
Lycan's deformed mate.

DaoistwrcXhI · Fantasie
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4 Chs

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Was this going to really happen again..

" I might not survive this " I thought fearfully.

I watched him press a button close to him and four guards walked in before him and bowed.

He whispered something to them and they walked towards me to tie and blindfold me again.

They walked out and shut the door behind them.

" Please-e-e don't do this. I'll do anything you want". I pleaded.

I hated this. I hated myself.

" Too late ". He whispered and pounced on me.

I closed my eyes shut. This familiar pain and dread.

I tried to scream but a tape held down my lips. Even if anyone heard my screaming for help, they wouldn't make a move to save me.

After a long time, he climbed off me hurriedly like I was dirt and moved back to his seat like nothing had just happened.

He pressed the button again and the guards came in and proceeded to remove the blindfold and untied me.

" The second task now is ..."

I paid little or no attention to him as I was in serious pain.

He seemed to derive joy from seeing me in that position and couldn't stop himself from smiling.

" The second task I have for you has already been planned out all along this years, but I had been waiting for you to turn eighteen and fortunately you are now". he continued.

" You are going to get married to the Lycan of the Dark moon Pack ".

This sent a rush of shivers down my spine. The Lycan was the head of all the Alphas and owned all the packs, but he choosed remain in the Dark moon Pack with his family and sent for anyone from there whenever they were needed.

Who doesn't know him...

He was the most ruthless and feared Ruler in the whole world. He dealt ruthlessly with people and had a long flick of lovers at this trail.

Simply put, he was heartless.

" Are you not going to ask why? " he asked, staring at me.

" Why ? " I muttered.

" I need more packs added to my territory and I'm going to give you out in exchange for that".

I groaned.

So I was going to be given off in exchange for something as trivial as this... Was I this worthless..

" Isn't he married ? ". I quizzed further.

" He is not, but he has a lot of mistresses".

" Okay, enough questions. The maids would come In now and clean you up for tonight. You are going to meet your new husband tomorrow". He finished, his face shifting back to its cold demeanor.

So quick? Why couldn't he at least inform me or hint me ahead..Or give me sometime to prepare..

Also, I thought he was no longer my father, so what was his concern on whom I got married to.

" One more thing". He suddenly said in a chilled voice.

" You must not speak about your past experiences to him or anyone or else I would kill you finally. Understood?

I nodded.

He gave me a long hard look for a while and stood up. Seconds later, he returned back holding a syringe.

" Hold out your left hand".

I obeyed.

I watched as he roughly pierced the needle and took out an amount of blood and proceeded to do the same action to himself and mixed both of them blood into a container and took them in.

Soon, he returned back to his seat with my stepmother and her daughters behind.

My stepmother smirked evilly at me.

" Dad, did she agree to the wedding?" The eldest Ylva asked.

" It is not in her power to agree or not. I have already made the decision". He answered her gently.

" Don't worry girls, it would not be so in your case. I'll allow you both to choose your real mates on your own". He added, giving them both a tender look.

This word caused a prick in my heart.

Almost immediately, Daciana turned to face me and with a harsh venom in her voice spoke.

" Don't feel too comfortable yet and think you are going to live a life of luxury. You haven't even shifted yet and you are so ugly. He is going to hate you and turn you into a slave. Hehe." She finished scornfully and eyed me.

I tried hard to maintain my composure and not let my face be affected by what she had just said. It pained me to the core.

" Also, I forgive you for planning on going to school despite you knowing the repercussions". My father added.

He paused and stared for a while.

" All set". He muttered and pressed a button to call in the maid.

The maids spent all night dressing and making me up. I maintained a nonchalant expression throughout the process while they tried to cheer me up saying I was finally getting married.

After that tortuous process, they progressed to

Stuffing me up with assorted type of food and drinks.

Finally it was daybreak. The D-day.

I had expected to feel a rush of pain and anger, but instead I felt numb. I felt neither happiness nor sadness.

A number of people waiting outside cheered as my father walked down the stairs, his hands tucked into mine.

" Smile " he whispered harshly into my ears.

I forced a fake painful smile on my face and the cheering from the crowd increased.

We got to where the limousine was packed. The Ruler couldn't make it to the wedding and had sent a representative instead.

Hmm..what a wedding ceremony.

My father didn't seem to mind as he greeted everyone that came to greet us with wide smiles.

Finally, it was time for me to leave.

I looked back to catch a glimpse of my surroundings once more. I was going to an unknown land, getting married to an unknown and yet popular Lycan ruler.

I felt pairs of cold eyes on my back. Who else could it be apart from Luna and her daughters..

The loud repeated hooting of the vehicle jerked me back to reality.

My father helped me up into the vehicle and moved closer to whisper one final warning.

" Behave yourself and don't provoke the Ruler to send you back to us or else you know what I can do".

I nodded stiffly.

No-one hugged or bade me goodbye.

The journey to my new destination seemed to take forever. I struggled to remain awake during the journey. My mouth itched to ask different questions but the face of the driver remained stoic and straight throughout the journey.

My stomach grumbled loudly. I closed my eyes shut as I tried to suppress it.

I forced myself not to think about what Ylva had said yesterday. I hoped it wasn't true.

" Here ma'am" the chauffeur handed me a wrapped package.

Thankfully, I opened the nylon and the delicious aroma of different food hit my nose.

Throwing away my shyness, I hurriedly downed the food within seconds and gulped loudly.

" We have arrived there ma'am " the chauffeur called out.

He came down to the back where I was, opened the back door and motioned for me to come out and brought down the little possession I had carried along.

I felt myself standing face to face with a Mansion I thought only existed in movies.

Serenity and green vegetation adorned the pack's surroundings. I was especially enthralled by the strong garrisoned pillar painted with aesthetic colors that gave off the feeling of a mysterious and yet dangerous pack. There was a corner where beautiful aquarium fishes swam colourfully.

" This was my home...my husband's home ". What an awkward word to say.

I trugged behind slowly, not knowing what to expect. The driver handed my luggage to another person and signalled for her to lead in.

★ ★ ★

A week later.

I laid huddled in the cell like room I was given to use since I came here. It was a tiny room that could hardly fit in with all my luggage. I slept on the bare floor. I hadn't even seen the face of the Lycan King since I moved in.

" Sleepyhead, won't you wake up to do your chores"?

A whip landed on my back before I could react or reply. I screamed painfully. It was our senior maid. Hurriedly, I ran to carry a bucket to fetch some water.

Ever since I moved in here, I worked like a common slave. The senior maid specially took it upon herself to torture me and make life a living hell for me. What Daciana said about me being turned into a slave turned true after all.

I was halfway into the second chore I had taken in when a maid ran into the room where I was that my attention was needed by the Lycan King.

My heartbeat increased. I hurriedly ran to the bathroom and cleaned up myself to look a bit presentable and walked to his chamber.

My whole body shook as I didn't know what to expect.