
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

It had been a week since Serafall and Azazel had Dinner with them.

In that week Issei had been doing his best not to play CLANNAD non-stop.

His favourite path was that of Tomoyo, though he did like all the others, except Fuko, her and starfish reminded him of Serafall.

Serafall was one person, or rather one among many people he did not wish to recall when he was Visual Novel.

He was now leaving his house for the first time in a week, yes he had skipped school and sent a Wood Clone in his place.

He did not feel guilty about it at all, in fact he wonder why he had not done this sooner.

It was a Sunday and to his dismay his house got a visit from Akeno.

When Issei answered the door Akeno was able to tell that he had not seen sunlight for at least a week.

"Ara, Ara Issei, what is this have you been skipping school?"

To this Issei admitted shamelessly "Yes, yes I have."

Then to add to this he said "Also I am still not happy about the sword, if you have come here for my help get lost."

Raynare who was listening as she was cleaning the kitchen said "You heard him, beat it we don't want you here!"

Issei did not know if he should be happy for her support or sigh very loudly.

Instead he gave a yawn and said "You do know I don't care about the sword, but seriously, you should not pull a dick move like that."

At this Akeno giggled a little but then stopped when Madara appeared behind her.

All he did say was to them both was "Move."

Akeno had heard about what he had done and did not wish to taste the pain that had been inflicted upon the Crimson Satan.

Though after Madara did enter the house he said "If you have a request put it in the mailbox, if not get lost."

Akeno did what Issei thought must be her trademark giggle and placed a letter in the mailbox and left.

As soon as she had Issei turned to Madara and said "I am not doing a request for them again, I refuse to do so!"

At that moment Madara gave a sigh and said "It doesn't matter how they pay, just that they pay."

Issei scowled and said "Yeah but you are not the on who got was cheated."

To this Madara said "I would not have allowed them to cheat me, besides you got that blasted thing on the computer, deal with the rest."

Issei sighed and Madara gave him a gentle smack on the head.

Sighing Issei went to return to play CLANNAD within his room.

He found that his room was not empty and that Asia was on his computer.

As if he did not care, which he did not, Issei asked "Imouto, you do know I am right here?"

Asia made a flinch as she heard this and said "I was not, I was not checking your browser history or anything!"

At this Issei was about to ask her why then it came to him, he took in a deep breath and said "Imouto, I am not a pervert."

Asia looked at him flushed red and said "Um that is not what I was looking for."

Issei now raised his eyebrow and asked "Err, what then were you looking for in my history?"

She at this point got up and tried to exit the room Issei let her go but she stopped. "You aren't going to stop me from leaving?"

Issei now looked at her as if she was mad and said "Why would I do that?"

At this point Asia said "In anime the boy never lets the cute girl just leave his room when he does not know why she is there."

At these words Issei face-vaulted, then got up and said "Imouto, I do want you to know two things, one this is not anime, this is real life, second seriously don't listen to Raynare for romantic advice."

At this Asia nodded and walked out of his room, she was about to close the door when Issei noticed a very minor detail.

His CLANNAD CD was missing and Asia looked like she had hid something in her dress.

With speed that could rival Madara Issei managed to jump to the door and grab Asia.

"I will ask you this once, give me back my CLANNAD!"

Issei was so mad his Sharingan was active, though it had the desired affect, Asia was too terrified to do anything but give it back to him.

"I only wanted to spend time with you?"

She finally managed to say to Issei it was reasonable, he had agreed to be her brother after all.

Sighing heavily Issei said "Fine we can go get Ice-cream but from a different place, I don't wish to run into those two."

Asia was happy about this but had to ask "Um, why don't you want to see Sona-chan and Serafall-chan?"

To this Issei replied "One, Sona comes here every morning before school to get me, two Serafall is kinda weird and freaky."

To this Asia said "I thought she was nice and kind and all that?"

Issei looked down at Asia and said "Imouto, she is one of the four Satans, hence the Satan in the title."

Asia pouted and said "That does not mean that they are bad people."

Madara had taught Issei two ways to argue with a determined woman, Issei knew that Madara's lesson there was that neither one worked.

"Okay, okay think what you like, you want ice-cream or do you want to pout like that all day?"

Asia smiled and held his hand Issei would have shaken her off, but he did not really care at this point.

"Shit why are women so pushy and hard to understand, I mean devil does not mean that they are good, sure I am not good, but girl come one!"

At this point they both left the house to look for another ice-cream store.

