
Lust in the woods

Abandoned from her parents she try to escape from every day's routine.. As she was walking in the forest.. An unpredictable situation make her meet her true self.. And her brother

maria_xan · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Mark Mate -9-

We take our breakfast.. Natalie come last but not least.. Sitting across Jackson.. She was wearing an exposed t-shirt..

Oh my godess... Bitch!!! What the f.. !!!! She was squish her breastes.. To make jackson's eyes fall on her...

I just wear a outshoulder shirt.. Enough to show my mate tatoo!!!

I put my hair to the other side to shut her mouth..

It doesn't take time to see the mark on me.. And on his jackson's neck..

Our pretty snowflake..

I am pretty sure she's boiling in her juice..

Ariel saw her and clear her throat...

"sooo... How guys met?"

Jackson : nikita found her in the forest while the process of perchance.. A young wolf is dangerous for the area.. Also a very powerful member for a pack.. Young wolfs have many powers.. So.. We took her in the pack and welcome her as a new member..

Holy: and... How you found that she is your luna? You feel it? The... Electricity?

Jackson : i felt it for the first time i saw her.. Deep in my core.

He touch my hand under the table and look into my eyes...

At that time Natalie sneered and stayed silent..

I stood up and walk upsters, followed by nikita..

I am so upset right now!!!! Ughhhhh

Nikita comes and sits near me for comfort my angrier figure..

-come one sweet pie.. Relax.. Nobody gonna steal your mate.. Moon godess make this bond..

-she is doing everything possible to make jackson's eyes fall on her!!! Exposed clothes.. Sweet silly voice.. Sexy movements... Why?

Nikita exhale ready to spit it out the story..

- Not many years ago.. Natalie lost her family.. Like you.. Another family took her and raised her.. As they're own child.. Jackson's and Ariel's parents were good people.. Natalie was afraid.. Jackson was always there to protected her from anothers.. And then they fall in love.. But when the time comes.. She cheated on him.. Jackson's heart broke.. Moon godess didn't bond them because it wasn't written be together.. They broke up.. Jackson promised to find his real mate.. Then and only then he could fall in love again.. But she always try to get him back... Like he was her property.. Be careful my sweety because she's crafty and vindictive...

It would be a lie if i said i wasn't jealous.. I thought i was his first love.. But.. At same time i feel sorry for him..

Tears start forming in my eyes.. Nikita

Noticed and take me a big hug

N- don't cry sweet pie.. You are his one and only.. Just look at him in the eyes..