

*>>What if you woke up knowing that you are not a part of the world you have spended 14 years in ?? what is the pure bloodline??It's not the ordinary world ..Search for the inner pace never ends...Magic always stays inside you ..Believe is the door the Magic ...Powers can vanish the visibility of ambasis but believe can change the whole of it ....*

Ashi_Zamir · Fantasie
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27 Chs

24 CHAPTER 24: Nőăh Vş Běęlzěbůb:

Noah was been notified by everyone because of his learning his magical abilities raise of high speed for the magical vocation .

People love him for his super powers but some were keeping hatred for him too jealousy freaked feelings for him just because of his powers his fame .

Beelzebub was the student of other group but he was prestige for being the heart keeping feeling for Noah ,He had an eye on Noah for his achievements and was trying to let him down for anything, despite it Noah had no harmful feelings for anyone .

Noah was walking along with Mr .Gabriel who was congratulating him for the successful operation of the fake ground also telling him the features of that fake ground which is basically created on the mind set of the humans ability .Noah was not surprised because he trained his team according to the skills ,the first time the ground changed on his vision power he got to know the reality of the fake ground creation and the purpose. He was intellectual and different tho he was not in any competition.

They had a long walk in the ground of the school in the evening when Noah asked Gabriel to permit him if he wants to go to the world for Jessica .Mr .Gabreil was familiar with the feelings of Noah for Jessica so he permit him but whenever you go will inform me and not much then once in a month .

" ok its understood ,"Noah agreed

"Fourth year is gonna be little realistic match for the school students ,you already have experienced them the crossing of this year will let know the famous person granted for the Nirvana's future, " Gabriel was looking up in the sky like he was searching for something.

Gabriel was aware of the last two years hard and typical work frame and practices but he was ready for the adventures too .

Entering the class they were introduced to the door which was door to the world . The class of magic, having the first lesson to the way to world .

Professor Elien Armsworth was there new year teacher and was going to take them a travel to the world ,most of the groups will be entering the world together so just be with me and no clashes or friending zone there until you learn to come back on your ownself .

Professor Elien asked them to concentrate to the world but yet if you never have been there so just see the world today and make your imaginations to it more strong . Is it clear ? he asked .

" Yes Sir " the mostly class replied

"Ok get ready on your places and now. " Professor Elien said the magical words and amusing his target the door opened and there was a circular waves motion was captivating them towards itself ,Professor shouted ."Relax take a deep breath and jump" He pointed the students towards the door and he jumped himself first. Noah motivated them and they all starting jumping at last Noah jumped and they were all standing in a park near the road ,kids were playing ,people were chanting walking road was busy with the traffic making horrible noise ,Students were looking at the world with opened eyes is this the world they have been listening too much of . "It's too noisy and people are spread everywhere they have no proper clans I guess ,"Rotnam sneaked behind the tree while saying it.

It's the world full of humans and they are differentiated according to the areas ,specific norms and their cultures but mostly world is full with humans everywhere.

They moved in the world saw malls ,big buildings hospitals ,at a point crossing the tracks and examining the train routes they met another group where Beelzebub just saw Noah .

" Ahan strong students are here can we see some magic to raise in the air Noah ,he tried pulled the leg of Noah ."

Noah ignored him ,he never could understand what was the point on teasing someonr when others are not even interested . Mr .Elien scolded Beelzebub for bring rude and ask the class to follow him ,they all gather under a bridge where nobody was found so Mr .Elien asked them to imagine of their class and hold hands properly ,they did and were back to the class . Every single step of magic needs the power of strong believe and feel .They already were told to practise about the strong feel every in the Morning before the sun rises that helps the mind to produce magical energy of thinking ,visioning and believing controlling the aspects of mind abilities..

Noah used to practice the skills in a ground of Warlock ,greenary is always good to learn magic on peek , Noah usually practice for more than 2 hours and so ,the fresh air help him indulge his feeling powers .Noah with the help of his vision was in the front line of his mind where he created the ground of desert and he was standing in the desert, he started running and relaxing looking around when nearly a body standing on a distance grabbed his attention ,The body was getting bigger as getting closer ,and before he could understand it was beelzebub , Noah's detention scattered a part knowing he was standing in Noahs vision .

Beelzebub raised his leg to kick Noah but he just dodged him leaving his place ,Beelzebub grewed bigger and Noah was looking at this nasty guy who was just interfering his personal ground . Noah finally stood up and thrashed him out of his vision by pulling his ground over the mind system and opened his eyes .

He was thinking of Beelzebub in his pounding shaking head and was disturbed of this .He tried again to create the ground of his own state and created a big fire around and sat in the middle of it .

He heard a voice encircling the ground ," You cannot escape from your death Noah ," And he felled a kind of pain his mind which started to grew higher as time .He stucked at bothering the pain to be fake but that was real .

Noah pitifully imagined his head going thrashed and banged due to the black encrusted force he was declaring too .

