
The Enquiry

Chapter 2

The Enquiry

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" Did you really fire him?" Crystal asks her husband while knotting his ironed tie.

" No I did not. He met me with the sole purpose of resigning and I let him go". Her husband mention and bites his lower lip.

" Seriously?" Crystal asks her husband in a gently mocking voice.

" Yes" he repeats, raising his eye brows, portraying an utter innocent look.

" And what was his reason for resigning from the renowned multi millionaire's home job?"

" He claims he's getting old and he needs to rest"

" Really. He's just thirty two years old!!" Crystal exclaims, letting out a broken laugh.

" I know that" her husband growls, his cheeks flushing red.

Crystal scoff in wardly, no worker who has the privilege to work in this house will gladly retire because Working for Marco Giovanni is a reputation on its own. She didn't press further. She has no say on the issue anyways. She knows pretty well why her husband had fired the poor man. He had seen her laughing together with him the previous day and as usual felt insecure. Crystal feels a tightening around her chest. She's the cause. Marco had fired the man because of her. Maybe if she hadn't engage in a conversation with him, her husband wouldn't have acted that way. No doubt!! Crystal feels bad. It was just a very innocent conversation about children.

" Darling are you okay.?" Her husband.

" Yes. I am" Crystal responds nervously.

Her husband held her slightly on the shoulders

" You don't look alright. Are you worried about something?"

" Why did you fire him. Was it because you saw us together!!" She wanted to inquire from him but the only words that came out of her mouth was a " No". She's afraid if she asks too much question about the gardener, he'd start to develop silly thoughts in his head.

" Are you sure?" Marco pressed.

" Of course" Crystal breathed.

Her husband hugs her, rocking her to the side in the process.

" You'll rumple your shirt if you continue this" she caution him

" I feel bad Crystal..."

" For what?" Crystal says against his shirt

" I just feel bad for not being able to discharge my duties well"

Crystal snickered....

" Seriously... Are you really going to be apologizing about this all the time!?" She says, withdraws herself from his hug and plants a kiss on his forehead.

Her husband smiles at her.

" I promise to continue making it up to you"

Crystal shakes her head.

" You are doing enough already. Taking care of my parents and me is something I'll always appreciate"

" I love you" he stated.

" I love you too"

Marco checks his watch. He'll be having a meeting in an hour's time and the location is about thirty five minutes drive from here.

" I'll be on my way now" he inform his wife.

She grabs his bag from the chair and hands it over to him.

" Thank you" he pronounce, collects his bag from his wife and proceed out of the room.

Crystal watches her husband as he steps out of the room. She waited till she's sure her husband departed the house already then sprang into action.

She opens one of the drawers attached to the wardrobe, rummages through it, searching desperately for something. She finally found the book and a triumphant smile crossed her lips. Her husband keeps the contacts of all his workers in the book. She flip the pages till she found a particular contact.

Crystal reaches for her phone and dial the number.

" Good morning ma'am" a masculine voice beams from the other end.

" Mr Roberto. How is your morning?"

" Fine Mrs Giovanni. How may I help you?"

" Did my husband fire you yesterday?" Crystal asks the gardener.

" No ma'am. I resigned"... He discloses

Crystal raises her brows, puzzled at what exactly is happening.." What?" She had been talking to him yesterday and he didn't sound like he's leaving the work anytime soon.

" I got tired and resigned" he said again, a sad edge to his voice.

Crystal didn't press any further. His voice tells it all already. Marco must have told him not to inform her that he was fired.

" Ok. Have a nice day ahead then"

Crystal heaves a sigh after ending the call. Is her husband still very insecure about her after all the love and affection she is showing him. His jealousy or insecurities is getting hard to tolerate. This isn't the first time he's doing this. Whenever he catches sight of she and any male worker, he does nothing than to sack them which is very frustrating.

Crystal phone rang noisily, disrupting her thoughts. Confirming the caller ID, she answers immediately.

" Mum!!"

" Crystal.. how have you been?"

" I've been good mum. I haven't heard from you in a long while. Are you okay?"

" Yes. I am. Your niece, Ren, out of anger threw my phone out the car window on our way to the grocery store some days ago. I had to get a new one"

" Oh. How's he and Anna?"

" Anna is still heartbroken. She isn't showing any signs of recovery at all. She wouldn't eat or talk to anybody." her mum reveals. It's really breaking me apart to see my daughter in that state especially when there's nothing I can do to help her." Crystal's mum added.

Crystal sniffled. She understand her sister's pain. It's comprehensible that she hasn't gotten over it yet. Her husband had died in a fatal accident Months ago while going home to meet his family after a long trip. Anna feels even more guilty because she kept pressuring him to come home on that particular day. Maybe if she had not done that, he could still be alive

" Please keep a close eye on her mum. I'm afraid she'll do something stupid if not"

" Of course Crystal. You should trust me"

Crystal finally ends the call following the lengthy conversation she had with her mum.

A knock came on the bedroom door.

" Breakfast Madam" a maid announce

" Come in"

Crystal crosses one leg against the other. Her stomach rumbles in hunger as the aroma of the meal hit her nose. The chefs did well by cooking one of her best meals; Shredded beef sauce and some rich pasta. The maid left before Crystal dig into The meal. Feasting on it like she hasn't eaten for days.

Her phone buzz again, indicating a text from someone. She reached for it and noticed it's her husband.

" Honey. I've gotten to the location. Wish me luck. I'll see you in the evening. Kiss kiss" the message read.

Crystal wriggle her brows. Marco has never sent her a text like this before. He leaves home to work and until he comes back she never gets the chance to talk to him. Even on phone. She threw her phones across the bed and continues the meal.

" This tastes so good" she mumble