
MAD (Mistreating And Disturbing)

MAD (Mistreating And Disturbing) is a hentai novel based on the most darkest and twisted stories written by Whalberg Casiño, and this is the first story's synopsis: In the shadows of a seemingly normal household, a twisted tale of corruption and depravity unfolds. Meet Lily, an innocent teenager whose world is shattered by her own mother's insatiable desires. Alice, a stunningly beautiful woman, takes her loneliness and unrest out on her fragile daughter, subjecting her to a night of physical and sexual abuse that leaves Lily broken and catatonic. As Lily exists in a hollow state, her mother continues her deranged game, treating her like a living doll. But when Lily's father, Daniel, returns from abroad, he uncovers the disturbing truth and seeks revenge. However, his plan takes a dark turn as he entangles Alice's innocent sister, Emma, in their web of destruction. Will Emma suffer the same fate as Lily, or will she embrace the darkness that consumes her? "The Corruption Of Lily" is a disturbing hentai story that explores the depths of insanity, desire, and the twisted bonds of family. Brace yourself for a journey into the abyss, where innocence is shattered, and desires spiral out of control. This tale is not for the faint of heart, but for those who crave the most extreme and disturbing fantasies. Prepare to be shocked, aroused, and utterly captivated by the depraved world of Lily and her twisted family.

WhalbergCasino · Horror
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The Corruption Of Lily

Lily was a fragile, innocent 14-year-old girl with big, curious eyes and a heart as pure as driven snow. She lived with her mother, Alice, a stunningly beautiful woman with long, dark hair and a body that could make any man weak at the knees. Alice had always been a bit unstable, but her sanity truly began to unravel when Lily's father, Daniel, left on a work assignment abroad.

Alone with her mother, Lily became the focus of Alice's increasingly erratic behavior. It started with small things: Alice would burst into fits of rage over spilled milk, or she'd hug Lily a little too tightly, her breath hot and heavy against her daughter's ear. Lily tried to brush it off, attributing it to her mother's loneliness. But things took a darker turn one fateful night.

Lily lay asleep in her bed, dreaming of far-off lands and magical creatures. Suddenly, she was jolted awake by a sharp pain in her arm. She cried out, trying to sit up, but found herself restrained. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she saw her mother standing over her, a cruel smile on her red-stained lips.

"Shhh, my sweet Lily," Alice cooed, running her fingers through Lily's hair. "Mommy just wants to play a game. A game of pain and pleasure."

Lily struggled, but she was no match for her mother's strength. Alice produced a knife, the metal glinting menacingly in the moonlight. With a sickening smile, she traced the blade across Lily's tender skin, slicing through her clothes and drawing thin lines of blood. Lily whimpered, her eyes wide with fear and confusion.

"There, there, my pet," Alice whispered, licking the blood from her daughter's trembling body. "You'll learn to love the pain. It's all part of our little game."

Alice continued her macabre torture, slicing and teasing, all the while whispering twisted words of affection in Lily's ear. The poor girl sobbed, her mind fracturing under the onslaught of physical and mental abuse. She begged for mercy, but her mother only laughed, her eyes glittering with a dangerous light.

As the night wore on, Alice's actions became more blatantly sexual. She stripped herself naked, her perfect body glistening in the moonlight, and straddled her daughter's trembling form. With slow, deliberate movements, she began to grind against Lily's leg, moaning softly as she continued to draw blood with the knife.

"That's it, my little doll," she breathed, her breasts heaving with each thrust of her hips. "Feel mommy's pleasure. We're connected now, you and I. Our blood mixes, and our desires intertwine."

Lily's mind was a blur of pain and confusion. She couldn't process what was happening, her thoughts reduced to incoherent fragments. Her body, however, betrayed her, responding to her mother's intimate caresses despite the horror of the situation.

Alice noticed her daughter's involuntary arousal and smiled triumphantly. She leaned down, her lips brushing against Lily's ear. "That's right, my little slut. You like it, don't you? You want more."

And with that, she plunged her hand between Lily's legs, violating her with her fingers even as she continued to slice and tease with the knife. Lily cried out, her back arching off the bed. Her mind shattered further, the pleasure and pain blending into an incomprehensible whirlwind of sensation.