Noah wanted to talk to Mr.Gabriel and he sended him message through his mind.

He was in the class when was called by Mr.Gabriel ,Miss Jasmine the new co-ordinator took him to Mr.Gabriel and then he facing him told the antiaspects of the ground ,

" how could anyone come in my ground or vision I am not getting that phase ," he looked at Mr Gabriel .

Noah was feeling awkwardly he emphasized Mr.Gabriel to clear him the phase or this will create a phantom of power strikes .

" Noah Beelzebub is generating higher skills as he has the pressure to be on the top of the students from his clan he is working hard too but you are an open threat for him you representing yourself as an successful student is the great big chunk for him to dissolve ,he is hitting you on high- ends for your responce ,

Listen Noah the fake ground is attached to the mental ability as I told you before. Its inexplicably know that this platform can be hacked by other powerful mind abilities too of they want to enter your zone ." Gabriel explained him.

" That pain which just occured in my mind was inevitably unbearable .What caused that? ." Noah impulsively looked at him

" when you just wrap the vision on a sudden way or you loose the intentions to the power of the vision your mind evacuates the vague of pain through your vains which collapsed the open shutters of the brain that cause the highly impact pain you face today ," Gabriel stretched his arms and crossed his fingers.

" Let me find out why Beelzebub I'd getting the higher powers and also don't cross the field next fight him ," Gabriel suggested

" But I don't want to fight anyone ," Noah randomly put his head on the back of the chair. " feeling tired

" Sometimes we don't plan for the causes we do ,its what actually is given to us to perform ,"

Gabriel left his chair and pounded his shoulders .

Noah was out there with his team to the scientific lab for the fake ground preparations ,the ground was being enhanced into two parts now after focusing and recreation of the fake ground visionaries the overwhelmed series of the adventures in the fourth year was bring started to make them ready for any circumstances .It was a kind of different rounds in the fake ground as a gaming zone to save the environment from the polluted zones .

It would be little complicated detaching the powers with the zonal foundations in the fake world but still they all had to be in there best to achieve the remarkable position for this year.

Noah had a conversation with the Professor Elien on the zonal changes of the fake ground and he marked the rules to the class .Zonal changes will be according to the rules .You will be put into the rare situations and will be judging for saving skills your mental approach at the last fear seconds ,your speed and your magical into beings will update automatically .

Noah and his team was ready to examine the first experience of the visionary round ,the first step of the new year and the examination of their skills .As they entered the zone they stepped in a room which was empty and was a trial room to change, there were some clothes hanged on the wall and with a rubber handle there were bullets on the floor and guns hanged with the clothes ,Noah took the guns and bullets and pointed the others to collect them as much as they can. .

I think we are in a battle zone just be alert and held the weapons tightly not easy to be secured ,no one will take action just look at me and follow me first until you approach the environment .Noah bend down and they followed him ,that was a battle zone ,there were bulk of sacks on different places and they select some places to hide behind the sacks they were hitted by the bullets which were been handled by the sacks .Thoroughly they were watching and learning Noah was moving forward in the same condition and he was having the position towards the shots were arising, there was a tent out there and a big tank was coming towards them, we have to when tinkling fairy with her two shining wings flew up in the air and went near the tank this tank was from the other group of Warlock .

She came back to Noah it's the tank from other group ,Beelzebuh is handling the tank and he will leave making it on the way towards us for the exploitation .Noah was known for the cross fights in the zone but he never wanted to face beelzebub again.

" you need to fight him off " he remembered the words of Mr Gabriel .

Noah told them to be on positions and give him a back up. He was silent and he focused on his abilities a shining storm light helded his brain when he just thrashed it .Multiple subtitling was eroding on his mind and he was just behind beelzebub .

Beelzebub was getting the high powers from the negative approach and he was encircled with the negative system and he was focusing on evading the powers of Noah getting in the zonal ground he was the attacker to a team but changing his selected team he preferred to enter the zone of Noah and focused to damage his visionary skills through this vision ground ,he created a mind batch which was an electrical shock to prevent the mental skills and damage the cognitive thinking

but amazed to his powers that magnetic field was damaged through a cellular force which was incredibly more stronger than there thoughts .

Beelzebub wanted to start the exploitation process when Noah just terrified him by asking him bluntly .

" Hello friend are you looking for me ." Noah sparkled just behind him .

Beelzebub was not ready for this attach and he also was unknown of the powers of Noah .

" How did you came in " its restricted to own the opponents and terrified them," you are breaking the rules ." Beelzebub giggled anyways .

"Stop it ,at once or you will be facing the worst circumstances ,I am aware of your intentions indeedly and want you to stop it now ."

Beelzebub turned it off and Noah created a sound energy which demolished the tank and Beelzebub from the ground .The failure for the group which belongs to Beelzebub.

Beelzebub was failed for the mission and his entire team was lead on the bad progress .

" Next be careful for your ways and powers ,I will not spare you next " Beelzebub heard the whisper in his mind .~°Å°~