
The Crown Prince Wounded

"We'll get through this," he whispered into her hair. "Together."

Madison nodded, but her eyes were fixed on the dead werewolf. His final words echoed in her mind. Every drop of blood, every life taken. The Master grew stronger.

And as she sat there in Wald's arms, amid the aftermath of the battle, she couldn't help but wonder: How many more battles could they endure before the Master finally came?

A howl echoed through the great hall, not the feral cries of the mutant werewolves, but a call to arms. The Alphas had returned, their fur matted with blood and gore. They shifted back to human form, their faces grim.

"My prince," the old Alpha with the scar said, bowing his head. "We've cleared the castle. But the losses..." He trailed off, his eyes haunted.