
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

Issei awoke this time to the sound of Madara telling Sona to hit the road and Issei was taking time off school.

He heard the door close and Sona walking off.

Getting up he walked down the stairs Issei thanked Madara.

Madara responded "You need a break from all of them in that place, go on out".

Issei at this point opened a draw and took out some money and put it in his wallet.

"Yeah, I will head out, taking some money just in case, see you later Madara".

Madara did not bother to say goodbye, he knew he would see him again.

At that moment Madara looked at the drawer and sighed "Why do the people of this world need money"?

Issei headed to the park where he decided to sit down and contemplate last night.

There was no sign of Rayanare, so he suspected that her allies or the devils must have taken her.

He also noted that the ground was now longer burnt. "I need to focus more on the now".

He thought this as he tilted his head back up at the sky, the sun was bright, not too bright but bright all the same.

He yawned and closed his eyes, he wanted to eat something, well not that he needed to eat but he wanted to.

He was about to stand up when he heard a small scream.

He looked over in the direction of it and saw a young girl. She was blonde and had green eyes.

She had fallen over dropping a suitcase that held her cloths.

Her cloths were now strewn across the path and her skirt had flick up revealing her underwear.

Issei calmly walked over to her as she stood up and offered her a hand up.

He did not say a word just smiled gently at her.

"Um thank you" she said in a soft and feeble voice.

Issei smiled again and said "How about we talk after your clothing is back in your suitcase".

She nodded and the two of them proceeded to gather up all the clothing that was on the path and around them.

After the two of them had done that Issei offered his hand saying "I am Issei, Issei Hyoudou".

She took the hand shaking it saying "I am, I am Asia Argento". "Um, Thank you for um, you know helping me with my clothing".

Issei shook his head "No problem, I just did it because I felt like it".

At this moment he heard her stomach growl he looked at her and she blushed in embarrassment.

"Say I was just about to go have breakfast, sounds like you need some to want to join me"?

Asia nodded shyly, Issei took note that she was rather trusting of people who did good for her.

Issei then said "Follow me I know a great place, wait do you want me to carry your bag"?

He looked down at the suitcase it was not too big, but she did have trouble carrying it.

She handed the bag over to him and Issei said "If I was a robber you would have just lost your bag".

To this she was able to reply "You've seen I only have cloths in there, also I don't think you are a bad person".

When she said this Issei's mind flashed back to what he had done to Raynare.

"I would not say I am good though".

He took her too a place that he knew served good beef bowls.

Paying for two of them he sat down and ate it.

Asia was just staring at it, Issei who was half way through his looked up and said "You no hungry".

She shook her head and said "No it's just, it's just I have never eaten with chopsticks".

Issei at the moment pointed to the spoon in front of the bowl.

"I think the old man who runs this knew that".

She took the spoon and she too began to eat the beef bowl.

Upon finishing it she said "Um, thank you for this, Issei Hyoudou".

He smiled at her and said "What are you doing in Japan"?

She did not answer, this meant to Issei she had something to hide.

"Well if you don't want to say you don't need to".

He got up and said "Well this was fun and you did not turn into a black creature with wings to top it off".

He nonchalantly let that slip and cursed himself.

"Um, you know about the fallen angels"?

Issei looked at her, he did not know if she was making a joke or not.

"Err nothing forget, just a slip of the tongue, forget that I said it well see you around".

He got up and as about to leave when she said "Thank you for this Issei, you are a kind man".

He now had walked out of the store and was silently cursing himself for saying that out loud.

"How could I have been so stupid, does she know about the fallen angels, is that why she did not answer me".

Issei at this point realised that he should probably be following her instead of walking in the other direction.

Turning around he cast the Camouflage Jutsu upon himself and went back to Asia.

He saw that she now had three people beside her.

All of them looked like nice people, but then again Yuma had looked nice too.

He could hear them talking, about going to a church.

Issei suddenly froze up when he heard one of them mention the name 'Raynare'.

"Should I attack and kill all of them now, or should I follow them and find out if there are more of them and what they are planning"?

Had he been Madara he would have gone with option one, but he was not Madara so he chose option two.

Slowly he learned as they talked that this Asia had been thrown out of the church for being able to heal a devil.

"Typical, they throw away that which they fear and cannot understand".

He also learned that they believed this girl had a sacred gear that could heal Raynare.

