
Madara's Brother Naruto Fanfiction

Reincarnated as Uchiha Madara's brother wasn't all so bad. He wished it would last. But it didn't. He thought he died the third time. But again, he wakes up in a new life, as someone new in a distant future. He was brought by fate to meet his brother, Uchiha Madara again. And he was willing to fulfill his brother any wish, even if it meant betraying Konoha. A/N: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto sensei. I own nothing but my OC and his story Warning : No harem

red_rabbit18 · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

15. Shocking News

Zetsu didn't even have to send his signal, Guren was already aware what he had to do. The only thing stopping him was his fear. He had stole so many lives before but he hesitated when it comes to the man in front of him. His father had protected him close, he felt safe eventhough Zetsu was on his side. He felt the warmth of Hamada seeping through his heart.. So why did he do it? Why did his hands moved and stained themselves, pretending like the warmth he felt didn't exist.

He couldn't look at his father's face, but he never shut his eyes closed. In fact, they were opened wide enough to see the blood dripping on the ground. He had his lips bitten and he could taste a faint metal in his mouth. But he stood there nonetheless, acting cold. He was trembling but he didn't shed a single tear as he watched the man fell limp on the ground. And it stayed like that for awhile until Zetsu finally interrupted.

"It's done, you know what to do." Zetsu walked closer. "I'll go report it to Madara."

"Wait--" Guren mumbled in a weak voice, kneeling in front of the dead body. His fingers trailed slowly, from Hamada's jaw to his wet cheek, as if seeking the warmth from earlier-- he flinched, before continuing to touch his eyelids. Then with a little strength he could muster, he pushed his fingers, starting with his index and grabbed the lifeless orb. He pushed himself up and offered Zetsu his fist. "Here, until i said i need it, you will store it safely. And please tell Madara that i don't feel like going back just yet. And.. replace his eyes with another.."

"Understood. I'll see you another time then." He finished before disappearing from Guren's view.

Guren didn't know what to feel anymore. His thoughts and feelings were in a jumble. He didn't feel like crying but instead he felt mentally and physically exhausted. His palms were sticky, covered with blood mixed with his own sweat. It was filthy, the smell of strong metalic blood pierced his nose. He wanted to get rid of it. Everything. He really should find a river to clean himself, he thought.

Guren took a final glance of his father, the last one before they separate.. He was sure that Hamada had shed his tears earlier. His wet cheek was a proof. But was it because he was afraid to die? With a final goodbye, Guren took a heavy step away from the dead body and left. He didn't realise how hard he had clenched his fist along the way.





Obito and Genji arrived at the scene a bit too late. When they did, Obito had a look of horror on his face. He saw a corpse, not any corpse but someone he was very familiar with and respected. The corpse of Uchiha Hamada, the father of his little best friend. Genji regretted that they couldn't arrive earlier but there was nothing he could do but watch as Obito fell on his knees, screaming in frustration and overwhelmed sadness.

Genji inspected the area. There were signs of blood pooling in a few spots other than Uchiha Hamada's. However, he can't find any trace. There were probably a few fights here and the other two bodies were deliberately removed elsewhere. "What really happened?" He murmured.

Suddenly, Obito abruptly stood on his feet. "Where's Guren? We have to find him!"

"Right, lets go. But first, i have to report regarding this. We have to bring the corpse back."

Obito had his fists clenched tightly at his sides. A vein popped out his temples, "I.. won't forgive who ever did this to Hamada-san." He said through gritted teeth, earning a frown from Genji. But the older man couldn't utter a word. He understood the anger coming from the boy.





Guren was weakened. He felt like his soul was just taken away from him and he didn't understand why. His steps were wobbly, if it's not for Nagato, he would already be laying on the ground. When he was met again with Yahiko and the others, his face was pale and his eyes were lifeless. He was like a completely different person than what they had seen a few hours ago. So Nagato carried him in the back because of how weak Guren had became and it worried them.

They had asked him what happened but Guren refused to speak. He wouldn't even respond and would closed his eyes, snuggling into the man's back.

Yahiko had seen sadness in the boy's eyes for many times. Eyes which were questioning everything, not too eager but it was there. Sometimes he wonder if Guren was indeed a child or not. His existence felt like he had experienced only bad things in his life. However, the child does smile. Sometimes empty, sometimes genuine. Maybe just like that, he has times where he'll share his story to him. Yahiko didn't want to pry further, so he left it be. Perhaps, he would tell the others another time. When he had opened his heart one day.


Yahiko's team had been walking for hours. They've already stepped into the fire territory and still heading towards Konohagakure. Guren had asked to be left halfway when they've arrived at the fire country but they insisted to send him through to the end. Just until Guren's village is within sight. This is because of the rising heat in Guren's body temperature and his rapid breathing that had Yahiko worried.

Nevertheless, Guren was stubborn and refused to comply. He didn't want to be seen with the Akatsuki for fear of troubles to come. They had argued for awhile until Yahiko decided that he'll escort Guren alone and asked Nagato and Kie to meet him at the border. Yahiko alone was enough, so he didn't waste any time as he switched the role of carrying Guren on the back with Nagato and proceeded his way into the fire country's Konohagakure.

Yahiko had been sticking to the higher grounds to take a safe measure. The path to Konohagakure was thickened with woods and trees, therefore it was easier and faster to hop on tree branches than when they were in Amegakure. Moreover, he could easily detect enemies from above. It was a good choice.

