
Lycan's deformed mate.

DaoistwrcXhI · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Enemy Invasion

After everything, it was finally agreed that I wasn't fit to be with them anymore and declared he had disowned me. He wasn't my father anymore.

At night, I was driven out of the house. I managed to sneak a few belongings along with me. He didn't care what was going to happen to me. They had probably hoped I would be killed by wild animals.

I began living a worthless life.

I lived and begged on the street to survive.

Everyone started tagging me a curse and bad luck everywhere I went. Life was very hard and difficult for me.

I worked as a slave to different people, worked on farmlands despite my disabled state.

A family member out of pity decided to take me in and care for me since I was still very young but after a few months, she was captured in her farm and killed by an enemy pack too in a very mysterious way.

By then, I was just fourteen years of age.

After a while, a distant uncle from my mother's side requested for me to move in with him. He went out one day and never came back home again. Till today, I couldn't explain or understand how it happened.

This immediately alerted the Alpha, my father who ordered for me to be banished to the most feared pack, the Black Alder pack. It was reserved for orphans, deformed persons or condemned criminals. All sorts of evil and wild animals abound there. I had no one to fight for me. That was my fate.

He never blinked an eye serving me that bad judgement. He had done his worst.

Since then, I had been working from hand to mouth, doing several hazardous jobs to feed myself. It wasn't my fault the way my life turned out but I couldn't explain it myself.

I looked around, everywhere was deserted.

Suddenly, something hit me.

I had a job to perform for the Luna, my former stepmom today. We were divided into five different groups and every week each group would go to the Alpha's pack where she lived to do what was assigned to them.

This week was my group's turn to work and this is something I dreaded so much. I was always assigned the toughest and worst portion of work. I couldn't fight for myself, I just had no other choice than to accept it.

Worst of all, my step siblings always specially awaited my arrival every time I arrived at work to mock me.

I wasn't sure today was going to be any better.

Slowly, I struggled to stand up on my feet to be on my way to the pack.

The growling of my belly reminded me that I hadn't eaten something tangible for a while. I had been living on wild nuts and water for a long time now.

Which energy would I use in the task ahead? I once again wished my mother hadn't died or I had died along with her. I wouldn't have been suffering this way.

" The bitch is here ". Then laughter sounds.

I already knew who it was. I tried to focus on my work so I could finish up early and leave.

It was my stepsisters.

" She's a demon too, she killed her mother ". Daciana said again trying to get on my nerves, followed by her usual mocking laughter.

This word again.

The mention of my mother's death always broke me down no matter how far back it had happened.

Perhaps I truly killed her. Maybe I was truly evil.

The voices again. That haunted me as my mother's killer.

Suddenly, something came to mind.

What if I started attending a school? I had never attended one before. I didn't have the money to, but I could work harder and save more money right? The reality of me being educated a bit brightened up my mood.

Could I cope? I would try.

I arrived home from today's work feeling a bit happier than ever. Yes, I had finally made up my mind I was going to do something profitable with my life and start school.

It was a very difficult decision of course.

It was morning already. A week has passed since I thought of starting school.

Everyone's running in different directions. What is going on?

It seemed like there was an enemy invasion. Nobody seemed ready to give me any explanation as they all keep running for their dear lives.

" Sassaba, what's going on?" I yelled at the top of my voice trying to get the attention of a fellow wolf.

" There is an attack on the pack, run for your dear life". she shouted back in reply.

Panic suddenly hit me.

I had been hearing of this since I was younger but I had never got to witness any. This was my first time.

Gunshots. Bullets.

I struggled to find a cover to hide. My weak spine wasn't helping matters.

A bullet flew past my ear. Whew.

My mind was running fast and helplessly now.

Perhaps I was going to join my dead mother today. Not a bad idea. At least I would be free from unnecessary suffering.

But again, I don't wish to die in this cruel manner.

I was now hiding under a fallen tree. I hope I wasn't not seen or found out.

I watched as a bullet hit someone's back, loud screams from the person then he/she dropped dead.

I brought out my head to have a peep at who was affected. It is Sassaba.

I held myself from screaming out in agony. By now, I was now very convinced I was going to be killed too.

Everywhere's filled with dead bodies now.

I closed my eyes tightly shut.

I wished I had the power to save everyone.

I heard footsteps around me. They were getting closer. I tried to hold my breath in.

"I smelt someone else around here " I heard one of the voices approaching me mumble.

`` I do too, let's check around that fallen tree". someone else replied.

I suddenly felt a cold rough hand on my shoulders.

" Got her". a voice yelled happily.

I had been caught. It was over for me.

I was forcefully dragged out of the place where I hid and in the process sustained more injuries.

I try to stifle the tears that were threatening to run down my face. I look up to see my captors. They were in a very large number and had scary faces like monsters.

" Do you think you could hide, huh? " a harsh voice says mockingly.

" Stand up straight"

Of course I couldn't. My broken spine was a hindrance.

" She's trying to prove stubborn, don't worry we can handle that".

A hard slap landed on my cheek. Then another. Followed by rains of blows from different sides.

I dropped to the floor, the side of my mouth was bleeding.

" Now, are you ready to obey us" a tough voice shouted close to my ear.

I winced

" Y-y-yes"I stammered.

More blood streamed out from the side of my mouth.

" Good girl" a voice filled with sarcasm responded.

I tried my best to stand up in the best and straightest way I can.

" Seems like she's deformed". Someone finally observed.

" Oh well, yes. Not bad, she got a beautiful body too ".

My body cringed at that. I wonder whatever that meant. Didn't sound like a good compliment.

I wondered why they hadn't killed me since. This discussion prolonged my anxiety the more.

" Please don't kill me, I am not a bad person". I begged, tears of pain streaming down my face.

Silence reigned.

My heart began thumping very hard. Were they thinking about it?

" We have wasted enough time talking to you. It seems you are the only one left alive. We are ready to spare your life on one condition. Are you ready to cooperate with us? "

" Y-y-yes, I am very ready". I stammered again fearfully.

" Good girl, now undress". A harsh voice commanded.

My heart skipped a bit. What do they mean?

" I don't understand". I breathed out slowly.

I silently hoped it wasn't what I was thinking.

" Undress yourself now. You are testing our patience girl."

" But I can't do that please".

" Then get ready to die".

" Please have mercy on me. I didn't do anything wrong. I am just a poor orphan and ..."

Suddenly, a hand dragged me down forcefully and pinned me to the ground.

Another rough hand proceeded to blindfold me and within seconds my clothes were torn away.

I struggled and let out a blood curdling scream. I wished my dead mother could appear and save me now. What strength could a weak girl like I have over a thousand looking monsters...

Within seconds I was overpowered. They blindfolded and tied me up to reduce my struggle.

They allowed the first person who seemed like their leader to have his way first.

Then they take their turns in having their way with me.