
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

Issei had managed to sleep that night after the fight, what surprised him was that he was able to wake up in the morning when he heard a knock on his door.

"Shit it is a Monday isn't it, it has to be that black haired devil!"Issei was just about to get out of bed when he heard a voice he did not want to hear.

"So-tan I see you beat me here, I magical girl Levi-tan will make sure your star Ace-kun is awake!"

Issei at this moment took cover beneath his covers as Serafall managed to leap in through his open window.

"Shit I should have closed that one!" Was the last think Issei thought before he got literally ripped out of his bed.

"Wake up Ace-Kun, your local neighbourhood Levi-tan is here to make your day, star!"

Issei at this point managed to get up off the ground where he landed.

"Shit this girl is strong, why the hell did I not put a seal on the window!"

Serafall saw that Issei was not getting up fast enough so she picked him up by the arm and said "Come one Ace-kun wake up time for school!"

All Issei could do was to grumble a few words try to say "I want you to get out, I need to change into my school pants and top now."

But to his misfortune all he did say was "I want you, I need you in my pants now."

At this Serafall gave a joyful exclamation "Oh Ace-kun I did not know you would be so forward with me, I did not take you for the aggressive type!"

Issei heard her correctly and said "Wait what they heck did you say."

Serafall gave him a cheeky smile and said "You said it your self, I want you, I need you in my pants now!"

Now Issei was sure that he did not say that, he was absolutely horrified at the thought of it.

Not about what she said, but rather if he did say that and Madara heard him, he was dead!

Why Madara had one rule that was above all other "Issei was not allowed to be a pervert!"

The door flew open and Madara was their "Issei, what do you mean by I want you, I need you in my pants!"

It was not a question, Issei knew he was a dead man now.

Madara with his Sharingans blazing took the slow steps of doom towards Issei, Issei knew his death would be long and painful.

To his surprise it was Serafall who actually bailed him out.

"Oh I am sure he meant to say, I want you to get out, I need to change into my school pants and top now."

She then winked at Issei and said "I was just trying to wake him up faster that was all."

Issei at this point knew she was a good actress, he knew that she must have been a little bit afraid of Madara, but she was not letting that show in the least.

Madara looked at her then to Issei and said "I know you are lying, but I'll leave you be, your not his type anyway."

Madara left both of them, Serafall was confused about what Madara had said, Issei on the other hand was completely terrified!

"What is he thinking saying that I have a type, he should know I don't have one because he does not let me have one!"

He was right, it was due to Madara that he did not really have a type of girl he liked.

It was also a reason why he rather stay alone most days rather than go out of his way to be friendly with people.

"You have one scary Dad Ace-kun!"

Issei sighed and said "He's not my dad, get out of my room now, I dunno just stopped the next Great War, I think I am entitled to a little more sleep."

He then picked up his covers, covered him self with them and lay down on the bed.

As if to counter him Serafall jumped on the bed as well as him and began to pull his covers off!

Issei was still weakened from his fight with Kokabiel, rather he was still tired so he lost this fight.

"I will change you into your uniform Ace-kun even if I have to do it myself.

She grabbed his shirt and literally tore it off him! It was at this moment that Sona reach the room and opened the door.

She went bright red when she saw Issei's exposed chest.

"Nee-Chan what, what are you doing, this is disgraceful behaviour for one of your rank, stop this at once!"

Serafall looked rather childish at her little sisters scolding and then did one thing Issei did not know how to react to. She broke down into a river of tears and cried.

"SO-TAN DOESN'T LOVE ME ANY MORE!" she cried and Issei saw that his sheets were now getting soaked in her tears.

Issei then looked at Sona who said "Wait, why are you looking at me!"

Issei was about to reply when from behind Sona Madara's voice was heard.

"All of you be quiet, before I give you all a reason to cry."

Madara said this in a monotone voice, but the fact that he leaked a sea of killing intent made everyone shut up.

Sona turned to see that Madara was not behind her, in fact his voice had carried all the way from the dinning room.

"I think you two should wait outside until I come out."

Issei said this as he yawned and heard Sona reply "Yes that is for the best.

As soon as Sona left the room he closed the window put a seal on both it and the door and went back to his bed.

"Well I hope that holds them for at least five minutes"

Turning in he heard the sound of Madara laughing, "Bastard must have told them I went back to bed."

Issei sighed got out of bed changed and used his Flying Thunder God technique to escape the room.

