
Lynch Gate

Aeryn (18) is a hardcore gamer who spends his time completing events on the favorite games. His newest obsession is the soulsborne game 'Oblivion Wing'. Returning from the hospital after his most recent ass kicking, he begins to play 'Oblivion Wing' and he defeats a monster that drops an item. Inviting him to a beta test for the games new difficulty. He accepts it and is transported to the world of Oblivion where he must fight with all he has to save his world.

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Welcome To Oblivion

As I was being hurled through the darkness, a gold and purple prism floated towards me. It was the only thing emitting light in this darkness, and as I was being pulled towards the center of this darkness, I began to see other glowing prisms, each creating so many different silhouettes that it seemed like there was a small town of people coming with me. After a few minutes we landed, and a silver amorphous cube was on the ground in front of each of us. Our prisms were floating in front of us, and one by one they flew into their person. And after each prism merged with their prism they crumpled into a ball. As we watched, some of the people around me tried to run, but they were struck by a bolt of energy, and fell limp. Only to scream when the prism eventually merged with them anyways.

I took the time to sit down and take a few deep breaths. If this was gonna hurt I was gonna try to make it better. I closed my eyes and my prism flew at me. Slamming itself into my chest and sending fire through my bones. I felt my bones crumble to dust, before being reformed as they were. I felt my blood boil, and my brain was filled with white. Unable to think or control my own breath.

"Fuck!" I shouted, my skin began to burn, before turning so cold, I thought it would shatter. I clenched my jaw as hard as I could. Until the feeling began to subside and I was able to stand. I stood and a screen appeared in front of me.

Initializing Base Stat Distribution. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. Taking a moment to decompress. And not even a second later I heard a voice.

"Welcome to Oblivion," The voice cheered. It was a jittery voice, that faded between fun and manic. I opened my eyes and began to walk forward only for a jester dressed in a black and red suit to stare at me. Its skin was black, and the sclera of its eyes reflected no light. Under its eyes were three golden diamonds, and a red smile that had been painted onto its skin. It was thin, and its eyes were both two separate colors. The left eye a dark crimson, and the other a bright blue. Much like the skies back on earth.

While the jester strolled around us, its hands remained behind its back. Up until it straightened the collar on its shirt. Its gloves were black and red, split directly down the middle. It wore a tophat that had ash imprints surrounding the top of it. I decided to grab my box and take a few steps back before it did something manic. The jester stopped and took off its tophat before gently setting it on the ground and waving both its hands.

"You all are in for a fun time." It started. Its voice seemed to pull us in as we corralled around it.

"My name is Charlie, and I'm gonna get you all started here in Oblivion." As he spoke some people began to fidget. One in particular was a middle aged man. He had long since gone bold, and I thought I recognized him from a streaming platform of sorts.

"What happened to us?" He shouted. Pointing at Charlie. He began to move towards him. Stepping ever closer to him.

Charlie pulled a series of red balls from his back before flipping over his hat and setting them inside. A newfound patience, or lack thereof emerging from his gestures.

"Sir, if you would wait. I could explain it." He started. His usually fun voice slowly changing to a mlre serious tone.

"Well then explain it," The man continued to shout. Before a ding sounded from all of us. The screen had tallied up all of our scores and gave us a base stat total, and a new tab had appeared labelled Gimmick. This slight distraction, was quickly forgotten by the man as he continued moving towards Charlie. His once old appearance slowly morphing into that of a much younger version of himself. Charlie on the other hand placed one of his hands inside the hat and pulled one of the balls from inside it before tossing it into the air and pulling two more from the hat. He had started juggling.

"You all are now Chosen, your world will be invaded in three years time. Each of you will be given the chance to gain the strength to help protect it." He informed us. His voice continuing to change. His demeanor was now much more classy. Like that of a nobleman.

The middle aged man continued to make a ruckus, shouting at the jester. But by now he had had enough of it. He pointed a finger at the man and one of the red balls grew before flying in his direction faster than a bullet. It hit the man and his body exploded on impact. Leaving only his legs and a faint black smoke that collected itself together before sinking into the ground.

Some people screamed, others shouted. But quite a few of us were in too much shock to even begin to react to the situation. Charlie had begun to smile. A smile that reached from one ear to another. Before he started to laugh.

"He was so impatient but don't worry he's not dead." He chuckled. Before waving his hand and all of us began to float.

"Now each of you will listen to me, or you will all join him on the first level of Purgatory." His voice was much more chilling now. A black haze eminated from behind him before quickly fading.

"Now everyone should have a box, and a screen in front of them. Everyone pick a Gimmick, or as you earthlings call them Classes. I scrolled through the classes, there were 16 in total and there was easily seven times that many people here. I continued to scroll through the classes before stopping on one. The Wretch. I chose it and each of my stats were halved. But I got two skills that would more than make up for it in the long run. Along with my newfound class. A small emblem appeared on the palm of my hand. It was a celtic cross.

"When everyone has chosen their skills. You're status screen will be moved to any electronic device on your person. You'll need it to increase your levels. So don't lose it." Charlie continued. Before letting us down. After he let us down someone charged at him and swung a fist. To which charlie responded by slashing the air with his nails. A red crescent floated where he swung and smoke appeared. After a few seconds, a man with white dreads had his hand on charlie's shoulder. Stopping it mid arc.

I recognized him immediately. He was the middleweight mma champion of the world. He wore shades that were shaped like clouds, a black leather jacket with white sleeves, and a necklace that was made of old restored chains. If I had to bet who had the highest starting stats out of everyone here. It would've been him.

"How about you start with a real challenge," He grinned. Revealing a scar across his closed left eye. The mark was an X and it was covered the left side of his face. It was surprising that I hadn't noticed it sooner. He took his hands off of Charlie and swung his hand as if to clear the rest of the smoke. Which sent Charlies attacker flying back a few feet and to the ground.

Charlie smiled before wiping imaginary dust from his shoulder. On the back of his right glove was an ace symbol that quickly faded.

"Well then, I wish you the worst," He replied before disappearing into his hat. The hat spinning before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Shortly after his disappearance my bag began to shake. A faint glow emanating from it before my handheld console flew out of my bag. My phone flying out shortly after and the two fusing together.

The phone now having three buttons on the back and a small metal stylus from the top of it. The screen lit up with a quest board. The first one being pre-selected.

Kill a Faltesu. Time remaining: 3 days

It showed a picture of a reptilian creature, with a chameleon head and a horn on the left side of its head. It had bat ears, a snout shaped mouth with canines, and a long prehensile tongue coming from its mouth. It was a biped. Standing on feet with three webbed toes. But the part I didn't like was the fact these creatures was our first quest. These creatures were a huge challenge to most beginners in the game.

I pressed the buttons on my phone and different screens appeared on it. The first was my status. My stats were horrid for a beginner.

Vitality: 2

Will: 3

Endurance: 3

Strength: 4

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 4

Faith: 2

Arcane: 1

Humanity: 10

Adaptability: Level 5

Skills: Defiance, Post Life Memo

My stat total was 23 without counting my humanity. Which meant I was pretty much a level 2 character starting this quest. But most confusing of all was one of the stats I had seen. Adaptability. But the fact I had any kind of Arcane ability was gonna be useful for me later.

I put my phone in my pocket and ran towards the top of the hill. Where I took my time studying the land for a quick grind. I was gonna need some items before I started the quest.

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