The three of them left her leaving her directions to go to the church.

Issei waited until Asia herself got up before releasing his jutsu.

"Some very interesting friends you have Miss Argento".

Issei spoke to her, but the kindness and warmth had gone from his voice.

Asia got a shock when she both heard and saw him that she took a step back.

"Um Issei, how long have you been here for I thought you left".

To that Issei said "I heard it all, oh by the way the one who put that bitch in the state she is in was me".

He could see that she was shocked at the way he spoke also at the way he referred to Raynare.

She looked at him and said "But how, how did you do that to her"?

Issei did not look her in the eyes, instead he looked at her feet saying.

"She ruined my first happy memory I have had for ten years, you cannot imagine what I did to her".

He now fighting back the arising Sharingan said "I want to ask you something, why are you helping those who murder others".

Asia did not answer him she looked away as if she was ashamed of something.

"It has to do with you being kicked out of the church right, I did hear that as well".

She slowly nodded and began to recount the her tale to him.

At the end of it all Issei could say was "They will use you then through you away".

She nodded at this but said "They still are angels of a sort, I mean they are not devils".

Issei had to admit that, though the devils he knew had not tried to kill him.

"Give me your hand". Asia looked at him and was about to ask what for when Issei said again.

"I said give me you hand".

She obeyed and Issei held it in his, when he let go a symbol was on it but then it faded from sight.

"What, what did you do to me"?

She asked this as she looked in awe at her hand.

She could feel some sort of power on it.

To reply to her Issei said "I marked you, that way if you are in trouble I can teleport in and help, I am telling you now they are going to kill".

She had to admit it that Issei was being a lot more friendly and protective than they were.

"You go along now and do as they ask you, but touch that seal and I will know you are in danger".

She nodded and set out from their Issei had to ask himself.

"Shit man why do I care so much for someone I just met, do I think she is going to die".

At this moment Issei need answer and he knew just the place to get them.

Turning around he used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport to his desk.

None of the students seemed to notice Issei also cursed himself for this.

"Dammit why am I like the guy who can disappear and reappear and no one notices".

It was not that bad a skill to be honest just not very nice.

Getting up at the lunch break he made his way over to window where he had seen Rias.

Finding his way inside he knocked on the door of what he thought was the Occult Research Clubs room.

Turns out it was and Yuuto Kiba the blonde from before answered it.

"Oh Buchou-sama we have a visitor". Issei could tell Rias was on edge when she saw him, needless to say her brother must have told her to be.

"Relax I have not come here to fight you". She did not instead she said "Your father threatened the leader of the four Maous"!

To this Issei said "My father died ten years ago so that is impossible".

It was at this point that Rias recalled that Madara had not called Issei his son. Nor had he called him Issei at all.

"Well the guy you lived with had all but threatened the Crimson Maou, who happens to be my brother"!

Issei shrugged and said "Should have told him not be such snobbish git then".

Rias was at breaking point and was about to attack him when Issei let loose a large amount of killing intent.

"It would not be wise to attack me, mam".

Issei said this with a perfectly calm face, only thing was his Sharingan was active.

Rias took a step back and the pure amount of pain that was contained within his eyes.

She then said "Well what is it that you wished to know"?

Issei could see through the act, she was shivering in her shoes. "I guess you could say I would like to know the name a sacred gear that can heal, well anyone".

Rias looked at him skepticlly and said "Why would you want to know about that".

To this Issei said "A certain group has one and I want to know if I should let them keep it".

Rias managed to meet his gaze and look directly into his eyes and say.

"Now why should I do that, its there business not mine".

Now it was Issei's turn to smile as he said "Do you think you are in the real world"?

Rias was about to answer that when everything around her began to melt.

Issei then said "I have a deal, tell me what I wish to know and I will release you".

"Refuse and I will rip it from you and leave you".

Rias did not know since when she was within this, but it seemed that she could not escape on her own.

Sighing and trying not to panic she said "Okay, I believe the one you must have heard of is the Twilight Healing".

Issei nodded and said "Continue".

Rias had no choice but to "The fallen angels have been looking for it for a long time, they planned to extract it form the one who had it".

Issei's eyes narrowed and he asked "What will happen to the person if this happens"?

Rias looked at him and said "He or she will die".

Issei then said "Thanks for this", he released his Genjutsu and left the room.

The rest of the Occult Research had no idea what had just happened.

