
Lying Vows : The Secret Billionaire's Wife

[WARNING! THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT] Katherine Blackwood is a girl in her mid-twenties with a pure heart. Although she belongs from a middle class family, she was still happy in her life.. Ethan Jones, is a complete mystery to Katherine. He presented his twenty eight years old-self to her as a simple office employee. But the question is… Is he really just a simple employee? People say marriages are of two kinds - Love marriage and Arranged marriage.. And to make both of these marriages successful…one need have trust and respect for their partners first. Katherine is a true believer of love so she too had poured all of her trust into her husband, Ethan. But what if her trust had been used wrongly in order to gain something big!! Katherine thought that she and her husband were a perfect example of a 'loving couple'.. But does the word 'perfect' really exist? What will happen when the blindfold of love will be removed from her eyes in a brutal way and the reality of their arrange marriage will hit her hard? How will she react when the betrayal of her husband would fall on her like a bombshell? Will she be able to survive the thunderstorm like a strong woman or will she succumb to her heart? ---- Katherine looked into the eyes of her husband and murmured in a soft tone, “I had never imagined that I’ll get someone so much caring and loving like you as my husband. I’m feeling so much lucky to have you in my life that it sometimes make me feel like a dream… A very sweet dream where no one will be able to separate us no matter what. The vows I have taken with you were the most beautiful promises of my life. It makes me believe that love is eternal. I love you Ethan.. I love you more than I love myself..” Ethan’s eyes flickered, hearing her heartwarming confession. He just smiled faintly at her and hugged her tightly after giving a small peck on her forehead. “I know Kathy.. I know.. And I love you too” He just whispered into her hair with a heavy heart, bringing a sweet smile on Katherine’s lips.. ----- “You are nothing to me Kathy…nor this child can be.” Ethan scowled looking at her bulging stomach. Involuntarily, Katherine wrapped her arms protectively around her belly while her eyes fell on the magazine which featured her husband's picture under 'World's Top-notch Billionaire'. Her husband Ethan Jones have won the best business man award for five consecutive years... A bitter laugh made it’s way out of her mouth as she couldn’t help herself from spatting harshly at him with a cold glare, “I don’t even expect you to be. Cause, you are long dead to me.” A hint of sadness overpowered Ethan’s darkening gaze but he hid it well which Katherine had intentionally shunned away.. ----- Lets witness how two people with different morals got tied into a rollercoaster ride of an arranged marriage, destining them to create a perfectly 'happy family'… Join the journey with me to see how the love story of this couple from two poles apart, gets entangled through the bond of marriage and later falls into love by passing through all the insecurities and difficulties on their way… ----- Hey! This is your author here! This is my third book. My other two books are- 1. My Heart Beats Only For You 2. Superstar Wife : Please Have Some Mercy If you guys haven't read these two yet, you can also check these out.. Like my other books, this one will also have many plot twist with lots of drama and romance.. ----- You guys can connect with me through discord and instagram.. Join my discord server... https://discord.gg/AscctQj Follow me on instagram @sree_exol ----- [P.S. - This cover is not mine. I've downloaded it from pinterest and edited it out to give it a better look...] Happy Reading...!!! Lots of love from your author...

Sree_ExoL · Urban
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My responsibility to ensure her happiness...

Giving them a glance, Austin finally revealed what he wanted to tell them by muttering, "We want to ask for your daughter, Katherine's hand for our son, Ethan.."

To say that, both Reno and Sophia were completely shocked would be an understatement.

They just kept gazing at the Jones couple with total bafflement in their eyes as if they weren't able to believe what they had heard just now.

It was not the shock for getting a marriage proposal for their daughter Katherine because they were well aware about their daughter's capability of impressing everyone.

But what amused them more was the state of time!

How could they just propose a marriage for their son when their father had just passed away few days ago?

It really amazed them to the core at how easily they were saying this!

However, like everyone else, they were not someone to judge other people easily. So they thought to give them a fair chance to explain themselves for this massive decision of them..