He did this and not a moment later Serafall had managed to break down part of the wall.

"Hey wait a second, Ace-kun is not here?"

She looked around in her child like manner, she did not know how but Issei was nowhere to be found.

Sona on the other hand knew Issei could teleport and told her sister "He teleported out of the room, we can always find him later."

She was right and Issei to boot he had got changed into his casuals.

"Stupid magical girl, stupid Sona, stupid Madara, stupid devils, stupid mornings."

Issei cursed inside his head, he now did not get to sleep in, the last thing he was going to do was go to school.

"How the hell, how did they fix up the school, actually I don't care."

He was right he did not care.

As he continued to walk towards the arcade he saw a blue haired girl there.

"I think that it is time that I ask for payment, I actually I should have done that last night."

Issei managed to walk up to Xenovia without her noticing him.

"Yo Blue, I heard you got the payment you owe me."

At his words he saw who was meant to be the clam and cool Xenovia almost jump out of her skin.

She did manage to regain some of her composure and said "I, I have to apologise, I have quit being part of Heavens host."

If it had been possible Issie's jaw would have hit the floor like in one of those comedy anime.

"What so I have to go find Irina to get paid, I thought Heaven and you know Angels and God were meant to be honest?"

She shook her head and said "No, I quit being part of the Church because of the lies they told me."

It was at this moment that Issei recalled what he said, he knew it must have screwed her life over.

"Oh, I see, then I'll exempt you from it, on a side note do you still believe in God?"

To this she gave him a nod and Issei sighed and turned away.

"I guess I'll go find out how to get paid then, see you around, though I don't know why you're in Japan of all places?"

He was leaving when he heard a soft and sweet voice, call out to him "Oni-sama, shouldn't you be in school?"

At this moment if it had been anyone besides Asia who said this Issei would have hit them.

As he turned he saw that Asia was now standing beside Xenovia.

"Oh so you found a new friend, I guess you will be moving out then Imouto, see you when we meet next."

Issei did not answer her question and had made that up on the spot.

He then turned his back on them and was about to leave again when Asia called out to him.

"Actually I am glad you're here Oni-sama, it would work better if you were here with us."

Issei paused and turned around "You know if you are moving out tell Madara?"

"Oh no Oni-sama, I am not moving out, Xenovia asked if I could speak with her about the possibility of meeting with you and askin-!"

She did not get to complete her sentence as Xenovia clamped her mouth shut with her hand.

"What she meant to say was that I wanted to meet you."

Issei did not know how to react to this, was Xenovia the vixen formerly of the Church embarrassed?

"So what did you want to talk to me about."

Xenovia now looked down at Asia and said "I can't do it with her here, I want to speak to you alone. Now any guy would be thrilled at a chance with Xenovia.

Issei was not any guy what's more he did not care for a persons looks.

"Okay, take my hand." Xenovia let go of Asia and did as Issei instructed. Issei could see that Asia was pouting she had really wanted to say her piece to Issei.

"I'm sorry Imouto, let your big brother do a little talking with our friend over here, I'll take you for ice-cream after.

Issei gave a wink that now could make any girl faint, Asia did not and smiled at him and asked "Are you lying to me?"

Issei shook his head "Perish the thought, now wait her and be a good girl okay."

She nodded and Issei used his Flying Thunder God technique to leave the immediate area.

Alone they stood and a rather unremarkable location near the outskirts of town.

"Okay what did you want to tell me?"

Issei looked at her for a moment before she dropped to a her knees and said "I beg you, teach me to become strong like you are, I want to be with you, I want to become stronger with you!"

Now Madara had trained Issei for many things a girls confession was not one a tool that he was able to master.

Issei scratched his head and said "What you want to become mystudent, I am still one myself?"

"Sure I have trained for like ten years but to do what I did last night really took it out of me."

She did not look up at him only said "Yes but you have skill and power that I do not, I was lead to believe I was born and chosen to be a holy sword wielder by god himself, it was a lie it always was."

Issei recalled Madara had said girls once they are dumped or dump another have a rebound period or thing, this must be it.

"So let me get this straight, you want to train under me, yet you still want to pray to God?"

She replied "Yes." Issei looked at her and said "Even when you know he is kind of dead and all?"

She replied "Yes, I still want to believe in him!"

To this Issei sighed and said "Well your religion is your problem but if you want to train with me I can only say it will be hard."