Finding the another store was not two hard, only thing was their were two girls in it, one Issei thought was vaguely familiar, the other, the other had blue hair.

The both looked at him and almost literally had exclamation marks above their heads when they saw him. Approaching him the blue haired one asked "Are you Issei Hyoudou?"

To this Issei shook his head and said "No the name I use the most is Okazaki Tomoya, this is my adorable friend Fuko."

Asia did not know what to say she just looked at Issei dazed but the girl with the twin tails who seemed familiar said.

"Oh really, do you know where Issei Hyoudou lives then?"

A wicked idea came into Issei's mind, he could tell from the clothing that these people were religious, he had to introduce them to Rias.

"Fuko, can the ice-cream wait a bit, I want to introduce these two to our red haired friend and her club, Issei will be their I am sure."

At that moment Iseei winked at Asia who knew this meant playalong, so she did. "Alright Tomoya-kun, lets go then, but first your names please."

The blue haired girl called herself Xenovia, a name Issei found rather strange and the twin tail girl called her self Irina.

Issei then went on to bring them to Kuoh Academy and the Occult Research Cub's room.

After he knocked on the door he noticed it was Yuuto who answered it. Inside his head Issei thought "Time for a little revenge my unfortunate yellow hair boy!"

Before Yuuto could say a word he said "Sunohara, let us in dumbass I got people who need to meet you."

With ease he pushed the door open and forced it open and saw Rias.

Now before he she could say anything he pointed to Koneko "You two wanted to meet Issei Hyoudou, there he is, he is rather strange and likes cross dressing."

At this Koneko was struck dumb by the randomness of it.

She also was angry that Issei just said though not directly that she had no breasts.

Instead the of being dumbfounded the two girls drew their swords and said "Get behind us, Okazaki, Fuko, these people are devils!"

In his mind Issei was like "They are from the church jackpot, man revenge is sweet!"

Rias noticed that the two held holy swords and said "I do not know the reason for your actions here, but I will not suffer your actions."

She said this calmly as she summoned the crimson power of destruction in her hands.

She stopped when she saw the smile Issei had given Riser right before he broke.

Then it hit her, the two of them had called him Okazaki!

"Wait, Okazaki, Okazaki Tomoya, the anime character?"

The two girls now asked her, "Wait what do you mean animecharacter?"

Rias then said "I am Rias Gremory, this is my peerage also, Okzaki Tomoya is from a Visual Novel and anime named CLANNAD."

They shrugged and said "Like we would trust the word of a devil, why can't he have the same name as an anime character?"

Rias at this moment knew Issei was paying her back for not paying him properly.

"That is because his real name is really Issei Hyoudou!"

It was at this moment the twin tail hair girl said "I knew it had to be Issei!"

The blue haired one named Xenovia rolled her eyes and said "If you knew it had to be him how come you believed him when he said his name was Okazaki Tomoya?"

She now turned to Issei and said "Why did you lie to us?"

Issei shrugged and said "I want to annoy Rias for scamming me, last time I do work for her."

Xenovia said "Vengeance is not healthy for your soul."

It was at this point in time Issei saw that Sunohara or rather Yuuto wanted to say something.

His mind flashed briefly back to the memory of Yuuto giving him the fake sword.

"Sunohara shut it, I don't want to hear it, Xenovia, that was your name, we can go I have had enough fun torment Rias."

The two girls nodded and Yuuto looked like he was about to burst so Issei had to say.

"You guys do know I am still kind of angry with you."

Rias looked at Issei with a face that said please be joking. Issei looked back at her with a you serious face and then said.

"I think I will leave now, I bid would you good day, but I don't like you guys and Yuuto."

Yuuto was still angry at what Xenovia had said, also with who she was but his anger was now trained at Issei.

"If you want to dance with me, you will have to make much faster steps!"

Closing the door behind him Xenovia asked him "What did you mean by dance with you?"

To this Issei just said "He is incapable of making me actually fight him, so dancing it is."

The blue haired girl now looked at Asia and said "So if you are Issei Hyoudou, then she must be Asia Argento."

Issei saw the way she looked at Asia and said "She is my adopted sister if you insult her you insult me got it?"

At this she gave him a nod and said "We were sent here on a mission by the Arch Angel Michael."

Issei as they walked away gave her a nod and said "So, you wanted to find me why?"

Xenovia nodded again and began to speak "Irina and myself were sent here to by the Arch Angel Michael to find the other five pieces of Excalibur."