"What did you just say? You want Katherine to marry your son, Ethan?" Reno asked, finally breaking the silence that was prevailing between them.

Austin shared another glance with Lisa who nodded at him affirmatively, making a small smile appear on his lips.

Averting his eyes towards the other couple, Austin said, "Yes.. We want to make Katherine Ethan's wife and daughter-in-law of our household."

Furrowing her eyebrows in puzzlement, Sophia finally asked out loud about her queries to them, "I don't want to offend both of you. But I can't also stop my mind from getting all the negative vibes right now. So I'll be quite direct to you as this matter is solely related to our daughter, Kathy..

And being her mother, it's my responsibility to ensure her happiness. We also know that our daughter can win everyone's heart no matter if she has met the person only for once. So please don't lie and tell us, exactly why do you want her as your son's bride..

It's just been only few days since uncle Joseph has left us. We all should be mourning for his death. Isn't it quite practical? And you both being his son and daughter-in-law would grief more than anyone of us...

I'm not saying that you should always live in the past only but the thought of asking Kathy's hand for Ethan at this period of time, is also not fitting quite well with the situation.."

Ethan who was just listening to this whole conversation without saying anything, felt his heart getting tightened suddenly. But he just kept silent, knowing that he had to do it to fulfil his grandfather's last wish..

Lisa coughed a little before plastering a sad smile on her face and explained everything to them, "We too are grieving like you all. If not less, then more than you. But we're also bounded to do whatever we're doing right now..

Actually, before Dad died, he left a letter for all of us. There he wrote that he wanted your daughter to marry our son. It was his last wish for us to hold our children's wedding as soon as possible. He said we shouldn't mourn over his death for too long because it'll make him sad and he'll feel guilty for leaving us like this..

So to make the already dead man happy, we need to fulfil his last wish. We don't want to pressurize either of you. But we just thought to keep this proposal to you as we also liked Katherine as much as our Dad loved her for Ethan. Now it's completely on you to decide, exactly what you want for your daughter."

After Lily, Austin too decided to assure the couple and muttered, "I know what you must be thinking now. After all it's about your daughter's future and you know us for a few months only. So it's basic for you both to worry for her life after her marriage with Ethan..

But you can be rest assured in matter of your daughter's future. She'll be treated like a queen in our family. She'll be pampered ten times more than here. In fact, taking care of her feelings, Ethan decided to take a transfer here. He'll be working for the subsidiary branch of his office here..

They will be living for few months here and when Katherine will be finally comfortable in staying with us, then only they'll shift to New York. So, you'll not have to worry about her comfort also. Even, you can meet both your daughter and son-in-law wherever you want and we too will keep visiting them from time to time.."

Reno and Sophia shared a look between each other, completely impressed with their concern for Katherine.

They were prioritising her wishes and comfort first before taking any kind of decisions and it made them very happy.

Getting a positive nod from his wife, Reno looked at them and said, "We'll be very much happy to give our daughter's hand to you. A family who thinks about a girl's priority and her parents' consent more than anything, can be considered as the best home for our princess..

Actually Kathy will be the lucky one to be the daughter-in-law of your house. But we can only agree after getting Kathy's approval on this matter. If she agrees then it's very good but if not, then we're very sorry; we really have to deny the marriage proposal."

Austin nodded his head and said with a smile, "Yes.. Kathy's consent is the most important thing for now. After all, it's her future we're talking about."

Giving them a small smile, Reno diverted his attention towards Ethan and asked in a low yet firm voice, "Ethan… Can I have a few words with you alone?"


[P.C.- Please read the full creator's thought..]

I'm finally back!!! Yaayyyyyyy!!!

Guys, I wanted you know that I'm going premium from July but before that I'll update 31 more chapters..

Actually I was planning to update them much earlier than today.. But I couldn't as I was suffering from high fever and cough from past one week..

But now the updates will be regular..

As usual, I want all of your support for this book... Thanks a lot...

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