As the night wore on, Lily's once-pristine body was covered in cuts and bruises, and her mind had descended into a state of semi-consciousness. She was little more than a rag doll in her mother's hands, her will completely broken. Alice, her body glistening with sweat and blood, showed no signs of stopping.

"That's my good girl," she purred, lapping at her daughter's wounds like a feral animal. "Mommy's going to take you all the way now. We're going to become one."

With a final, vicious thrust of her hips, Alice penetrated her daughter with her knife, burying it hilt-deep in Lily's tender flesh. At the same time, she forced her tongue into Lily's mouth, claiming her in the most intimate way possible.

Lily's body convulsed, and she let out a guttural cry, her eyes rolling back in her head. In that moment, something inside her snapped. Her mind, unable to cope with the trauma, retreated into itself, leaving her a hollow shell.

Alice, her body still shuddering with release, finally withdrew, a triumphant smile on her blood-smeared face. She gazed down at her handiwork, stroking Lily's hair as if she were a beloved pet. "That's my good girl," she whispered. "Now you're truly mine forever."

In the weeks that followed, Lily existed in a catatonic state, her once-bright eyes now vacant and unseeing. She responded only to her mother's touch, and even then, her movements were mechanical and devoid of emotion. Alice, far from being disturbed by her daughter's condition, seemed pleased with the result of her twisted game.

During the day, Alice would dress Lily up like a doll, parading her around the house and posing her in various lewd positions. She would take photographs, capturing her daughter's broken beauty, and whisper dark plans for their future together.

"You're my perfect creation now, my little Lily," she'd coo, stroking her daughter's limp hair. "We'll run away together, just the two of us. And I'll keep you safe and loved, forever and always."

But fate had other plans. One night, several months after Daniel had left, he returned home unexpectedly. Alice, caught off guard, scrambled to hide the evidence of her depravity, locking Lily away in a secret room in the basement.

Daniel, his heart heavy with worry, searched the house for his beloved daughter. He found Alice sitting in the living room, a glass of wine in her hand, a serene smile on her face.

"Daniel, my love," she purred, rising to embrace him. "I didn't expect you home so soon. How was your trip?"

Daniel, his eyes searching the room for any sign of Lily, brushed off her advances. "Where's Lily?" he demanded. "I've been gone for months, and I couldn't wait to see her. Why is she hiding from me?"

Alice's smile faltered, and a dangerous glint entered her eyes. "Lily's... unwell," she said slowly. "She's been having some... difficulties. I'm afraid she's not fit to see you right now."

Daniel's heart sank. "What do you mean, unwell?" he asked, his voice thick with concern. "Take me to her. I need to see my daughter."

Alice hesitated, her eyes darting around the room. "She's... resting," she said finally. "But I promise, she's safe and comfortable. Now come, let me take care of you. It's been a long journey, and you must be exhausted."

Daniel, his worry growing, allowed himself to be led to the bedroom. But his mind was elsewhere. As soon as Alice left the room, he began to search for clues, his heart pounding with a growing sense of dread.

It didn't take long for him to find the hidden door in the basement. With a rising sense of panic, he pushed it open, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. And there, on a tattered mattress, he found his precious Lily, her eyes vacant, her body covered in scars.

A strangled cry escaped his throat as he rushed to her side. He gathered her fragile form in his arms, his heart breaking at the sight of her ruined beauty. "Oh, my sweet girl," he whispered, his voice hoarse with grief. "What has she done to you?"

Lily, her eyes unfocused, made no response. She was a shell of the vibrant girl he had known, and Daniel's heart twisted with rage and sorrow.

As he held his daughter, a plan began to form in his mind. A plan for revenge. And so, with a heavy heart and a burning desire for justice, he set out to undo the damage that had been done.

The first step was ensuring Lily's safety and well-being. With the help of a trusted doctor, he arranged for her to be placed in a specialized care facility, where she could receive the treatment and support she needed.

The second step was confronting Alice. Daniel, his eyes cold with fury, cornered his wife one night, his hands curling into fists at his sides. "You sick, twisted bitch," he snarled. "You've destroyed our daughter. But I promise you, you won't get away with it."