Issei looked at her as if waiting to hear the important part of their mission, when that did not come he said "So what, you are Heavens Retrieval Sisters?"

Irina now spoke and said "No we are not, I am Irina, you know your friend from when we were very little?"

To this Issei just calmly replied "I have no memories from my time before I was with Madara."

Irina seemed a little if not very upset but Xenovia continued their discussion.

"Five pieces were stolen from each of the different sects of Christianity."

Issei nodded and said "So, you what think they are here in Japan?"

She nodded then said "We have reason to believe that they one who stole them was very powerful, those who guard them were slaughters."

Now it was at this point Issei had to stop and say "Wait, so the entire guard squads and all were killed right?"

Xenovia replied to him by saying "Yes that is the case."

Issei nodded and said "And all Heaven could do was send to young girls to find them and who stole them?"

Xenovia again replied "That is correct, why do you ask this?"

Issei sighed and then said "So what are you both really powerful?"

The two girls looked to one another then answered "We are strong in our faith."

To this Issei sighed again and said "So by that you mean you are really weak in comparison to angels and all?"

They it was rather shameful they both nodded at this.

Issei looked at them and said "So you were what sent on a fools errand or is a death sentence for some crime you have committed?"

They still did not get the message so Issei decided to put it into simpler terms.

"Do you believe you are strong enough to beat this guy or girl or whatever it may be by yourself?"

To this they both answered "No?"

Issei sighed again and said "They why they hell do you think you can retrieve the five what remaining shards of your Ex sword thing?"

When he put it like that, it did sound rather stupid, also it did sound like they were sent on a suicide mission.

Issei now looked at them and said "And to make sure you can at least complete the mission you are going to hire me or Madara to help out."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement to them.

Xenovia unlike Irina did not get this and said "Yes that was our plan." Issei sighed "Well this is part of being one of the best I guess?"

He now looked at them and said "Do you have any idea what we are up against?"

Both of them nodded and Xenovia spoke.

"We believe that it is one of the higher Fallen Angels who have done this, the wounds they left were akin to light weapons."

Issei nodded then said "So in truth you know it is a really powerful guy or girl but, not who it is."

To this Irina said "We have, some idea of who it is, we just can't prove it."

Issei looked at them and said "Why the hell would you need to prove it?"

To this Xenovia answered "Because if we can prove it we can gain reinforcements, we believe at least.

Issei now looked at both girls and then turned to Asia and said "I think we should all get some ice-cream, then we can talk more about this.

Asia nodded her head happily at this while the other two looked kind of confused at the sudden swing in attitude.

Issei and Asia began to walk towards a certain shop when Issei looked back and said "Hey if you want to talk, you best follow me."

Both girls behind him began to follow. They noticed that Issei did indeed have a big brother like relationship with Asia.

Irina said softly to Xenovia as they walked. "His very different from when he was just before."

Xenovia nodded and said "Could it be he was or rather is wearing masks when he talks to us?"

Reaching the ice-cream store Asia and Irina began to eat there ice-creams as Issei and Xenovia talked about the terms of their contract.

"Okay for starters, do you want me to help fight, or help you in an investigation?"

To this Xenovia said "It would be more likely that we are to face our enemy, if he is a high class Fallen Angel, he will know we are coming."

Issei gave her a nod, she at least had some tactical sense in her.

He looked over to where both Asia and Irina was competing in who can make the ice-cream last the longest and sighed.

"I guess you really are both the brains and the muscle in your pair?"

Xenovia showed a little humility and said "Irina wield one of the shards of Excalibur like myself, you should not underestimate her."

Issei took note of that in his mind and said "Okay, where and when do you want this to happen, I mean we can totally do it now, if you want but we need a location."

Then it hit him, he had to go and tell Madara about this as well.

It was not a thought that he wanted but he knew he would have to.

"You know I hate to put it like this, but I am going to have to go and tell Madara about this, he will know if I have not and if need be he can help out?"

Xenovia looked at Issei and had to think "So he too fears Madara, the man who raised him?"

In her mind she had to ask "What type of monster is this man if the one he raises fears him so?"

Issei could not read minds yet, but he was pretty sure he knew what she was thinking.

"Um, I just have to tell him like you can't go and say kill a man just because he was there right?"

Xenovia was not sure she understood his reference but she agreed.

"From what you told me you think it is some high up guy, I can tell you it is not the Azazel guy."

Xenovia did not expect him to say this and asked "How do you know that?"

Issei sighed and said "We had him for dinner and Madara could tell he did not like fighting also, Madara said if he did anything in town without telling both of us we would stop it."

