
Mac 'n Cheese (KLANCE)

Keith feels like his life is boring, he doesn't think he is depressed nor does he really care- he just wants something interesting to happen to him; and exactly that happens when he meets Lance McClain on his way to school. You know how when your making mac n cheese and before you put the cheese in the noodles are so boring and colorless? This is what Keith feels like, and Lance is the cheese that adds color and life to his world. //gay|hah\\ High school AU~ Yes, I was making mac n cheese when I had the idea for the book lmao Should mostly be fluff stuff, possibly some teeny weeny angst because that makes for a good plot haha

Oddly_Justine · realistisch
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2 Chs

1 - The first time his life changed forever (1/2)

Third person pov

Keith always felt his life was boring, lacking in color and any form of happiness. He didn't know if he was depressed, and at this point he didn't really feel the need for a diagnosis: he knew he was sad and unhappy, and that was that. He was totally fine with the way his life was, he wasn't expecting any changes to come anytime soon. That is until he came into Keith's black and white world. His once gloomy, disaturated life would soon be filled with color and liveliness; all because of one boy. L7ance McClain. 

He met Lance when he was walking to school one day, headphones on his ears while he listened to Evanescence, Exo and Skillet on shuffle. He occasionally hummed to a song or bopped his head along to the music but that was all. He didn't think he'd attract any attention seeing as everyone ignored him anyway, but this day was different. While he was walking through the park towards his school a tall, tan boy came up to him and tapped his shoulder. Keith looked at the boy with a confused face until he realised the boy wanted to talk and took off his headphones. 

"Hi! Do you go to DreamWorks High? I just moved here from Cuba and it's my first day." The boy rubbed the back of his neck and blushed lightly while smiling. Keith couldn't help but notice how he smiled with his eyes, and boy did that make him very attractive, even more than he was before he smiled. "Guess you don't talk much, huh?" Keith hadn't noticed at first but he had spaced out while thinking of the boy's smile. Keith felt his stomach turn and his cheeks became a light red from embarrassment of being caught in the act. 

"Uhm s-sorry, I just spaced out. People don't normally talk to me…" Keith trailed off feeling the blush on his cheeks become more noticeably bright. The boy let out a dramatic gasp, making Keith confused.

"People don't talk to you? How is that even possible? You're so cute! How could anyone not want to talk to you for hours?" He smiled and even shot Keith a small wink, then he started laughing at Keith's embarrassed and confused facial expression. "Haha you're so adorable when flustered! Looks like I get to enjoy you being flustered all by myself since no one else talks to you~" He smirked and had a goofy look in his eyes, his eyes. Keitih hadn't noticed how beautiful they were until now. They were the most magnificent shade of blue he had ever seen. He felt like he was being drowned in them, and to be honest he wasn't complaining. "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Lance McClain! Sorry for flirting with you like that cutie, what's your name?" 

"Haha, I'm Keith Kogane. It's nice to meet you Lance." Keith said whilst blushing and giggling to hide his embarrassment. He could have sworn he saw Lance blush but he shook all of those thoughts from his head. "You said you were new around here right? I go to DreamWorks high so we can walk together and get your new schedule if you want." Keith was honestly a bit surprised he was still talking to Lance, he usually would tell him to find someone else to help him; but this time it was different. More like Lance was different. 

"I'd love that Keith!" Lance exclaimed almost a little too excitedly. Keith giggled and tried to start a conversation with the tall teen as they walked to school together; however Keith's confidence from earlier quickly diminished and he wasn't as openly talkative as before. Lance seemed to notice this and started up a conversation. "Soooo Keith do you have any nicknames?"

Keith thought for a moment, sure his mom gave him pet names and some kids at school would call him vampire because of his pale skin, but that was it. He shook his head and looked back to Lance to see him smiling with an award winning smile. "That's great! That means I'll be the first to give you a nickname." He playfully winked and shot Keith two finger guns.

Keith blushed and smirked, "Oh really? You have a nickname for me? What would that be loverboy?" It took him a second to realise what he had said to turn into a blushy mess, he covered his face with his hand and looked away from Lance who simply chuckled.

"Loverboy? I think I like that, Mullet." Lance said in probably the most flirtatious and sexy voice Keith had ever heard, what made it worse was that he whispered it in Keith's ear. Okay yep Keith was now 100% sure he was gay. 

"Really? Mullet? Out of all the nicknames you could have come up with." Keith shook his head in amusement and tried but failed at stopping a small laugh, trying hard to cover up the fact he called Lance 'loverboy' on accident. Keith was honestly so surprised that he was actually laughing and smiling so much around Lance, usually he would ignore everyone. But Lance just felt different. 


authors note: I will have to post the rest in another chapter cause it was so long lol