."

My jaw clenched as i listen to the hokage.

"He's someone dedicated to Konoha and he knows what it's like to become a shinobi at an early age. Applying the exam without your parent's consent is prohibited."

This is nervewrecking. I didn't know what father had told the hokage about myself. Eventhough i know that father is one of the Uchiha that was held in high regard in Konoha and the clan, i was unaware that he was an important figure that could speak to the hokage directly. Was he in anbu before? Or perhaps, the hokage had known me because i was another child similar to Kakashi and Shisui.

"But sir, i want to become a shinobi to prove myself to Konoha." I wondered if he could tell the lies in my eyes. "Father is just worried but i can't stop him from feeling so. He's a parent and he did what he's supposed to."

Hiruzen had his eyes widened at my remarks. "You're more matured than i thought." Was his abrupt response.

"I get that a lot."

"If you're truly serious, i'll assign Uchiha Shisui, another experienced prodigy to be your supervisor during your training."

That explains why he was here. I stole a glance at Shisui as he greeted me with a genuine smile.

"At least you're able to refrain yourself. I'll talk to your father regarding this. You're a promising child, i hope you become an asset to Konoha."

"Yes, sir." I heaved a sigh of relief as i excused myself.


Who would've thought that the hokage would assigned me someone just a little bit older than me to be my supervisor? It's possible the reason that Shisui was chosen because he's better at managing himself despite his age. And it's best to put a matured child such as Shisui with a child who's having issues with the adults as i did. Perhaps the hokage noticed that i'm putting up a facade with the adults. You can never hide anything from him.

It was already in the evening when i walked home. The Uchiha compound was located in the outskirts of the village. It usually takes half an hour to arrive to the compound from the hokage's building. As i walked along the road, i noticed some kids who were playing tag and running around bumping into everyone who cross by. I couldn't help but feeling envious. They were so carefree.



I came to halt when i realised the familiar voice as my head turned to the right. "Minato-san?"

"Were you walking home?"

I didn't think twice before nodding at him.

"I see. How about a dinner at my place? Kushina's eager to let you taste her cooking, she prepared a lot."

"Kushina-san did?"

Rejecting his offer would be rude. Besides, father won't be home again tonight. I didn't hesitate to come with him. Not that anyone's waiting at home.


Our walk to his and Kushina's home was filled with a small conversation. We had exchanged some few words and i would ask him about this and that. Of course, they're all about studies of histories and kekkei genkais. Most of them was Minato explaining some complicated fuinjutsu that i haven't master yet. Minato was great at explaining, except that sometimes he would name a few jutsus with a long incrompehensible name.

Minato glanced at me, smiling. "You seems to enjoy learning."


Suddenly, Minato came to a stop, "We're here." Was what he said, but i noticed from the window that the light was off. Who would've prepared dinner in the dark? Or is there really Kusihina at home? It couldn't have been a candle light dinner could it? I wanted to ask him but before i could, he'd already opened the door and entered the void- pulling me inside with him.


Was all i could hear. The light was suddenly switched on. Standing in front of me were Kushina and team 7. The room was decorated with balloons and i noticed the hanging letters which were the longest time i've seen since i was first reborn.

"Happy Birthday Guren!" They all exclaimed in unison.

I was dumbfounded, trying to gather my jumbled thoughts and confusion. I was literally baffled and stunned for a moment until i was shoved towards the center- in front of a cake.

"Make a wish." Whispered Kushina as she grinned.

"What's wrong Guren? Were you that surprised?"

Then it all came together, it must've been Obito's idea. And the lameest part was that i truly did forget that today was my birthday. I stifled a laugh and kept myself composed. It was unpredicted and embarrasing. What could i've done but enjoy in that moment.


"I didn't know i was invited to celebrate my own birthday."

Minato chuckled, "It was Obito's idea. He's probably way excited than you are."

I returned his gesture with a fond smile as my eyes landed on Obito. He was talking to Rin and every once in a while, i would noticed his tensed posture. He was fidgeting and smiling widely. It's probably the best thing i've seen in this life. He reminds me of someone.

I then turned my gaze towards Minato, his eyes trembled in affectionate towards the lively atmosphere- towards his wife, his students- as his lips curved upwards.

Pursing my lips, i blurted out, "Earlier, when we talked about fuinjutsu. Does the reaper death seal only work when you sacrifice a soul?""

Minato's sky blue eyes stared at me bewildered by my question.

There are some inaccurate informations in this book. I don't know if the pace is too slow or too fast. And i'm trying to widen my vocabulary and trying my best fixing the grammars. You can point it out if noticed.

Minato's existence is becoming part of Guren's life. By the way, did you know that Guren means Red Lotus? Where it also means love and compassion. How do you like the book so far?

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