Xenovia did not know why Madara would do such a thing, in fact she heard that he was a cruel monster. Issei saw this in the face she was making and said "Well he does not like people ruining his day, though he does want to seriously lay into some of them."

Xenovia got the message that he would have to return to his home and speak with Madara.

"You can come along if you like, but I cannot say he will welcome you."

Xenovia took this into account then said "That may be, but we may also have to tell him ourselves of our purpose here."

Now this was a good explanation, well at least an excuse. Issei could tell that some part of her did want to see the Madara in person.

"Hey as a question what does the three factions call Madara?"

Xenovia did not know how to put it kindly so she just said "They call him the human who desire godhood."

Issei at this cringed and said "He got it and lost it already."

Xenovia did not know what to say but Issei did so he interjected before she found the right words and said "Don't remind him, he does not like it, to put it plainly he may I dunno, torture you if you mention it."

That told Xenovia to keep her mouth shut about it, both of them could tell that Irina was too busy trying to out do Asia to be listening.

Issei noticed that they were both taking too long and said "Hey finish up now, or you're both paying for it!"

With the magic word of paying both of them managed to change the contest to who could it theirs first.

It was a tie, so Issei paid for the Ice-cream and then left with the three girls in toe.

Making their way back to his home, Issei noted that Madara was standing outside, this was either a good sign or a very bad sign.

Before Issei could use his Flying Thunder God technique, Madara was beside him and had caught him by the arm.

"Issei, the red head sales girl popped over and told me about what you did to them!"

Issei almost felt like the entire weight of the world just land upon his head.

"Um it was only a friendly payback for ripping me off that is all?"

Madara did not really care what he did care about was "I was told that you were also hanging out with two other girls besides Asia!"

His face looked very stern as he said his next line "What did I tell you about people who have harems!"

To this Issei said "They get killed at the end of their season?"

Madara nodded then said to Xenovia and Irina "Why are you two with him?"

It took along time for Madara to even care about what they were saying. He did pick up on the word powerful and foe though.

"So you wish to hire my apprentice to help you fight and recover?"

Both girls nodded and Madara had to say "You do know he makes rather unreasonable demands?"

To this Xenovia replied "I have no intention of paying with my body."

Madara if he was not Madara would have fallen flat on his face, kind of like what Issei did.

Madara looked at her and said "That is not unreasonable, that is just stupid."

Xenovia did not understand "Our intel told us that he demand the virginity of Rias Gremory as payment!"

Issei at this moment punched the only thing he could and also could not destory, which was Madara.

Madara caught the punch and looked at Xenovia and said "Your intel is wrong, who runs it a child of five years?"

Xenovia saw Issei reaction and knew this must not have been the case.

"We shall pay what is in our power to pay, but after the task is completed."

Madara nodded and said "Well I have no problem with you helping out, I'll stay on standby in case an army appears, it has been a while since I danced among so many."

Issei recalled his illusion of how Madara beat the crap out of an entire army during what Madara had called the Fourth Shinobi World War.

"You have my permission Issei, also just don't do anything to foolish."

Issei sighed and said "If I want to use those jutsu I can use them."

Madara sighed and said "If you believe you have to use it, but remember the price."

Issei nodded, he knew the price, which was more than what Xenovia or Irina could say.

"Asia go inside, I will walk around town, Issei you learn when you need to strike."

Asia did as Madara said and he left the three of them alone.

"Wow, so that is the man who desires godhood."

Issei said "Yep find a new name, also what do you guys in heaven call me?"

Xenovia said coldly "Devil Friend." Issei sighed and said "But I am not even friends with them."

He shook that aside and said "Alright what is the plan?"

Xenovia took out a map of the town and said "The Church, we believe that they have cleared in out and gathered there."

Issei raised an eyebrow and said "I have fought there and left it a mess."

Irina nodded and said "We believe he his their, if he is a Fallen Angel it would be easier to face any Devils since this is their territory there."

That made sense so Issei said "Well we can't go about doing this stuff by day, I mean heck I have only met them in the afternoon come night."

The two girls nodded then said "We can meet you hear at five o'clock then we go."

Issei nodded in the back of his mind he had to think "Why do I have such a bad feeling about this crap?

Wow guys we are at chapter 10 and we already have 40k+ words I feel like this will be a long journey with you guys. But we still haven't even reached 20 thousand views keep pushing my fan-fic to the top please the more attention this gets the more chapters I will release. Thanks!