
Eclair 1

Chapter 24

Lauren of clan fair rune sal sat in his chair admiring a painting by the best artist in all of eclair. The stark contrast between the bright blue eyes and white hair was simply amazing.

The doors open and a woman entered. She stumbled, fumbling and nearly dropping a bottle in her hand upon seeing the painting. She smiled, her white teeth glinting as she admired the work of art. Holding up the bottle in her hand she crossed the room standing in front of his desk setting the bottle of glowing liquid essence on the hardwood.

Despite the clearly expensive liquid in her hands, the woman couldn't take her eyes off the painting. He thought she might like it; it was a painting of her, after all. It never failed to amaze him how beautiful she was. In Lauren's unbiased opinion, the woman in front of him was one of the smartest beautiful and stubborn women in all of Eclair.

""By the light, how did you get a masterpiece like that? I can see the stands of essence woven throughout. I can't believe how tightly and well put together they are painted." Said the woman, smiling wider, brightening the already pleasant mood.

Would you believe me if I told you it is Donnies masterpiece? You would not believe the amount of vessels I had to trade for it.

Her jaw dropped as she gaped dumbfounded at him. His long white hair shook as he laughed, clutching his robes.

"No way, thee Donnie? but I thought he hasn't done a painting in decades." Stammered the woman.

"Well, the right amount off essence can bring anyone from retirement." Said Lauren smiling at her.

"We must have had amazing profits from this year's ceremony for you to be buying a painting from such a painter as Donnie." Said the woman, running her hand through short white hair.

"Yes, rather impressive. For you Sara, it was worth it. Our soldiers did well, but I may have skimmed some off the top. We gained double the profit. When we were taxed they didn't take near as much." Said Lauren.

"Very good. We need the extra vessels to fund our candidate's election to be the speaker of the bishops" Said Sara. Business as always, Lauren sighed. She could never relax when they were at work. Her determination both aroused him and made him frustrated.

" Don't worry, our clan will win the election this year. With all the funds I procured from this year's ceremony, we can out pay all of our candidates competitors." Said Lauren, puffing out his chest, stretching.

"Very nice. What did you think of the distressing news?" Asked Sara.

"I cannot believe Clan Fair Rune Tar were actually trying to get her back to the city after that mess up." Said Lauren, furrowing his brows.

" It goes against the will of the arbitrator and is immoral to allow a creature of the dark in eclair." Replied Lauren.

" Don't give me that speech, save it for your followers. You simply wanted to shame the Clan Fair Rune Tar." Replied Sara calmly. Lauren gritted his teeth, clenching his fists on his lap.

" You know me to well, my dear. Almost nothing would satisfy me more than shaming clan Fair Rune tar. Did you see the look on Bethanie's face when her daughter was convicted and banished?" Said Lauren, smiling.

" I want to call it justice, but I won't be satisfied until their daughter dies." Said Sara, frowning.

"Do not fear my dear. I won't stop until their clan feels the same sting of shame they made us feel so long ago." said Lauren nodding his head.

" The bishops have reported lower than average collection during the ceremony. There will be an investigation into the books of all the officials to see if any vessels were stolen." Said Sara, cocking her head to the side. Lauren smiled, his plans were coming together nicely.

"This is an opportunity for us. Say somehow they caught clan fair rune tar trying to take more than their share after the scandal of their daughter? Do you think they would be chosen as the next presiding bishop?" asked Lauren, his heart racing in excitement.

" But it has already been stolen." replied the woman.

" Fear not, I will deliver the vessels to one of their warehouses. All you need to do is send an anonymous tip to the judges of the stolen essence." Said Lauren.

" What about our clan leader, this will not please him?" Said Sara, shaking her head and pacing.

" Don't worry about him, think of all the benefits of having our clan as the head bishop." Said Lauren.

" All the other clan leaders are not going to just roll over and let us take the victory. Many of the bishops are just as well seated as we are." Said Sara.

" First, let us finish this. With what I have planned, none of the other bishops will stand a chance of competing to be the speaker." Said Lauren, grinning widely.

" When would you like me to send the anonymous message?" Asked Sara, her lips turning up at the edges.

"Hmm, how about next week? We can't make it seem forced. I will let them search and get desperate to find the vessels. Before they somehow end up in one of Fair Rune Tars warehouses." Said Lauren.

"I like your plan, I would like to make a stipulation, however. Why only target one of our rivals why not target the two clans who are the best allies." said Sara.

" I like it, we make it seem like they were working together to undermine the economy." Said Lauren, grinning. Standing from his chair, he wrapped the straight-backed woman in a firm hug, kissing her deeply. She returned his embrace, but only momentarily.

" Lauren, what if you donate the extras that the was missing? It will remove all the suspicion from us and bring our standing with the city much higher." said Sara rubbing her chin.

" Make us and our allies look good while making our competitors look bad. Brilliant, I will of course contact our allies. Im sure I can get donations from them. No need to empty our coffers if we do not need to." said Lauren. Sara Smile at him returning his kiss.

" There is much to do my dear, I would be remiss in my duties I'f I allowed myself base comfort when there is a lot to do." Said Sara as she left the room.

Lauren sighed, she never changed. Always go go go. The only time he could get anything resembling affection from her was when they had finished everything and were at his home. Lauren found her passion for her work incredibly sexy and incredibly frustrating. She had the same fire that Bethanie did. Lauren scowled, pushing aside thoughts of his enemy's.

Sure, they looked and acted like friends. But underneath, all the clans wanted was power. And Lauren would be damned if he let Clan Fair Rune Tar win. Rising to his feet, Lauren straightened his blue robe. He walked to the wall lined with scrolls and took one down. He channeled his essence charging the scroll and waiting for an answer.

"Hello! Said it projected a voice of a thin-faced man onto a wall in front of Lauren.

"Hello, have you stored all the goods we gained?" Asked Lauren.

" Yes, don't forget your end of the bargain." Said the thin-faced man.

" Don't worry, once there is an open seat to become a Bishop my clan will sponsor you." replied Lauren.

" You better hold to your word, my clan is risking a lot by stealing these vessels." said the thin-faced man. Lauren tried once again to see the man's hair colour but once again the man's image was blocked by something on his side of the image.

"Dont worry, I will make sure yours gets put in in their place." Said Lauren holding up his hand smiling.

" I have a new destination for you to take the vessels. Put half of them in a warehouse of clan Fair Rune tar, and the other half in a warehouse of Clan Fair Rune Parth." said Lauren.

" Did you sell them?" said the thin-faced man.

" No. Make sure you do not get caught. The officials are looking for them, and i want our enemies to get caught with them." said Lauren grinning.

Lauren closed the scroll. The man on the other end would do what needed to be done. Lauren sighed, chest welling with excitement as he strode from the room. With all the plans he couldn't just stay still he needed to go for a walk.