Issei had to admit, she did have courage, well enough to ask himto train her.

"I wonder what Madara will say when he finds out?"

Actually he knew what he would say it would go along the lines of "Yeah, that's fine but if you commit to her, commit to her."

Issei knew that Madara was going to be a real ass to him about this.

"Okay Xenovia, I will train you as I said, perhaps we can use one of the other spare rooms for you as well."

She now lifted her head and said "You have my heartfelt thanks for this Issei Hyoudou, you will not regret it."

In the back of his mind Issei knew that Madara could and would if he desired to make him regret it.

He decided to walk home with Xenovia, one because it would kill time, two because he wanted those two to be gone when he got home.

They weren't and they were rather surprised "Oh no Ace-kun got a girlfriend while he was out!"

At the mention of the word girlfriend Madara appeared he took a good long look at Issei and then left saying "I approve."

Now Issei smacked his face into the ground because his palm was not enough! Had Madara just said "I approve."

Madara then decided to come back and say "Don't get me wrong, you can have your own pupils if you wish."

"Ass" was all Issei could think of at that moment.

Issei made a sigh of relief as everyone else now hit the ground "The ass, he could have said that a bit sooner."

Issei grumbled in his mind as he sighed at the scene that Serafall was making.

"Oh my, I did not know you were into strong religious women, actually Ace-kun do you believe in the big guy up there?"

Issei sighed again this time he said "You really need a big cup, OF SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

It was at this moment that Issei lost his self control and yelled at.

In return to his actions there were three reactions.

For Sona her glasses fell off her face and smashed on the ground.

Xenovia jumped away from Issei afraid of what was to come.

And last but not least Serafall crash tackled Issei and began to tickle him.


It was clear to all around them that Serafall was stronger than Issei.

"You, you little punk, I won't stop tickling you till you submit and laugh!"

To his credit Issei had kept his mouth shut so he could deny her the sound of his laughter.

She knew this and picked out her little magical girl wand and said.


She began to viciously poke him in the rips as if she was trying to force his mouth open.

Then she had a wicked idea and a gleam came to her eyes. Issei saw the gleam and tried to escape but one had held him firmly in place!

"You know, your lips are wide open Ace-kun!"

With these words she began to lower her body down towards his.

Both Xenovia and Sona moved to try and stop her but they were not going to make it in time.

Issei did not resign himself to his fate and tried to fight it with all he had.

Not because he feared it, but because he fear what Madara would do to him!

A hand landed upon Serafall's shoulder and picked her up moved her away from Issei then dropped her like doll.

"If you are going to engage in procreation, have some dignity and do it inside."

It was Madara who said this and in his mind Issei said "And here comes the killer punch line."

And it did indeed come.

"That way I can beat both of you within an inch of your lives in private."

Now that was more merciful that Issei had expected but Madara was not over.

"Issei if you have a child you will be the one to raise it and take care of it."

If Issei had eaten any food, he would have relieved himself on it into his pants.

This face of Madara was more scary than the one he wore when he ripped of the white guys arm.

At this point Xenovia put her had up to ask a question and Madara regarded her

"Yes what blue hair?" "Um, Madara-sama is it possibly for Issei and I to make babies?"

Issei at this point had no idea where that came from but he knew where it was heading or so he thought.

Madara shrugged and said "I told you I approve of you before didn't I."

If Issei had not already been on the ground he would have fallen over at these words.

He was right Madara was being an ass about it just in his own way.

Turning his back and stalking back into the house Madara said "But the child will be brought up as an Uchiha am I clear on that."

He didn't wait for answer because when any of them came to their sense he was gone.

It was at this moment that Serafall looked at Xenovia and said "I am sorry, I did not intend to try and steal you man, hope we can still be friends with you two!"

She made her dreaded star pose and then trotted off humming a very annoying and catchy song.

Sona did not know what to say other than "You need to be in school in thirty minutes."

At this Issei looked at her as if she was mad. "I don't even want to go, I just saved the world and narrowly avoid rape by your sister."

"Irrelevant you still have to attend you are an A plus student, act that way."

It was at this point Issei recalled the twin tail girl from CLANNAD who was a genius but spent her days in the school library cutting up books.

Sona knew about the Visual Novel and said "She is fiction not reality."

Then she too left Issei had to wonder, "Why the hell did she play CLANNAD?"

Seeing the look on his face Xenovia asked "Are you perplexed as why you have to go to your school?"

