
Lustbound Monsters

Mike whose life can't be more normal suddenly found himself staring at the most beautiful women he has seen in life Naked in his tub, no.. no no she is nymph Join on this epic fantasy novel and our hero's journey where our hero conquered the every men dream, THE MONSTER GIRLS _______&_____ WARNING : This novel has mature content, harem and perversy so make sure read on your risk. Note: if you like the novel then please give 5 star rating, and support me with power stone

kaneki_kazhai · Fantasie
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28 Chs

What about us

Naia snapped her fingers, and the stone monolith shook, blasting dirt and mud free. Water rolled down its sides, filling the middle basin with fresh spring water. The remaining dirt and mud was caught in tiny tide pools, which spun them into a surface froth that was unceremoniously dumped over the side onto the concrete slab beneath the fountain.

"Oh, it's like having the feeling come back to your legs after they fall asleep. Thank you so much Mike!" Naia turned to blow Mike a kiss, but froze when she saw Tink standing behind him. "Tink? Is that you?"

"Naia!" Tink scrambled onto the rim of the fountain, standing eye to breast with Naia. Naia gave the goblin a tight hug.

"You know Tink?" Mike asked.

"Of course I do. She is in charge of keeping the house in working order. Goblins are typically quite dumb, but Tink is somehow brighter than most humans, though she may not sound like it." Naia gave Tink an affectionate pat on the head. "I remember that she was one of the last monsters collected, still just a child when she came here. She stayed mostly in the garage, though. Her people have a weird thing about housing."

"Yeah. I ran into that. Apparently she's officially my goblin wife." Mike winced inwardly, waiting for the emotional fallout.

"Tink, is this true?" Naia asked, kneeling down in the water so the two were face to face.

"We fight," Tink declared. "Mike win goblin wife."

"I'm so happy for you!" Naia and Tink embraced again, causing Mike to shake his head. He was having one hell of a weird day.

"This doesn't bother you?" Mike asked.

"Of course not, silly. I have a part of your soul, remember? You don't realize this, but in a way, this is the nicest thing you could do for her." Naia patted Tink's head affectionately. "Her kind doesn't care for goblins like her. She's very smart, which is bad enough if you're a goblin female, but she is also very ugly for her kind."

"Ugly?" Mike didn't think so, though his definition of beauty was currently in a rapid tailspin.

Naia nodded. "Goblins are a weird bunch. Trust me, you would have had no reason to make a wife of any normal goblin." Naia's nose crinkled. "Tink, you stink."

"Tink hungry too," the goblin announced, holding her stomach. "Just finish big sleep."

"What's the big sleep?" Mike asked.

"Between owners, the house has a way of hiding its denizens. I stay conscious the whole time, but the fear was that if a long enough period of time passed, some of the monsters would lose their shit and wander out into the world, lonely and looking for company. So they sleep, but I'm guessing that they are starting to wake up now that you are here." Naia flipped her wet hair out of the way. "Tink, can I talk to Mike for a minute?"

Tink nodded. "I put away tools." She quickly gathered the cleaning supplies and vanished into the garage.

"You fucked her, didn't you?" Naia asked. Mike gulped. This was the fallout he was expecting.

"If I didn't, she thought she had to leave. I couldn't do that to her." Mike explained.

"It was more than that," Naia grinned, stroking Mike's chin. "You fucked her, and you liked it." Her hand found his cock through his shorts.

"Unexpectedly, yes. I did. It was weird, but kind of hot."

"Goblin's have weird ways of looking at marriage. As it is, you could order her to march into a fire, and she would do it because you are her husband. I'm telling you this so that you know how you should be treating her, despite her willingness to please you. Prove to me that you can handle this by treating her well, because it would break my heart to discover that you can't."

"What about us?" Mike asked.

*Hey all! Kaneki here with this new chapter for you. As long as you keep showing me love in the comments and ratings, I will keep adding to the story.*