
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

It had been three days since Madara had official shown Devil society that they were unworthy of their name.

True to her word Sona had arrived at seven every morning to make sure Issei went to school.

On a side note Madara had Sona set up a Shinobi for hire business, this way he could get request from the supernatural side of the world.

He had not set it up for the income, no Madara had set it up for the thrills as he said.

Now there first request had come through, Madara thought it was hilarious, Issei not so much.

The letter was as said. "I Rias Gremory request the help of one in both martial and political matters."

"I would like it if the chosen one would meet me at the Occult Research Club Room as soon as you have accepted this."

"Payment will be as follows, any two items that the employed requests for."

Issei had just finished reading this as he looked up at Madara who had a rather amused look upon his face.

Issei said "You're not going to take it are you?"

To this Madara said "I am not, but you are!"

Issei looked at Madara as if he was mad and then remembered for a time that he was.

"Wait a second, Madara why me I mean can't you send a clone to do it?"

Now Madara laughed and said "She requested on of us, I am sure she can find a way to compensate you, now get over there before I make you get over there!"

Issei grumbled a little as he left Madara and used the Flying Thunder God technique to arrive at school.

He looked around, it was club activity time on Saturday so not many people.

Sighing he made his way to the Occult Research Club room.

He had now made his way to its door when a voice behind him said. "Stop right there!"

Issei did so and was about to turn around when the voice, distinctly feminine said.

"Don't turn around!"

In Issei's head he had to give the woman behind him credit, he could not use his Sharingan if he could look at her.

"Who are you and why were you about to enter there?"

At this Issei knew she did was not a teacher, also she did not know who he really was.

"I am Char, Char Anzable."

The woman behind him asked

"Well what are you doing here Char, why did you come here."

To this Issei just had to say "I came here to find my mobile suit and convince others that they are polluting the earth."

To this she replied "Your Mobile Suit is not here and go preach elsewhere."

At this Issei smiled and said "Oh so I am not wanted thanks, soul who is pulled down by gravity."

Issei sneered as he was about to turn around and leave when Rias opened the door.

"Grayfia-sama why are you standing behind Issei looking menacing?"

Grayfia the silver haired silvered eyed woman look at Rias in surprise and said.

"I thought he said his name was Char Anzable?"

Rias went wide eyed "CHAR ANZABLE, from GUNDAM?"

She now looked at Issei and cringed as he grinned impishly.

"No, just no, he is Issei Hyoudou and I requested him to come here."

Now turning around Issei was asked by the silver haired Grayfia "Why did you give me a false name."

To this Issei asked "Why do you cosplay as a maid?"

She looked at him in a dignified way and said "This is my uniform, I wear it with pride while on duty!"

To this Issei said "So I guess your boss has a thing for maid outfits then huh?"

Issei then turned his back on her and said to Rias "Okay I am here what did you need my help with?"

Rias was about to speak when she was interrupted by some flashy magic as like sixteen devils made their entrance.

"Ah my dear bride to be you miss me, are you yearning for my touch yet!"

Issei now saw the reason why Rias had sent that request to Madara.

Before him stood one young man, Issei deduced that he must be some Devil.

He had fifteen girls beside him all looking like the were trying to cling to him.

In short to Issei it was disgusting.

Issei ignored the idiot and his harem and said "Let me guess now that is the reason why?"

Rias slowly nodded, the guy seemed a bit insulted that Rias had not spoken to him yet so he said.

"I Riser Phenex the up coming star of the Phenex Clan and your betrothed has come to meet with you and this is how you treat him!"

"Oh I am shocked, shocked that I have not got enough attention I am immortal, you should feel honoured to marry one as powerful as me!"

At this Rias bit back and said "I feel sick that my family ever approved of you, you are disgusting and sick, I will never marry you!"

Issei clapped at this and shot Grayfia a look with his Sharinganwhen she tried to open her mouth to protest against Rias choice of words.

"Oh what was that dear, you think you are too good for me?"

He snickered as he placed his hand on the one of his girls breast.

Rubbing it smoothly he said "Why do you think that, I have never lost a Rating Game, except on purpose!"

He said this soo smoothly that it pissed Issei off.

"Well a loss is a loss is a loss, if you lost, you still lost be it your own failings or your own devices."

To this Riser pulled the largest breasted girl to him and began to fondling them furiously.

"I am Riser Phenex, I have my own beautiful peerage filled with lesser could only dream of."

"I have the immortal body of a Phoenix fire as it is in my Clan's blood, I am pure blood Devil of the highest order!"

Issei clapped sarcastically and said "I see you're a classic megalomaniac, you failed to mention me once in that entire spat."

Issei looked now to Rias "He ought to quit jacking off to himself and put his lotion in the basket".