"Um Buchou-sama why did you just stare at him for like a minute"?

She turned to look at Akeno and said "What I told him what he wanted to know"!

Akeno looked back at her and said "Well if you did you did not open your mouth".

Rias looked at her peerage none of them must have been in the illusion she said quietly "So I was the only caught, but why"?

She then tried to see if Issei was walking out of the school when she realised "Wait has he met the user of Twilight Healing"!

Issei at that moment had transported himself home and was going through a summoning scroll.

Madara looked at him and said "What are you doing back here, why are you going through a scroll".

All Issei said was "Sorry I got to kill the one I did not and her friends".

Issei have found and summoned the weapon he wanted used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport to Asia.

He had left her alone for a full hour and was sure she must have found the church by now.

He was right, he also saw that she had managed to heal that bitch from last night.

Appearing out of thin air between the four Fallen Angels and Asia. Slapping the ground with a tag he said.

"Sorry but you won't be taking her sacred thing from her today".

Grabbing Asia he used Flying Thunder God technique to teleport back to his house.

"I'm sorry you must stay here if you want to live and also just say Issei put me here if your asked".

He used the same Jutsu to teleport back to the church.

Seeing all of them prepared to attack him he smiled and said.

"Last night I spared you can you recall what I did".

Raynare who was now healed due to the Twilight Healing gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't look him in the eyes, you're as good as dead then"!

Issei smiled and said "It will be more entertaining to dance in the real world.

All four charged him as he stood still.

Issei stepped to the left to avoid the blue haired ones strike and then to the right to avoid the blondes.

Jumping up with speeds that they could not even perceive he kicked the two of them back into the other two.

"Skill of that level is not going to lay a hand on me".

Opening a scroll he summoned sword into his hand. "Come on, I thought you wanted to dance"!

As he said this Raynare charged forth to attack him with a spear of light.

Issei at this point felt as if something was upon his left arm and used it to block the incoming attack.

He saw that his entire left arm had scales on it, red scales to be precise.

Ignoring that he made a two hand signs and said "Bringer of Darkness Jutsu".

The one he cast it on, the male had no idea where he was.

Seeing that he was no longer a threat, Issei jumped back and made a single hand sign and said.

"Fire Style, Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu"!

Taking a deep breath in and blowing out, Issei unleashed a wave of fire upon the Fallen Angels below.

He saw that three of them had managed to avoid it.

However the one who was caught in his Bringer of Darkness Jutsu was killed by it".

He looked at the three who were left and said "Oh come now, I am just a human right"!

At this two of them charged again Issei could tell they were pissed off. Issei dropped flat on his back as the two Fallen Angels soared past over head.

But not before he stuck his sword out and damaged the blonde ones wing.

She screamed in pain as she crashed into the wall and tried to get back to her feet.

Only now did he activate his Sharingan and say "Well now that I am a little warmed up ready for the real deal"?

Raynare and the blonde one he saw hesitate but he felt the dark blue haired one come for him from behind!

With mere ease now he seemed to just step to the side and watch her as she flew past him.

"Oh with that speed you are never going to hit me, I will get offended if this is the best you got"?

In the back of his mind he remember that he was acting a little like Madara but right now all he cared about was toying with his prey until they were dead.

Smiling he said "How about a change of styles"?

None of them other than Issei himself knew that what this meant.

Making again a single hand sign he said "Wood Style Wood Dragon Jutsu"!

Bursting out of the ground behind him a massive Asian dragon made of pure unrefined wood appeared.

Keep that hand sign the Wood Dragon split into three and spiralled after the its three targets.

The three Fallen Angels had to constantly move to avoid the attack.

Each of them noticed that the Wood Dragons would grow as they moved therefore beginning to trap them.

The blonde one who had one of her wings damaged by Issei soon found.

That the Wood Dragon that was chasing after her was slowly catching up.

She at that moment decided to try to go of course and attack Issei.

In response to this Issei moved the dragon that was chasing the blue haired one down.

The blonde Fallen Angel did not know what hit her.

She was smashed into the ground by the Wood Dragon and became a gory mess on the floor, her blood spurting out all around where she had once been.

The wood dragon split into two and each merged with the ones that still had targets.

It was at this moment that Raynare came to realise something.

She called out to her ally who now was just keeping out of reach of her own Wood Dragon.

"Kalawarner, we need to hit him, if we stay like this were doing to get trapped"!