Surely the path they took weren't devoid of shinobis. There were plenty but since they were busy occupying each other, Yahiko managed to conceal himself and the one on his back. The sound of explosions hit his ears. They were everywhere. There were flashes of light appearing in a few spots continuously, proving the fact that the country was currently facing a war. Nonetheless, he could careless. The hot breath that had hit his bare neck made him fasten his pace. "Guren, hang in there."





"Huff.. Huff.."

The boy, now with the cleanest white-collard top paired with an expensive shorts and a neat combed hair, had been running towards the street.

It has been a week since the last time the boy had met with his friend. He was prohibited to go out without consent, even more when he asked the maids to go to that dirty place. A place where he used to live and search for foods. A place where he took care of this little girl he met.

But he was smart. When he was given permission to leave his room, he went to find an alternative exit instead. Eventhough the mansion was huge, there was a wall in the abandoned small backyard that had a small hole, just big enough for his size. So he snuck out.


He ran with some snacks in his hands, wishing to meet that little girl, A@#y once more.

However, the moment he stepped into the dark alleyway, a stench of rotten pierced through his nose, sending his heart into a thump. He took another steps, following the source of the awful smell as it got stronger everytime he moved forward. His hands were carrying a piece of bread and a greenish apple. He held them tight to his chest, trying not to lose it before he can even give it to his friend. But why.. Why did it smell so bad? His legs stopped moving and what appeared before him had sent him into a state of shock.


Then his sight turned dark.

A few seconds passed and when he opened his eyes again, he was at a different place. He was sitting by the windowpane, watching as the rain dropped one by one. He looked at the book in his hold. His fingers were playing with the edge of the paper, flipping a few pages after that. The contents were filled with illustrations and dialogues, a manga. His eyes then fell on his own hand, it was no longer a child's. He hummed with a low voice, shifting his gaze to the reflection on the window. The eyes that it reflected was of emerald colour. His hair was a tint of brownish. His nose, his lips.. It was a familiar sight. But who was he?

"Ke#&*.. the master has asked for you.." 

The young man abruptly turned around, his heart beating rapidly.

Then suddenly, a blinding light seeped through his eyelids. He covered them with his arm. Once again, his eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the light.

This time, he could recognise the place. He had been there plenty of times. Before he even had a proper look around, his nose was sensing the smell of medicines, the smell that made him sure it was the hospital. Before him was a plain white painted wall. To his right was a window, and a small empty flower vase was placed on the frame, behind the overflowing curtains. Even if he was a few meters away from the opening, he could feel the breeze that blew passed his skin.

He suddenly remembered his dream, one where he couldn't comprehend but surely deep in his heart, he knew that it was a fragment of his memories in his first life. His hands touched his own face as the memory of a pale blonde resurfaced. An iv drip was injected into him but he forcibly pulled it out with a thought of leaving the bed, he wanted to reconfirm that he was Guren. His eyes were heavy, his mind was telling him to continue his slumber but he refused to give in to the whisper.

Just as he was about to leave the bed, a young man came to his side and stop him from doing so. Guren immediately recognised his company and didn't pushed the hands away. "You ought to rest more. You had a terrible fever when you came back." He said with a faint smile, pulling the small chair closer to the bed and seated himself. As he did that, Guren gave him a long stare, his eyebrows were raised in confusion.

"I did?"

"How do you feel?"

Guren shook his head, "How did i end up here?" Guren replied with another question instead. He held his head, trying to figure out what happened. He was with Nagato, Kie and Yahiko. And they were attacked by the Root. Or to be exact, Guren was. And then... 

The last thing he remembered was being carried by Yahiko. 

"They found you unconscious at the entrance gate and you were immediately brought here. It seems like i was the only one they can contact. I heard your friends went for another mission at Kusagakure."

"How long have i been unconscious?"

"Not long, only for a day." There was a brief silence between them until Shisui took a deep breath and spoke, "It has been a while Guren, there's a lot to catch up and i'm sure you're tired. But there's something you need to know, regarding what happened during your absence and these past few days."

Guren's ears perked up, his eyes met with Shisui. 

"A week after you depart for your mission, the third hokage noticed of your sensei's missing report. Despite of a lot of informations he had to give attention to, yours are quite special. You know how well your father and the third hokage are acquainted, so your father had requested for you to be look after under a good protection."

"That's why you were placed with me. A shinobi that can go in and out of the Uchiha clan."

"That's right. Anyway, lord hokage had sent a search party for you and your team. I had another thing to do back then, so i had only heard of this report. Your friends from team Minato had volunteered to go as well and they found your team somehow in a small village, taking refuge and also something of your posession. I think it was your Wakizashi."

That explains why Zetsu couldn't find his weapon. "Where is it now?"

"It seems like Uchiha Obito has it for now but unfortunately, he has left for the second time in search for you. Your sensei is now accompanying him. However, it looks like they had just missed you."

Listening to Shisui's words, Guren can't help but put on a frown. He can't believe what he had heard. He thought Shisui said they went for a mission elsewhere. Surely, Obito was supposed to be there for the Kannabi Bridge's battle with his team. So why is he hearing a different thing? Does it mean he had already changed Obito's fate?

"Lord hokage had received a report from them just a few hours ago and i hope you're ready for what i'm about to tell you."

Guren can already guess by Shisui's expression so he averted his eyes away knowing that if he had looked at Shisui, he wouldn't be able composed himself. The air was heavy and the brief silence was broken when Shisui finally spoke of the words, "Your father has passed away."

He didn't know how to react. He had already expected that but somehow, he didn't like what he had heard. He didn't want to accept it for the second time. He took a deep breath, turning his body away from Shisui and in a low tone, he asked Shisui to leave.