It took Riser two whole minutes to understand Issei's insult and when he did he was fuming!

"You pathetic, little pawn, you are but the filth that I have others lick from my boots, you are such a low class Devil I can't even sense you!"

Issei looked at Rias and then to Riser, then back to Rias. "So moving on you I take it you wanted my help against this moron?"

Rias nodded and said "Yes as you can see I am outnumbered so by hiring you I thought to boost my own forces."

Issei nodded but had in the back of his mind "She must have hoped Madara would have been the one to show up."

At this Riser said "Ah so you intend to fight me after all how about a deal then!"

Rias eyed him and said "What is it that you propose?" Riser gave her a wicked smile and said.

"Well simple, we will have a Rating game against each other, if I win you will marry me right after it."

Rias then asked "And if I win?" Riser laughed and said "Not that, that's going to happen but then I will engagement will be void."

Issei could see that this was Rias only chance to win get away from this freak for good, he knew she would accept it.

"Tell you what, I'll even give you ten day's training to prepare for it since I am such a nice guy."

With that an a dismissive wave he left, Grayfia was on Rias's case as soon as he did.

"You cannot defy your parents and brothers wished Rias-sama!"

At this Issei decided to make an absolute ass of him self and said.

"Maid Lady, your a maid but, are you married?"

To this she replied "That I am for both."

Then Issei asked "You were in service to Rias's family before you got married?"

Rias answered "Yes she was."

Then Issei asked "To whom are you married to?

She did not answer so Rias answered for her "Grayfia is married to my brother, though she prefers not to say it when she is on the job."

At this Issei looked at Grayfia and said "Let me guess there was no bull shit politically benefit."

There was a small chink in the stoic gaze and Issei saw it "So you two married for love then huh?"

He looked up at the roof for one moment before he brought his fist down upon a nearby sofa in anger.

"A shit like you should not force onto other what you have not done yourself!"

Issei said this as his Sharingans blazed at Grayfia who took a step back now as she fully recalled who she saw with those eyes.

"You, you're the one who has been provoking the Fallen Angels in the area."

Issei shook his head and said "Those who attack me are my enemy, if they can't turn then they die."

Grayfia was not yet aware but Rias knew what he meant by turn.

Now Issei said "You better go get training, that is not part of my contract so I won't be with you."

Rias looked as if she was about to protest but then she stopped. Issei looked at Rias, he did not like her but a contract was a contract.

"I just hope you can deliver after this is over." At that Grayfia spoke "Do you truly believe, even if you are Madara's disciple, I can see there is a large gap between the two of you."

She looked at him and said "Do you have any experience fighting a Devil, we are not as weak as those who have killed."

Issei knew she had a point, the power between the foes he had faced so far and Riser was large gap.

"Then it just means that I will have to condition myself to fight higher level of foe."

To Issei's dread at these words Serafall Leviathan burst through the door saying.

"I the Magical Star girl will help you Ace-Kun to train!"

Even Grayfia looked rather taken aback with her sudden entrance like that.

"I see that the Leviathan has not learned proper manners and just decides listen in on others conversations as it pleases her."

At this she jumped onto Issei's arm saying "Save me Ace-Kun, the mean lady who tried to take my title is here!"

Issei looked at Grayfia then to Serafall who was on his arm.

He could not for the love of all that was good or evil for that matter, know how Serafall could have won.

Just about besting Serafall's grip Issei said "With this I am leaving, now."

Quickly before Serafall could grab him again he used the Flying Thunder God technique to get out of there.

Grayfia now looked at Rias as Serafall left in sulky mood.

"Your ally does not seem to like you much?"

Rias nodded and said "He does not like any of us too much."

Grayfia sighed and left Rias and her Peerage.

Rias now turned to her pieces and said "Well, we have to train, we can't rely on Issei to do all the work."

Issei had arrived at his room and was just about to take a seat when Asia opened his door.

"Um, Issei have you finished your job?" She said this very cutely, though she was trying not, as she fumbled over her words.

Issei could not help but smile a little at her, she was really innocent in the ways of the world.

"In a sense, no I have ten days before I can actually begin it."

She now looked to the ground as she blushed saying.

"Well um, I just wanted to say thank you for um, giving me a place to stay and all?"

Issei looked at her then said "Well, it was not I who allowed you, that was out of my hands, also are you leaving?"

Asia now brushed a little harder now that his stare intensified and said "No, it just that Madara-sama has invited me to stay her as an assistant."

Issei's blood ran cold and said "You know that he does not mean a normal assistant?"

She nodded and then said "Um Issei, Madara-sama told me a very disturbing thing?".

"Oh really what is it Asia?"

