
Lust in the woods

Abandoned from her parents she try to escape from every day's routine.. As she was walking in the forest.. An unpredictable situation make her meet her true self.. And her brother

maria_xan · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Baby Steps -7-

I open my eyes... The sound of the rain wake me up... Or voices?

Walking to my bathroom.. To do my routine... As i finished.. I dress up as always in comfortable clothes.. And go to the kichen... My boys probably their gonna wake up in any time and they must be hungry..

Is a little bit exposed?


It's perfect!!!

Started to make  pancakes.. Jackson's favorite.. With forest red fruits..

And as always.. For the boys..


The time i finished the dishes.. The boys walked in the kitchen discussing something for the area..

Nikita: good morning sweet pie..

He gave me a sweet smile and a hug..

Drey: morning sugar...

Scott:good morning little one.. How's your sleep?

- Good morning to you boys.. Good. Thanks for asking

Jackson come and kiss my temple.

" good morning love" he said..

I blushed with his actions.. In front the boys..

Nikita: errmmm love?? Did we lose something important here??

Nikita look at me with a huge smile in his face..

Jackson smiled shyly.. And me the same..

Nikita come near me and hug me!!!

" oh for the moon godess shake.. Our little one finaly choose her mate!!!!! I am so happy for you sweet pie.."

-Nikita honey.. Are you planning to kill me? Haha your grip is so strong.. Ahaha.. But thanks..

I kiss his cheek..

Drey: i think karl has to say something..

Karl was so silent all that time..

" ehhmmm... I want to say sorry Mia.. For yesterday's accident.. I was out of control.. I'm so sorry.."

I went near him and hug him.. My actions surprised him.. But he hug me back..

-i have already forgive you.. How can i be mad at you? We are family!

Scott : Jackson.. I reserved an email yesterday..

Jackson : what about?

Scott : your sister and her pack is about to visit us in two days..

Jackson : what??? Why? I mean...

-you have a sister? Oh i want to meet her!

Jackson : sure love..

Jackson look with worried..

" boys twins in the office.. Love maybe you want to go for shopping with Nikita?

My eyes sparkle!!!

-can i???

Jackson : anything you want love..

Walked to his office.. With the twins..

Nikita grab my hand..

" lets go!!! "

Jackson entered his office..

"why are they gonna come now?

Why??!!! Yghhh... My sister is really pain in the ass!!!"

Karl: actually your sister is not your real problem.. But Natalie.. Your ex girlfriend.. / not real mate..

Drey: she's capable for everything.. You know that! We must keep Mia away from her..

Karl: Drey is right! Mia is our Luna.. The" mother" of that family! When you mark her.. But until the time comes.. Shes in the air

Jackson : I'm gonna kill my sister! O my Godess... You boys  will keep Natalie away from Mia.. Just keep her

Busy.. I dont know!! Flert with her.. I dont fucking care... Just dont let her be near out Luna..

Karl/Drey: yes alpha!

Time passes.. To dinner...

I was in the kitchen.. Cooking dinner while the boys held me..

Jackson come and hug me from the back.. And whisper in my ear..

"i've miss you all day.." then bite my earlobe...

That action.. Really send me shivers on my spine...

Drey: Jesus guys.. Get a room.. Hahah..

-when your sister comes?

J: in two days princess.. Oh i forgot to tell you.. From tonight your moving in my bedroom... We are mates after all..

I blushed..

-ermmm ok...

J: don't be afraid.. The room is quite big and has more beautiful view.. You are gonna love it.. Our room my princess..

He kiss my temple..

He is so cute... I never thought.. That an alpha can be so soft..