Issei shook his head "I never took Sona as the type to play Visual Novels?"

Sona heard this as she had not got far turned around walked up to Issei and slapped him clean across the face.

Though on of Issei's cheeks were red both of hers were "Not a word to anyone."

Issei gave her a nod and then she turned around and said "You have fifteen minutes now!"

Issei decided to play troll and went inside picked up his bag, didnot get changed and used his Flying Thunder God technique to get their before Sona.

Issei then sat in class as if nothing had happened and acted like he had been their the whole time. This caused his teach to jump when she noticed that he was in class.

"Issei, how long have you been their?"

Issei shrugged and said "A while not the whole time but a while."

This was not a lie, he had been there a while, just not a long while.

"I got to hand it to the guys who rebuilt this place they did a really good job."

This was the only thing that Issei did not know who to answer in calss.

When break came he notice that Koneko had come to his class.

Now he did not like her, but he found she was the most tolerable of the devils that were enslaved to Rias.

"Hey little white."

A name he made up on the spot for her.

"Hey none pervert."

Her reply was cold and everyone that heard it had to look at her.

"Um Koneko, what did you just call me?"

Issei looked at the small cat like girl with the hopes of an explanation.

"How it is, you're not a pervert."

Issei knew that, he also knew that Madara would torture him if he was.

What Madara would do is not to be said in any civil society. (It is also not to be said in any barbaric one either).

Issei yawned he had forgot his lunch and he looked at the little girl as she took a seat and turned it to face him.

"I want to learn, I want to learn Senjutsu like you were able to use."

Now Issei was not one to look into peoples motives but her had to ask.

"Is it important to you?"

Now Issei knew that the entire class was now looking at the two of them.

He did not care we could alter their minds with any low level Genjutsu if need be.

"I want to become useful, to other, I saw how you fought, you have a strength that I and other lack."

Now Issei decided to do something he always wanted to do.

With his hand he beckoned for her to lean in closer as she did he poked her on her forehead with two fingers.

"Sorry Koneko, I'll see about it another time."

Koneko actually blushed at this and showed a little emotion for the first time in like forever.

Issei did not know why he did that but it felt good, he also did not know why it felt good.

Koneko then managed to sheepishly say "So you can teach it to me?"

Issei sighed "That may be so, but another time, I am still pretty tired from yesterday and all."

She did not get up and leave instead she stayed and ate her lunch with him and left before the bell.

"Well shit more interactions like that and my title will be true."

Lunch came and it had not come fast enough, not that Issei was hungry but rather he put a wood clone of himself in school and walked out.

He was in casuals and used Genjutsu to sneak out with out Sona noticing.

"That wood clone should last until three so I am safe, but man I need to just go back home and sleep."

He was about to do so when he caught sight of the twin tails girl from before called Irina, she looked kinda lost.

"She must be looking for her friend, I guess I can tell her."

Walking up to her she jumped when she saw him and said "Issei, I've found you!"

In his mind Issei said "Actually kid, I found you!"

But instead he said "So what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you this day?"

She looked at him, Issei could see that light was literally beaming out of her.

"Either I am seeing stuff, or she is glowing?"

Before he even got the chance to ask her what she was doing she said.

"Issei, I was sent, I was sent to find your house, the Arch Angel Michael has expressed his desire to speak with you and your dad!"

The first thing Issei said was "He's not my dad, you know."

Second this he said was "Wait why does this guy want to meet us?"

To this Irina said "He wants to thank you for your help with our mission and for stopping what could have been the next Great War."

Now Issei knew that this was at least some form of thanks, though he did want it to have been earlier in the day so he could have avoided school.

"Okay, I can take you to my house, but how will he get there?"

She smiled and winked at Issei "He is an Arch Angel silly, he has ways to get where he wants."

In the back of his mind Issei could not resist thinking "But he still could not come and stop the mad ten winged freak or he chose not to?"

He Issei really wanted to say this out loud but he chose not to, it was not to be said by him.

"Oh I am sure Madara will bring it up at some point."

At least he should do so was Issei's view as he lead the twin tails girl to his house again.

"Wait didn't I bring you here yesterday?"

To this she stuck out her tongue in a I forgot manner and said "Sorry I am not good with mapping and directions."

All Issei could say to that was "Well at least your honest."

As he reached his front door a light formed behind him and he saw a figure of what seemed to be a man walk out of it.

"You must be Issei Hyoudou?"