
Ceremony 9

Chapter 9, Day 5

Lysaria was more confused than ever Thana said she had spent 6 days on her challenges. If soo how had they all returned at roughly the same time and how had Dakar still not returned from his challenge.

Lysaria was walking in the lead with Hectar in the back, She wanted to keep The scholar safe if possible maybe she had learned something new from her challenge. Lysaria asked," what was that, why did we all spend a different amount of time in there."

Thana said," I believe it was a temporal warp, a field of energy existing outside of our time, once entered we existed in a different universe for that length of time and returned back based on the length of time inside or preset rules. given that we all returned roughly the same time i would say my theory is correct."

Hector said." a temporal what?" Lysarias mind was spinning she said," my dear beautiful Thana can you dumb it down for the rest of us." Thanas cheeks turned a darker shade she said," the room is cut off from our world, once we enter, time flows differently, we could experience 100cycles of the sun and only a moment passes in the real world or the opposite could happen, there is no real way of knowing.

Lysaria thought she understood turning she smiled her best smile at the beautiful scholar, thanks for that piece of knowledge Thana. Now if only we can find our man in need of saving we can move on through this damned maze. Lysaria followed the straight hallway noticing a slight decline into the earth the tunnel, the tunnel was taking them deeper.

Hectars voice echoed off the walls breaking the silence, he was singing an off-note melody. Lysairia didn't mind if a monster was up ahead in the brightly lit tunnel she would skewer it on her weapon. Green light entered the hall when she walked around a bend in the path, The cramped tunnel was starting to feel like she was surrounded and couldn't move.

lysaria couldn't wait to leave the dimly lit hall and enter the wide-open sky again, Hectars singing came to a halt when they walked into a wide-open chamber. lysaria glanced all around for threats, She could see a shimmering green door at the other side of the wide open room,lighting up the place. Hectar said," light take me what is that."

Thana said," I can help now, i have caught up to you and now have 250 essences." Standing in front of the door stood a figure that was humanoid and cloaked, Lysaria could see the darkly shimmering armour under the cloak and grimaced. She felt a rage build in her chest, how dare the dark be here, she felt disgusted by the sight of someone using that power.

not wanting to take her eyes off the accursed being she said," this creature is using the magic of the accursed, Hectar said," we must crush this being, all users of dark magic are evil, and must be crushed." Lysaria faintly wondered why the Accursed was still allowed in society even tho they were cursed by the dark.

She had seen the angel of darkness leaving and had been disgusted and the very site of someone who had chosen that path. After all, she thought only beings who strove for destruction and power would be chosen by the dark.

Hectar braisonly pushed passed both Thana and Lysaria before Shouting "the dark must yield to the light."Lysaria thought that was a pretty cheezy line to say but couldn't discount the bravery he was showing, or was it stupidity. She assessed the figure casually holding a straight sword, the figure didn't even bother to change position and was preparing to meet Hectars charge head-on.

Lysaria wanted to attack but the man had rushed in front of her and now blocked her way, Lysaria could only run forward as Hectar raised his hammer in both hands to strike at the chest of the cloaked figure. She could see malicious glee as the creature smiled a dark smile and lunged forward into the arc of the hammer swing.

Lysaria couldn't believe her eyes the hammer clanked uselessly off the shadowy armour, She was frustrated to see Hectar hadn't even channelled essence into his hammer, of course it wouldn't hurt the blasted dark foe. The accursed attacked with a thrust to hectares gut skewering the man like stabbing an apple with a needle.

Hectars scream of pain bounced around the room as the accursed soldier pulled its sword free of her downed teammate. Lysaria was too far away and channeled most of her 500 essences into her blade before slashing in a diagnol cut at the neck of the cloaked figure. She felt her body weaken as all of her essence left from her sword.

THe thin line of essence travelled across the room after a few seconds, blanching she watched a messy display of gore splashing against the far wall ,the head of the figure fell from its shoulders. Lysaria wanted to move forward but she felt soo tired her body was shaking at the amount of essence she had just used.

Thana rushed past her as the figure turned to essence and flowed to lysaria, apparently hectar didnt get rewarded for contributing to the fight because he was still laying on the ground trying to hold in his blood. She grimaced, judging by how much sparkling blood was leaking from Hectar he wasnt going to live very long.

Thana pulled Hectar away from the blood of the accursed, Lysaria couldn't blame her the thought of the those darkness-cursed fiends hurting her friends made her blood heat and hands shake. She wondered if it was these beings who had taken Dakar, If so they would regret it.

Thana said," Hectar lay still you will damage yourself even further if you keep squirming, Blood was foaming from his mouth covering his chin and neck. Hectar Reached up and Held his necklace, a soft Ding! and Hectar vanished leaving behind a pool of his own blood. Thana sighed with relief, Lysaria said," I will make those cursed minions of the dark pay this, its all my fault he got hurt."

Thana walked over and wrapped her arms around Lysaria, She said," It's not your fault, you don't need to do this all on your own." Lysaria rage cooled feeling comforted by the soft embrace and was too dumbfounded to hug Thana back. Blushing she turned away and smiled, Lysaria said," at least he will get healed by the chosen of the light when he returns to the safe zone."

Lysaria felt warm inside, stepping around the mess that was covering the ground. she walked along the wide hallway admiring the square-shaped tunnel. The soft footfalls of Thana matched her own as they crept down the hall looking for movement. Lysaria drew her dagger in her right hand and rounded a corner.

Lysaria couldn't believe her eyes,laying on the ground was a giant bear that was dripping darkness. Her mind couldn't come to grips with the giant pile of teeth and fur for a few moments until Thana touched her back. Lysarias arms started shaking unable force herself forward, Thana glanced around her and gently pulled lysaria back behind the corner.

The bear didn't seem to care that lysaria was terrified,Thana stood and wrapped her arms around the wide-eyed and shaking Lysaria, She said," You're stronger now don't worry you can take that mean old bear. Lysaria took in a shaking breath breathing in the musty air while she slowly began to calm down. the thought of the last time she had seen a bear kept running through her mind making her blank for a moment.

Lysaria turned the corner again after gently stepping away from Thanas embrace, she didn't want to leave her friends comforting embrace but felt she needed to, thanas soothing words really helped her calm down. Jogging forward holding her dagger in her right hand and her Khopesh in her left, lysaria slashed her essence charged weapon, attacking the sleeping animal shrouded in darkness.

The crescent of green energy was poorly aimed and cut the front left leg of the giant bear, The bear's eyes shot open and a deafening roar bounced around the room. The flat walls of the large square room bounced, the sound funnelling the terrible noise at her. She felt fear and pushed it aside, Lysaria was brought from her stunned state as a shining orb of essence shot into the bear's side sparking and dripping blood.

Darkness flashed around the bear and pooled at its large maw, the pooled essence built for a moment and Lysaria charged her own sword strike. She felt the building power and slashed at the face of the bear. Eye searing darkness shot from the bear crossing the gap and clashing with Lysarias attack.

Essence clashed and exploded in dazzling in a dazzling display of shadows and green light. Lysaria watched the essence clear and dove to the side of the charging bear. She stabbed her long straight dagger into the side of the rushing bear and had her arm violently wrenched as the danger tore from her numb arm. Rising to her feet Lysaria turned Khopesh in hand and dashed at the shadowy bear who had tumbled into the wall.