She turned away and said "He said to gain the Mangekyō Sharingan, you have to kill your closest friend!"

Issei had no idea as to why Madara had told her that but he said calmly.

"No I do not have it, calm down Asia."

He felt a little guilty he had lied to her well, at least not told her the full truth.

Aisa looked about the room as if she was trying to find a way to say something.

"Um, Issei, why is it that you seem to dislike other people?"

Issei looked up at the ceiling but he was actually looking to the sky.

"Because of what you said before about the Sharingan."

He then turned and said to her "One day I will tell you what I know of these eyes, I may not have been born with them but Madara has made me one of is own."

Asia looked at him and said "What will happen if you truly become like him?"

Issei shook his head and said "I have never seen the true him, rather I have seen his post failed master plan him."

At this Asia looked at Issei wanting to learn more but Issei shook his head.

"I am not the one to tell you that, if he deems it fit to do so then listen."

Saying this Issei walked out of his room and grabbed a glass of water.

He saw that Raynare was now doing the cooking in the kitchen.

"Welcome back, could it do any harm to use the front door every now and again?"

At that moment Issei said "Walking is way to normal, I rather not waste more time doing that."

She looked at him and said "That is not very good for you."

Issei at this point regretted not using the Sharingan into making her a puppet slave.

"What are you my mother, wait don't answer that?"

But it was too late as she had begun the 'I am your servant' speech.

"I am your servant, it is my duty to see to you that you are healthy and fit."

"I chose to serve you because you are a man who I can see myself under and worshipping."

Issie raised his hand and said "I get it, I get it."

In his mind he was said "Shut up please, I don't want to regret sparing your life, also you did choose to serve me after I broke you mind TWICE."

At this moment in them a knock came on the door.

Raynare said "I'll get it!" Issei had no idea as to why she was so happy to get the door but then he heard it slam shut.

Issei looked over to the door and saw that Raynare was now returning to the kitchen.

"So who was it?" He asked her casually, to him she replied "Just a sales person."

At this Issei knew she must mean a devil, he went and opened the door to find a small girl before.

Issei recalled that he had seen her as part of Risers Harem.

"Sorry we don't do adoption."

Issei then closed the door and was about to walk off when the door bell rang.

In his mind Issei made a mental not to put the door bell out of children's reach.

Now he returned and opened the door, this time the little girl let him know what she was thinking.

"How dare you slam the door in my face, I am a noble of the Phenex Clan lowly human."

"You shouldn't, you can't just slam the door in my face, why I ought to!"

She put her hands on her hips and was about to continue when a voice sounded from behind her.

"You will what, pout about and think that will make a difference?"

Madara was behind her, his Sharingans glaring down at her puny form.

At first she tried to put on a brave act and say "You, you don't scare me you're only human!"

At this Madara's eyes glanced up to Issei and then laughed, Issei too began to laugh.

Now looking down the full extent of his nose Madara said "Child, why don't you go play fool elsewhere."

He shot her a very murderous smile that made her take a step back into Issei.

At this Issei sighed and said "Madara let me deal with her and you insult me again and I'll slam the door on you!"

At these words Madara weaved his way through them like a ghost and Issei and the girl were alone.

"So do you have a name, you should tell me it also, why are you here you are part of my contracted enemy's side?"

At this she blushed a little and said "I wanted you, I wanted you to go easy on Oni-sama!"

Issei looked at her and said "So he is into incest, should have figured but why do you wish me to go easy on him?"

At this she said "He is not the big brother I looked up to I still love and care for him but!"

Issei had raised his hand to silence her, he had heard enough incest like words.

"So you want me to go easy on him, because he is a fool?"

She nodded and said "I know who you are, he does not."

He looked at her and said "And I should show mercy why?"

At this she said "I thought you were meant to be the nice one?"

Her face scrunched up into a frown. Issei said "Well your intels wrong I am the nicer one, not nice though."

A few moments of silence passed before he then said "How about this, if I am forced to fight your brother I will not kill him."

She nodded and said "Can you sign this then?"

Issei saw it was a contract stating that he would not kill Riser Phenex.

He signed it, smiled and she was on her way. In his mind however he was like "Well I did not plan to kill him, so this can work."

Oh no Issei did not believe in just kill arrogant fools like Riser, Madara had taught him to only kill swiftly those he had a challenge with as sort of a reward.

"Ten days sure can go fast if you put your mind to it."

Issei knew he would have to ask Madara to condition him for a while but if he was able to make a bigger name for himself it would be better.

"I may need to use Amaterasuagain?" He recalled what happened the last time and shudder at the thought.

He went to Madara and said "Madara I need you to help me master Amaterasu within ten days!"

Madara saw no joke within Issei's eye, stood up and said "Come now Issei we shall begin!"