Her ally agreed with her saying "Alright then"!

Both of them began to change course and out manoeuvre the Wood Dragons that were chasing them.

Raynare saw that it was hard but as they flew around in circles and other shapes they noticed that Issei was becoming more and more open.

At that moment Kalawarner risked gathering multiple spears of light and threw them at Issei.

Issei moved Raynares Wood Dragon to intercept them.

Raynare saw her chance both She and Kalawarner were at other ends of the church.

They both decided to charge Issei.

Since both of them had both wings intact they were able to keep out of range of the Wood Dragons.

At first they had to pull back because the Wood Dragons got in the way but then a golden moment appeared to them.

Issei who had his eyes closed opened the and the Wood Dragons stopped moving and fell to the ground.

It was the chance of a life time and forming spears of light in her hand Kalawarner took it.

She charged Issei and managed to stab him right in the heart.

At this she thought it was over, but Raynare knew it was not, she noticed that Issei was not bleeding.

"Kalawarner get away it is a trap"!

Raynare yelled as the Issei who had been stab reverted to wood.

At that very second as Kalawarner was about to jump away Issei burst out from underneath her.

His sword slicing up her and ripping her body in two.

Raynare dropped to the ground in shock at what had just happened to her comrades.

Issei who had not a drop of blood on him, nor so much as a scratch began to walk towards her.

"Do you feel fear Raynare, do you regret what you did to me, do you want me to show you mercy"?

Issei approached her with a wicked smile upon his face, he was going to enjoy what came next.

He walked up to her and put his hand under her chin.

"What is the matter, I thought you and your allies were going to make a heroic charge and kill me".

He looked into her eyes his Sharingans ablaze with hatred.

"You ruined the first happy memory I had in a long time, you know that".

Issei noticed that his left arm was right now returning to normal.

"How do you think I feel about that"?

He asked her and looked into her eyes, he could see the pure terror that she saw.

She finally managed to say "I don't, I don't know".

Issie kept his hand where it was and said again "Tell me why did you kill me".

Looking directly into his eyes she was unable to resist telling the truth.

"I thought it might earn me favour of my leader and my father".

Issei looked at her "Wait a second, she killed me to gain favour, what a sick life her kind must live".

This did not show on the outside though "What were the order that you were given".

This was on question he had not asked last night and wanted the answers to now.

"I was to observe the human Issei Hyoudou, I was to report if there where any changes".

He noticed that she only said observe not kill. "So you killed me out of your own initiative"?

"Yes" she replied like all of her replies there was no emotion within it.

Sharingan had made her completely enthralled.

Issei then took the sword and stab her through the stomach.

Blood began to flow from her mouth though she did not scream in pain.

Issie pulled it out and let go of her letting her fall to the ground.

Then she came to her senses and screamed, free from the Sharingan's spell.

"Oh does it hurt my bad".

Issei did made a single hand sign and she began to heal.

"Wait what do you plan to do with me" she said this as she tried to stand up.

Issei looked her in the eye and said. "I intend to break you"!

In that same instant she was within his Tsukuyomi again, but this time it was different.

She was standing before Issei as she saw him stab her. The image changed and she saw Kalawarner getting sliced in half.

The scenes changed repeatedly showing her the deaths of her allies and her self.

Each time the scene played out she could feel the impact the wounds upon her own body.

She scream and scream and screamed.

Then She felt a hand on her it was Issei, he was behind her.

Issei said "I will torment you like this for one hour"! She did not know if she could last even that long.

The feeling of being burned crushed, smashed, stabbed and then healed felt beyond the pain she felt before.

She was not bound this time, she only saw what was happening around her, everywhere she would turn she saw the same thing.

The only thing knew would be the pain upon her body.

In that world what seemed like an eternity passed.

Cycle after cycle would occur she Raynare, felt as if the pain was changing forms.

Soon she was excited when she saw Issei's face, despite the image of him wounding her.

Then at long last the voice of Issei sounded out "I congratulate you, it has been a whole tenth of a second since it started".

"That only leaves fifty nine minutes fifty nine seconds and nine tenths of a second left"!

Raynare felt something was wrong she felt weird when Issei spoke it was as if his voice had something in it, something that she desired.

Issei released her from his Tsukuyomi, look her in the eye he said "What is it that you want"?

She bent down on one knee and said "To serve you"!