

Oh my God, he can't be my mate. No, not him. Of all the wolves in this academy, why would it be him? Kendell warner a weak alpha female wolf of the moon fire pack suffered rejection from her destined mate who happens to be no other person but her bully Asher the heir to the midnight eclipse pack. This fueled her determination in making a stand and redefining her destiny. In her quest she stumbled upon an ancient book which held alot of prophecies and sacred secret Will Kendall be able to overcome the hurt and pain accompanied by rejection Will Kendall be able to reshape the shifters norms and believes with her findings? Find out in this mind blowing book

Hajara_Tajudeen · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Finding My Mate

Kendall's POV

Watching Tracy defend me felt so reassuring. One after the other, they all dispersed. Disappointment is clearly written on their faces. They had hoped to toss me around like they usually do, but today happened to be one of my lucky days. As long as Tracy is not locked away in the library, she'll always protect me.

She lifted me up, and I looked her in the eye.

"Thank you," I whispered.

She smiled and led me back to my room.

My roommates Kathy and Alice took me

Kathy fixed me a bath while Alice got me fresh clothes. I took extra care before stepping into the water because I don't understand why they are suddenly acting nicely. Probably their guilty conscience is eating them up.

After my bath, I laid down and fell right into sleep.


I had been sleeping for hours when an exotic smell suddenly hit my nostrils.

What smell could this be?

I wondered as the most delicious and intoxicating fresh spring rain and sandalwood scent hit my nostrils. My wolf shot to alertness and growled in arousal.

"My mate," I mumbled as I traced the scent. My wolf was restless. She wants to be united with her mate, and as I got closer to the old library, it got more intense. I could sense that he's definitely close by, restless as I am.

I opened the huge old doors to the library and stepped inside.

A hand suddenly grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

"Mine," he whispered in my ears, sending shivers down my spine. He buried his nose deep in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent. The growl that followed signified his contentment.

My wolf growled in response; she's a lot calmer now. I could feel my clitoris throb as his mouth brushed over mine. His savory scent was clouding my mind. He placed his hand on my hips, and he tugged me closer, grabbing my ass as his tongue tormented the insides of my mouth.

One hand held my throat possessively, and I let out little moans into his mouth. I didn't realize I was already grinding against his groin. My skin felt on fire. I could feel my wolf clawing at my insides. She wanted the claiming process to be completed.

"Claim me, mark me," I whispered breathlessly against the nape of his ear.

He lifted his head, cupped my face, and looked at me. The love, affection, and admiration I saw in his hazel eyes quickly changed to a horrid, cold gaze.

Oh my God, he can't be my mate. No, not him. Of all the wolves in this academy, why would it be him?

Asher's POV

I could smell her arousal. Finally, I've met her, my very own wolf. The doors opened, and the scent intensified. It's definitely her; my wolf also growled in approval. I have never been this wanting or aroused.

As I dug my nose into her neck, I inhaled her scent. All I wanted to do was mark her. Brand her as mine. Those little moans are driving me crazy, clouding my mind. My wolf growled; it was getting impatient. I loved how she responded to every touch. The way she was grinding on my cock made me almost lose every bit of control.

"Claim me; mark me. Those words sent different waves of current down my spine. The Alpha wave was so intense that my mate is an Alpha female. The dominance in her words was intriguing. I'm used to submissive females, but she is different. I slowly cupped her face, and, oh no. The realization struck like lightning.


Is it possible that the woman I felt so drawn to was Kendall? A low caste female? I slowly took a few steps backward, creating space between us. The evident shock on her face made me realize she didn't see this coming either. I never expected

How on earth are you, my mate? I asked, annoyed.

"You can ask the creator; I'm also looking for the answer to that."

Damn that foul mouth. The more reason I hate Kendall Warner was her guts. She's the only female who dares question my man.

"I would never marry someone like you," I said coldly.

She flinched. I saw a brief flash of pain in her eyes, a pain that quickly turned to rage.

"If your reason for saying this is for me to beg you, Asher, I'm sure you know that's impossible.

Right, she's an Alpha female; she's definitely a female version of me. We both crave dominance, and begging isn't what we are good at.

I took bold steps towards her and looked her in the eyes. I dug my claws into her jaw as I held it tight.

"Listen and listen, good warner. I do not want a weak, low caste, zero ability person and the academy's disgrace as my mate.

My wolf growled; he wants her, but Asher, the man, does not want her, and I deliberately ignored him. How would I face my father if I ended up with a weak female like her? However, the unending rift between my father and her father would not make it easy.

"You know we still have to complete the bonding ceremony, right?." Her question cut through my skin.

"What part of "I am not willing to accept you as my true mate" do you not understand?

The low rumbles of thunder caught my attention. The link has been sent.

As gifted shifters, anytime a new bond is formed, there is a shift in the power realm, which affects everyone. It acts as a signal that a new connection has been formed. This is different from casual sex. This is deeper. A wolf can have multiple sexual partners, but only one true mate can be made. By now, everyone must have known about it. As per the customs of the academy, the rest of the ceremony would be performed in the presence of the academy's elders, Alphas, and remaining students.

We can't fight this! She warned. trying to hold me back as I walked away.

I could sense desperation in her voice. a desperation that satisfied me in a way. If she won't beg me,then she should at least be hurt.


In the heart of the courtyard, I stood with my silvery fur glistening under the moon's luminous embrace, surrounded by a sea of expectant faces. My golden eyes, usually filled with determination, now reflected a profound hurt—a pain that cut deeper than the moon's rays piercing through the night.

Elders, Alphas, and fellow students gathered in a silent yet charged assembly, awaiting the outcome of the age-old tradition of the bonding ceremony. The air crackled with anticipation, but my heart pounded with dread.