Alice, her eyes wild, laughed, a chilling sound that raised the hairs on the back of Daniel's neck. "You have no idea what you're dealing with," she hissed. "And you're too late. Our little game has already begun, and there's no going back now."

Daniel's blood ran cold as he realized the full extent of his wife's madness. But it only strengthened his resolve. "You'll pay for what you've done," he vowed. "And I'll make sure you never hurt another soul again."

With those words, he turned and walked away, leaving Alice seething in the darkness. Little did he know that his revenge would take a turn even darker than he could have imagined, dragging another innocent soul into the abyss.

You see, Alice had a sister, Emma, a woman with a gentle spirit and a heart as pure as Lily's once was. Emma, unaware of her sister's true nature, doted on her niece and often visited her in the care facility, bringing flowers and reading her stories.

Daniel, his heart black with vengeance, saw in Emma a way to hurt Alice, to make her feel the same pain he was suffering. And so, he devised a plan, a twisted reflection of Alice's own game.

He began by befriending Emma, feigning a broken heart and a desire for companionship. Emma, with her kind soul, readily accepted his advances, seeing in him a man in need of healing. Little did she know that she was stepping into a web of darkness and depravity.

As they spent more time together, Daniel slowly revealed the truth about Alice, spinning a web of lies and half-truths that painted his wife as a cruel and abusive monster. Emma, her heart breaking for her niece, was horrified. She wanted to help, driven by a desire to protect Lily from further harm.

"I'll do whatever it takes," she vowed, her eyes filled with determination. "Tell me what I can do, and I'll make sure Alice never hurts Lily again."

Daniel's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. "There is something," he said slowly. "But it's dark and terrible. Are you sure you're willing to go to such extremes?"

Emma, her resolve unwavering, nodded firmly. "I'll do whatever it takes," she repeated. "For Lily."

And so, Daniel revealed his plan. A plan to corrupt Emma's innocence, to turn her into a reflection of her sister's depravity. It was a twisted form of revenge, one that would leave Alice shattered and destroy the purity that she held so dear.

The details of their plan are too depraved to recount here, but let's just say that Emma's descent into darkness mirrored Lily's in many ways. She was subjected to a regime of physical and mental abuse, her once-gentle spirit twisted and broken. And all the while, Daniel whispered in her ear, goading her on, feeding her darkness until it consumed her entirely.

As Emma fell deeper into the abyss, Daniel arranged for Alice to witness her sister's transformation. He wanted her to see the destruction of innocence, to feel the weight of her own actions reflected back at her.

And so, one fateful night, Alice found herself drawn to a secluded location, a note from Daniel luring her with promises of revelation. As she stepped into the dimly lit room, her breath caught in her throat.

There, on a stage bathed in red light, stood her sister, Emma. But she was transformed, her once-gentle features now twisted with lust and madness. She wore nothing but a collar and chains, her body marked with the same cuts and bruises that adorned Lily's.

"Emma..." Alice breathed, her eyes wide with shock and horror.

Emma, her eyes glazed with a mixture of drugs and madness, smiled cruelly. "Sister, dear sister," she purred. "Welcome to my awakening. I hope you're ready for the show."

And with that, she began to move, her body twisting and contorting in a macabre dance. The chains that bound her rattled, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned softly, lost in a world of pain and pleasure.

Alice stood frozen, unable to tear her eyes away from the grotesque display. As she watched, the truth of what had happened to Lily dawned on her, and her world came crashing down around her.

Daniel, his eyes cold and unforgiving, stepped out of the shadows. "Now you understand," he said, his voice like ice. "Now you see the consequences of your actions. I hope it was worth it, Alice. I hope your sick games were worth destroying two innocent lives."

Alice, her face a mask of horror and grief, fell to her knees, sobbing. "No," she keened. "No, please. I never meant for this. I never wanted to hurt anyone."

Daniel's lip curled in a sneer. "Too late for regrets," he spat. "You made your choice, and now you live with the consequences. Just like Lily."

And with those words, he turned and walked away, leaving Alice broken and alone, her world shattered beyond repair.

As for Emma, her descent into darkness continued, a reflection of the path Alice had walked before her. But unlike her sister, Emma found a perverse pleasure in her new identity, embracing the darkness that had consumed her.